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Topic: installer failing (Read 1580 times)
SC Fan
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
I downloaded
uqm-0.5.0-installer.exe uqm-0.5.0-content.uqm uqm-0.5.0-voice.uqm uqm-0.5.0-3domusic.uqm
from the website. Put them all in the same folder, Double clicked on the installer. A dos window blinks on the screen and disappears. Nothing happens. I have Norton on, I have an internet connection, I have firefox as my default browser, and I am running windows XP.
What am I doing wrong?
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
Sounds like the installer download failed somehow. It should be 1082062 bytes long; if it's much smaller, you have saved something else with the installer's name. Try downloading again; note that SourceForge download links do not point directly to the files; they point to a mirror selection page and choosing "Save link as..." for such a link will result in a HTML file with the same name as the file you intended to download (which, obviously, won't work).
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