Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I dunno about you, but I like winning alot more than I like losing. I especially liked winning when I was a whiny 6 year-old.
The savor of victories which come too easily fades.
There's no way I'll let you get away with dissing Soul Blazer, so I'll just assume you've never enjoyed a real action RPG before.
That is a rather radical assumption. Zelda 1, 2, 3, Crystalis, Rygar... I enjoy all of them. I also enjoy Soul Blazer. But it does have serious issues. Mainly, the enemy movements are way too discrete - in way too many situations, a little analysis shows you where you can stand so that you will never ever be hit - and still be able to do damage. The bosses were good, the concepts were good, the model towns were amazing... It IS a good game. But a challenge? Only if you artificially make it one (or only when you get to the bosses).
Zelda 3 came after Soul Blazer, so you can't compare 'em.
You mean, "so you should keep that in mind when comparing them." I have. Zelda is an improvement upon Soul Blazer in many regards. It left out some really nifty things like the revolving magic ball. I'd like to see that in another game.
Frungy champion
Posts: 51

I have powers... Political Powers!
Has anybody ever heard of a game called "Imperial Conquest"? I played it in one of those cd's with different kinds of game demos on them. It was like Civilization, except all the cities and countries were already placed. I loved that game till it started crashing everytime I started it up.
I've tried downloading it lots of times, but the connection is always down or something. If anybody knows where I could find it, I would greatly appreciate it.
Frungy champion
Posts: 51

I have powers... Political Powers!
Disregard that last post. Posting on this thread had convinced me to rub salt on old wounds. But something was different about this particular search. That something is the fact that Google kicks my old search engine's backside. I'm gonna use it as the god of the next phoney religion I start up.
ANYWAY, after running into a couple of broken links, I finally find the identical sequal. With tears in my eyes, I downloaded it and spent about...6 hours playing it. I have only now freed myself from the grip of the hypnotic quest for Mediteranean domination.
Zebranky food

Posts: 2

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
i havent readed all the replys to the topic so i am sorry if i write smothing again but actually i have two working ufo apocalypse cds both work in xp (one in english and one in russain)
The "Delete" button is also quite handy, especially if you're prone to post w/o thinking first (like me) and later come to your senses