Zebranky food

Posts: 3

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
In about 1995, when I couldn't get Star Control II to work on my 486 with brand new Windows 95 on it, I lent the disks, box, manual and starmap to my buddy so he could get in on the gaming goodness that was the Ur-Quan Masters. Guess what? THE *#&^$#@ never gave me back my game! That's right! I had a *MINT* game box from the PC version, a slightly tattered starmap, a very tattered manual, and the 4 original 1.44Mb floppies, and he TOOK THEM AND NEVER GAVE THEM BACK!
Thankfully, I made backup copies of the disks way back in 1992, and (amazingly) they still work. Pretty good going for el-cheapo Future Shop brand floppy disks. I copied the game onto a CD-R. *phew*.
That's my story. I know. Shut up.
I still miss the cool box though. I bet some people would *love* a mint box from the original PC version.
Zebranky food

Posts: 3

The spice is vital to space travel.
I've had the box (and all contents) since it came out. Everything is still mint. Although, I did lose the starmap for about 5 years (lol) until one day I rediscovered it stuffed amongst miscellaneous papers. The moral of the story... Well, there isn't one... However, you should go and issue beats to the friend who yoinked your copy. ;)
Zebranky food

Posts: 13
Eluder Captain
I've got the Starcon Collection that has 1&2 in it.. Box, manual and a CD with many lame Accolade demos which do not deserve a place on my beautiful Starcon CD. Unfortunatly I lost my starmap while showing a friend the game many many years ago. I imagine it is stashed away somewhere in the depths of his messy room.. which does me no good since I live on the otherside of the country now.
Amen for the maps on the pages of now and forever.
Zebranky food

Posts: 7

ebay is a SC fan's salvation. I found a good condition SC 1+2 combo with everything a while ago for cheap. (got my dad addicted to ebay too, go me)
Zebranky food

Posts: 7

It's a hobby.