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Topic: Woo! (Read 4243 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 37

IOU One Witty Comment
« on: December 21, 2002, 12:02:07 pm » |
Woo, I just found something in my Pile of Obsolete CD's: a sci-fi 2 CD bundle pack! And, of course, it includes SC1 and SC2 on the disc. Way back from 1996 (I think, that's when the copyright is). I THOUGHT I remembered playing them. I remember having no luck with getting out of combat (I only played the hyper-melee) and had to alt-F4 out of the game every time. I guess that's why I don't remember. I found this because I remembered an old game, Iron Helix, which occupies the whole second CD (a whopping 16 MB) which I could never get past halfway through the second level of. Bah! Well, if you want a laugh, from STARCON1.WRI (good ol' ancient readme file formats):
The Star Control Saga Continues! Coming Fall '95, Accolade will release STAR CONTROL III for multiple platforms. Based on the Star Control environment created by Paul Reiche III and Fred Ford, STAR CONTROL III will be developed by Legend Entertainment, creators of Gateway, The Companions of Xanth and the Spellcasting series. Like its predecessors, STAR CONTROL III will combine both action and adventure. The places the player "on the bridge" of a ship where they can talk face-to-face with organic aliens, and have intense conversations. STAR CONTROL III will also feature a blindly fast space combat game.
A spleen is a terrible thing to waste.
Zebranky food

Posts: 37

IOU One Witty Comment
Re: Woo!
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2002, 02:29:22 pm » |
Actually, it's a different one. It comes with Iron Helix, Millenia, Spaceward Ho!, Star Crusader, and SC1 and 2. Unfortunately, out of all of those, only SC1 (and maybe Iron Helix, I dunno) works. All of them give me some kind of error, except for SC2, which simply has funky colors and screwed up graphics (captain has been doing too many drugs...) and Spaceward Ho!, which requires a password which is "conveniently" not included on the CD (it's in the package). Oh well, SC1 is still worth it.
Speaking of SC1, I was fighting a VUX in it, and the captain's name? ORZ! Good ol' name reuse! Oh, and one of the things on the decoder wheel has "Zot-Fot-Piq" on it. Of course, I don't have the decoder wheel, so I just have to reboot the game until it doesn't show up, or continually guess the only answer I remember, "GREET." Hey, it'll EVENTUALLY be right....
« Last Edit: December 26, 2002, 02:30:43 pm by Garthor »
A spleen is a terrible thing to waste.
Zebranky food

Posts: 0

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Re: Woo!
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2002, 07:32:45 pm » |
If you get funky colors, you should run it with the /G:BIOS switch (ie. at the commandline, instead of running sc2, run sc2 /G:BIOS).
*Smell* controller
Posts: 304

A paranoid android.
Re: Woo!
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2002, 08:12:18 am » |
Yeah, the good ol' decoder wheel has a couple of em like Slylandro and Pkunk.
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