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Topic: Kohr-ah attack (Read 9037 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 126

The nuts Androsynth
Has anyone actually tried to get the bomb after the Kohr-Ah wipe out the Utwig? I've never tried this, but I could imagine someone pulling it off successfully, if they have everything else lined up already, have full speed/turn on their Precursor ship, the Portal Spawner, and are waiting near the bomb for the Kohr-Ah to kill the Utwig. The only question is will you have enough time, especially with the 2 weeks while the Chmmr work on your flagship, and transport you back to Earth. Your flight times won't be that long, with full speed and the Portal Spawner, but I don't know if you have quite enough time.
Because I took so long to learn how to play the game, I had to beat the game after the Kohr-Ah had wiped out the Utwig. So I just found the bomb on that moon and took it to the Chmmr and made a bee line for the Sa-Matra.
Ok so didn’t know where the Sa-Matra was my first time through and I had to look for it, and got the defeated message several times before I remembered that the Pkunk had told me about a cup constellation so I pulled out my encyclopedia and found the name of the constellation, and then found it on the map.
After a very long time I finally defeated the Sa-Matra and the game ended. There was much rejoicing.
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
quote - Holocat ""The only tech we know that can even cause a star to cough was that Precursor bomb. That the device is precursor and unreplicable by the chmmr would imply that the even the mighty Ur-Quan do not have planet or sun busting technology; They were caught off-guard when the Shofixti did what they did, after all. They can probably make a planet uninhabitable, but not reduce it to chunks a la a Death Star. I recall Burvexese still having life when you get there, just no intelligent life.""
That "might" be true, except for the fact that the Ur-Quan are much more technologically advanced than the shofixti, who were completely feral before the yehat managed to civilize them, and they managed to make a star go nova, so the ur-quan should have no problem doing it.
Frungy champion
Posts: 84
The shofixiti destroyed their system with a precursor bomb, not with their own technology. Though it does follow that an Ur-Quan can detonate the same precursor device as a shofixiti, it does not follow that they can replicate such technology, or have any similar technology.
Just because a race has a greater level of technology does not imply certain capablities. Having mastered kinetic theory does not mean you know how to build a 120mm smoothbore cannon. I'm not saying that its impossible, only that one does not imply the other.
To be succinct, we know that the Ur-Quan are technically advanced. This does not imply that they have planet busting technology.
However, there is some evidence that the do not posses this technology, so long as you accept assumptions that the destruction of the Burviexe and Taalo* homeworlds as being the extent of their ablity (that they did not 'finish' the job due to circumstances).
-On the Burviexe planet we can still find (and shoot) lifeforms on the surface, as well as find ruins that are still recognizable as cities. If this is the extent of their firepower they have the ablity to destroy a civilization, but not completely annilate a planet. Of course, the doctrinal war started which might be reason to suggest that this is unfinished.
-The Taalo moon contains nothing other than the device. This might mean that the world was scoured, but then again it's been a very, very long time since they were attacked. The Taalo were remarked more than once to have a very abnormal structure however, so it could be again counterargued that ruins exist, they just aren't recognizable. Regardless, the moon still exists as a single unit, and so does its star. The Ur-Quan at this point had plenty of time and were controlled by the Dynarri, which puts any kind of 'holding back' a little arguable.
*We of course know that the Taalo went to pretty space, not died. Unless prettyspace is death.
Note that even the Bomb didn't have the power to completely destroy a planet, or so it is implied when it is conjectured that the bomb is to pulverize unwanted moons. If it also pulverized the planet, it wouldn't be useful to disperse the unwanted moons. Then again, if the lethal blast radius is at least 22 AU, as the science report states...
The Kzer-Za, given that they are into the slaving, not death dealie seem unlikely to pursue this technology. The Kor-Ah would appear more willing, but again poses the question of the Burvexese.
On an unrelated note, when Hayes states that the Kzer-Za vaporized a section of the ocean floor in the mid atlantic to destroy all structures over five hundred years old, this in turn implies that atlantis existed. Cute. :3
So, in conclusion, I would have to say that in between Star Trek, Star Wars, Serenity, and Star Control, Star Control takes itself the least serious. This implies that any deep thinking into the mechanics of cultures or technologies is probably going to be endless. This aside, my opinion is that the Ur-Quan do not have planet busting technology.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2006, 02:35:18 pm by Holocat »
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