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Topic: Other great old games (Read 35255 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
Replaying SC2 has got me thinking about all the other great old games that simply don't work on new computers. I'm kinda interested to see what other SC2 fans played back in the day. What are some other great games you guys used to love playing?
Some of my old favs --
X-Com - The first three X-Com games, UFO Defense, Terror from the Deep, and Apocalypse, were fantastic games. You had to shoot down UFOs, then send troops in to investigate in turn-based tactical combat. You'd start out at a major disadvantage to the aliens, like in X-Com 1 your troops would start with conventional guns while the aliens had plasma weapons, but then through capturing downed UFOs you could research their technology and use it against them.
Quest for Glory - A series of point and click adventures games similar to King's Quest or Monkey Island. The only difference was that you could pick a class at the start of the game, fighter, thief, or magic-user, and the solutions to the games puzzles would be different depending on your class. There was also combat, and your fighting skills, magic abilities, thieving skills, etc. would get better through using them. One of the coolest parts was the ability to import your character from one game to the next.
Emperor of the Fading Suns - EoFS is basically Civilization on multiple planets. You control one of five noble houses that are fighting over the galaxy, you start on one planet and have to conquer the rest. You also have to deal with a greedy merchant league, a not-so-nice church complete with inquisitors, and two different races of alien invaders.
Ultima VII - Ultima is one of the better RPG series' out there, but Ultima VII was amazing. You could do a ton of stuff... you could even get a job baking bread if you want. Fantastic game.
So what other great games am I not remembering?
Zebranky food

Posts: 9
Snatcher. This is a cyberpunk adventure game on SEGA CD created by famous Hideo Kojima, a man whose name stands for Metal Gear Solid series. I consider it one of the best games I ever had a chance to play (maybe even the best). BTW, the game is considered abandonware now and can be downloaded legally from the-underdogs:
« Last Edit: December 23, 2002, 12:18:13 am by Svart »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 114

Andale, Andale, arriba !
One of my older ABSOLUTE FAVORITES : Ascendancy.
Subtitled 'Ascendancy : The Game of Galactic Conquest', you got a range of scope that some games today don't offer. You start out on a single planet, and build that up. Once you've built that planet up to have a competent industry sector (which you have to do without making it uninhabitable or neglecting your scientific community) and you have researched to the appropriate level, you can expand outwards to other planets in your solar system and eventually beyond. There can be anywhere from twenty to what looks like hundreds of solar systems per game. You have full control of the contents of your ships, of course, as you research new and exciting improvements. At some point, you will encounter other alien races and must engage in diplomatic relations with them - They may be worshippers of a demon-god or followers of the Path of Peace & Light. You can totally wipe them out of the stars, if they anger you and don't get you first ;-)
But one of the big things that made this interesting to me was that you can win in multiple ways - If you're a warmonger you can just kill everyone else in the galaxy, if you're expansionistic you can take over more than 2/3 of the systems, and if you want to talk a lot ( ), you can ally with everyone to win.
If these visions have offended, thing but this and all is mended : You have but slumbered here while these visions did appear. And this weak and idling theme, no more yielding than a dream.
Frungy champion
Posts: 73

To be idle is to be ideal
I know Scott. It seems that most people do. A text parser allows for a wider range of possibilities which has its advantages and disadvantages over a pure GUI/mouse clickable interface. I guess my biggest trouble with it is that I have never been a very good typist, which I admit is a very lame excuse. I have played through all five Quest for Glory games, taking one character through it all at least twice and I've done this using the remake of QFG1 and then the original. Although there are some fun extra things you can type into the parser version, I found the mouse-clickable version easier to play through, even once I knew all the secrets to finishing the game. From what I understand, QFG2 is supposed to be the favorite of all among fans because of the depth of the story and the many different paths you can take. I found it to be really hard to play and in many ways annoying. I was shocked to find that people preferred it since it was the one I seemed to dread playing the most. With time, I've come to enjoy the game, but I cannot forget the difficulty it always gave me.
Zebranky food

Posts: 1

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Emperor of the Fading Suns really wanted to be Dune, but it wasn't.
Some great classics for me that haven't been mentioned yet are Syndicate, Alone in the Dark, Warcraft, Excelsior Phase One: Lysandia, Star Goose, Battlechess, and Karateka.
Black Monk
Battlechess? Pffft. Archon. And Archon Ultra. You can get Archon Ultra on the underdogs site already listed, I believe. I think you know someone who was involved in that game... just perhaps... check the credits (for both).
There's a fun mod for Quake 3 that takes Archon into 3D.
The coder kinda disappeared before finishing it but it is EXTREMELY playable. Works fine for multiplayer, too.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
I seem to be retarded and can't figure out how to make DOSBox work.
Frungy champion
Posts: 55

Star Control 2  X-Com Ascendancy Dune 2 Civilisation Colonisation X-Wing Eye of the Beholder 2
« Last Edit: December 24, 2002, 10:10:56 am by TD »
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