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Topic: Anybody here roll with Battlefield 2? (Read 5628 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 10

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Its rather boring unless you play with full graphics, 64 players, and a good team. But when you do, its a blast...
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
I would have to get a chance to play with those jets and choppers, the demo didn't have them, and I've heard they're a big part of the game (super weapons, they've even been called by some.)
I am waiting for BF2142, though.
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Well Vic with my first day back from ban I would like to say, Yes I do play BF2. I do run with Full graphics with no problem. The thing that bothers me about BF2 is all the vehicles are the same except the jets. EVERYTHING is the same except for name and camo. EA is basically saying that the M.E.C (Middle Eastern Coalition) could take the United States and Europe with weapons and vehicles dating back to the 70's/80's. Also Jets rule the game with an iron fist. AA Defence is a joke. The missile with a direct lock follows the plane for 2 seconds, then discontinues following. The most imbalanced jet in the game is the Chineses J-10 Fighter. When you fire a missile locked on to the J-10, it won't even trail it for a second. The other thing is that claymores and landmines cannot be destroyed unless the explode from enemy contact. They have a 100% casualty rate. You find them everywhere, on the top of ladders and around corners. Im not saying that EA should make it that the Europeans and the Americans are gods of the game, but they should really stop making everything genome and fair for each side (excluding the J-10)
Oh and for those who want to know, I was going to photoshop my signiture in the morning because I was tired. Yes Yes, I could have removed it before I decided to sleep but I didn't, which I think was deserving of punishment because that wasn't the brightest move. Whats done is done.
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Posts: 208

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In that game you can screw up rather quickly when flying the jets. Everything is alot harder to fly then battlefield vietnam. Im sure you can agree about that Necro, providing you have played BFV.
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Posts: 208

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Anybody can fly the chinese's j10 fighter. The best (and most unbalanced) fighter in the game. It takes way more skill to fly the U.S and M.E.C fighters. Any idiot with 3 hours game experience with a jet can fly the J10 like a god, but put him in U.S or M.E.C fighter and he won't be half as good.
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Ive always found jets to be useless against ground. The best jets can do is line themselves up for the target and drop the bomb 500 feet from their target. Its a gamble. Fifty percent of the time I don't get jack. I use jets for dogfights and protecting Black Hawks and Ah-Z Cobra Attack copters from getting frequently raped by J-10s in Wake Island map. Its fun to try to stalk J-10s in the F15, which is disgustingly underpowered compared to the J-10. The stratagy I use for jets is take out all flying jets first. Then stalk the airfield. Its so easy to get kills stalk enemy airfields. There are always 5 people trying to get the same jet. 1 bomb kills many. I do agree though that they need to make AA Guns and Vehicles better. Also the tracking system needs to be improved upon. I also wish shoulder fired stingers could be added. But if they improve AA, I don't want Jets to be deathtraps. Thats why I would want flares to be 80% effective at diverting missiles away. This would make sure that helicopters and jets wouldn't be flying metal coffins.
How about that?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

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Try reinstalling
To redownload the booster pack go to
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\EA Downloader\cache\YOUR ACCOUNT
The booster packs and the 1.3 should be in their folders there
Hope this helps
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