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Topic: The Price of Slavery (Druuge and Consequences) (Read 6239 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 6
I've yet to encounter this myself, but I was wondering... What's the worst thing that can happen if you do hand over 100 crew to the Druuge for the Rosy Sphere? Does anyone else in the game react to this?
I forget the precise numbers, but if you sell enough crew to the Druuge your crew price will raise substantially at the Earth station.
Frungy champion
Posts: 84
The starbase commander will also have some choice words with you; The more crew you sell the more rumours of you slave trading goes to him. Crew RU cost is the only real penalty, but roleplay wise Hayes gets more than mad if you do it enough.
Frungy champion
Posts: 74
Copied from another thread:
"When you've sold crew to the Druuge, but no more than 100, there's no change in the crew cost. The commander talks about "rumors"." "When you've sold more than 100 crew in total to the Druuge, but no more than 250, the crew cost goes up by 7. The commander talks about "evidence"." "When you've sold more than 250 crew in total to the Druuge, the crew cost goes up by 15. This is in addition to the cost increase when you crossed the 100 crew boundary. The commander talks about you being a "heinous slave-trader"."
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Copied from another thread:
"When you've sold crew to the Druuge, but no more than 100, there's no change in the crew cost. The commander talks about "rumors"." "When you've sold more than 100 crew in total to the Druuge, but no more than 250, the crew cost goes up by 7. The commander talks about "evidence"." "When you've sold more than 250 crew in total to the Druuge, the crew cost goes up by 15. This is in addition to the cost increase when you crossed the 100 crew boundary. The commander talks about you being a "heinous slave-trader"."
Yeah, you get chewed out pretty badly by the captain the first time, and the second time is presumably far worse. He can't actually do anything though, as you're pretty much in charge of operations, and the only hope for mankind. The higher cost reflects that people are less willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, if that means coldly being sold to the Druuge.
What's up doc?
Frungy champion
Posts: 84
Yeah, the one time I traded crew and got 'rumours' it scared the hell out of me. I was 11 at the time.
Then I learned to cheat them with the fueling ship trick and used that and egg cases from that day on.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 272
Heh just farm the Pkunk No skin off my bones.
Posts: 1044

"Commander, the new slave isn't burning."
"What? Oh come on, just jab him with the poker a few times, we need more organic propellant for the main gun!"
"Um, it actually seems to be enjoying itself quite a lot in there, sir. It appears to have gotten a sauna towel, and it's just kind of... leaning back and relaxing."
"Are you...? Let me see this! Oh contractually-obligated-god, I thought you were joking and was ready to fire you! Wha... Wait, what is it doing now?"
"Er... It appears to be reproducing, sir."
"Erm, do you think company HQ might want to know about this?"
"Don't they already, sir? I mean, the live video feed is still active right behind you."
*Airlocks pop as a message comes through over the fax machine: "YOU'RE FIRED!"*
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