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Topic: Rumor: Hillary Clinton preps for video game tax (Read 10120 times)
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Posts: 208

Get Down!
Yeah I've heard that this is probably going on. This MIGHT NOT be true.
Edit: Somebodies thoughts I admire and wish I said: (Happy Now?)
If true, this is absolutely ridiculous. It's always great when politicians seize control of a strawman to start beating in the political arena as they try to make themselves look good while doing absolutely nothing that's truly beneficial to anyone.
Pretty soon they'll be talking about foam-padding everything about gaming. No violence, no laws being broken, and a moral (Christian-only, please) lesson packed into every video game. Loading screens will become "The More You Know..." sessions.
I predict the odds of any gaming tax money actually going to benefit/help treat the core causes of all the things video games are being scapegoated for is somewhere in the 0% range.
Why is it that rational, intelligent people often have to suffer for the absolute idiots of society as people pander to the LCD (lowest common denominator) of human intelligence/behavior. Politics and people are often instant mood killers.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2006, 08:18:55 pm by Mr._Jiggles »
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Posts: 208

Get Down!
While not a reliable source, this is what most of the youth think of Hillary Clinton these days. I really hope she doesn't run as the democratic nominee. If Hillary Clinton runs for the democrats, me and my parents (which me and my parents both vote democrat) will vote libertarian in 2008. Really she is a disgusting example of faliure. She really can't find anything else to bitch about other than video games? Wow thats sad.
Yeah but please don't take Urban Dictionaries word for it, that site is filled with arguements of:
It is really filled with really bad arguements like that so you might as well disregard urban dictionary as a source at all 
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Posts: 208

Get Down!
Yep im not the same person, too lazy to actually write something like that so i borrowed. I was browsing around their site when I found this topic. Probably saying "my thoughts" wasn't a good idea.
Ivan Ivanov
*Smell* controller
Posts: 296

Internet Piracy
I always found the commotion about video games/movies/cartoons/RPGs beeing the cause of violence among children very stupid. As a child I was subjected to every single one of these things, my parents, as they now asmit, were terrified about the potential influence all this could've had on me, tough they didn't say a thing back then, possibly because to this day I have failed to kill, or even seriously ingure another human beeing.
Sure there might be some people that can do something stupid because "they've seen it on TV". My solution is not banning or restricting games, movies etc. but providing these people with mental healthcare as they are clearly insane.
It's the parents' responsibility to teach their children to tell fantasy from reality, so if a kid decides to cut off his friend's head, it is the parents, not the game developers (movie dricetors, etc.), that should be held responsible.
Your bruises are reminders of naivete and trust
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Posts: 208

Get Down!
Frankly, I see Hillary Clinton getting worked up about this as a mere distraction from other events that matter. We havn't seen her talk about the Iraq war very much have we? Maybe instead of trying to punish the gaming community, how about she tells parents to start teaching responsiblity and moral values to their children so they won't do moronic things that ruin everybody elses time. But back to the part about taxs; Entertainment should not be taxed like ciggarettes and alcohol. Entertainment is not harmful unless you take it seriously. That is something Hillary fails to see.
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Posts: 104
I agree about the statements that these politicians should focus on parents raising their children better rather than annoying fans of a specific form of entertainment.
Besides, look at it this way; the Inquisition, the World Wars, etc. happened without the existence of videogames. What makes it different this time around? For all I know, it all boils down to psycho murderers who like to blame their insanity on other things such as games rather than the real culprit-their inability to distinguish fantasy from reality.
She's jumping on the bandwagon started by this one congressman from Minnesota. What was that fucker's name? Oh nevermind, it really doesn't matter. If Hilary Clinton wins the democratic primary, I may vote republican based on who they pick. I happen to be quite partial to John McCain these days. If they send a douche like Bill Frist, I'll probably go third party.
Frungy champion
Posts: 74
She's jumping on the bandwagon started by this one congressman from Minnesota. What was that fucker's name? Oh nevermind, it really doesn't matter. If Hilary Clinton wins the democratic primary, I may vote republican based on who they pick. I happen to be quite partial to John McCain these days. If they send a douche like Bill Frist, I'll probably go third party.
They might pick Mitt Romney, and he would be an excellent candidate. Of course, they might also pick Rudolph Juliani (sp?). Not that Rudy's evil, but I think his fame is less deserved. Then again, there's John McCain, who I used to really like. He's proposed a few bills that made me change my mind, though. As for Bill Frist... who's Bill Frist?
Yeah, if Hillary wins the Demo primary, I won't vote for her. I wouldn't vote for Al Gore, either, though, and I wonder who else really has a chance?
Anyways, I don't think this anti-video game measure will go far. People will see the scapegoating for what it is, and Hillary will be left without an audience. Oh, sure, there will always be people in her cause because of her last name, but they won't go flocking to it, either. Not even the Democrats really love Hillary these days.
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Posts: 208

Get Down!
If Hillary Clinton is the democratic nominee and we have some neo-con for the republican nominee, I will vote Libertarian. But I really wish Howard Dean would run again. He was three times better than John Kerry. John Kerry lost because of the Vietnam fiasco in 2004 that caste him as an anti war hippi who flushed his medals down a toilet. All I know is that the video game thing Hillary Clinton is ranting about has a high chance of not passing.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 109

She's jumping on the bandwagon started by this one congressman from Minnesota. What was that fucker's name? Oh nevermind, it really doesn't matter. If Hilary Clinton wins the democratic primary, I may vote republican based on who they pick. I happen to be quite partial to John McCain these days. If they send a douche like Bill Frist, I'll probably go third party.
Even as a fairly staunch Democrat I can say that a John McCain ticket would give me pause for thought. Too bad the rest of the GOP suffers from some serious groupthink.
They might pick Mitt Romney, and he would be an excellent candidate. Who?
Yeah, if Hillary wins the Demo primary, I won't vote for her. I wouldn't vote for Al Gore, either, though, and I wonder who else really has a chance? I don't think I have any particular problems with a Gore ticket. Hillary...don't like the way things are going now, and if they keep going that way then, yeah, I might not cast my vote for her. I'd have to see her platform come election season. And see who she's up against. And yeah, good question. Sadly, there really aren't any seriously charismatic figures in the Democratic camp.
But I really wish Howard Dean would run again. He was three times better than John Kerry. John Kerry lost because of the Vietnam fiasco in 2004 that caste him as an anti war hippi who flushed his medals down a toilet. Abso-freaking-lutely. Dean was pretty good. And yeah, the fact that Kerry lost to a presidency as incredibly controversial as Bush's marks him as an utter failure.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2006, 01:51:20 am by Baltar »
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Well, it seems like hillary won't win many votes from this forum. I guess hag appeal just doesn't have much pull with americans these days. Honestly, she takes the opposite side that I would on every issue, almost like she can read my mind.
Even as a fairly staunch Democrat I can say that a John McCain ticket would give me pause for thought. If things get bad for the reps in the next two years, it will most likely be between Rudi and John in their primaries.
Too bad the rest of the GOP suffers from some serious groupthink. Not entirely, there seems to be a little something between the cons and the neo-cons. Basically, the reps have religion vs pirate capitalism, whereas the dems are just progressive robots, imo.
Who? I second that "Who?"
Abso-freaking-lutely. Dean was pretty good. No pun intended? 
I really can't believe the dems, they are being handed total victory and they still can't get organized enough to reach out and pull the ceptor of power from the burnt, crispy fingers of what remains of the neo-cons.
I remember back in the clinton days how they'd talk about how the reps were obsolete and nothing more than a joke in modern society. Now they sound more like private hudson. "What do you mean they took over power? How could they take over power, man? They're republicans!"
Well, nobody wins their own elections, anyhow. Your opponent's failures are what get you into office.
Rant over, man, rant over!
Posts: 1044

OK, being that I live in New Jersey, the state with the:
1. Highest property taxes in the US 2. Highest car insurance rates in the US 3. Sales tax increase and expanded scope that just passed less than a month ago
I sort of take offense to that. I pay quite a lot of money in taxes just to LIVE here, and even more if I want to think about driving. The last thing I need is for my one hobby that requires expenditure of money to suddenly develop some more taxes that I have to pay.
Just because our gas taxes are low, doesn't mean we don't pay "proper taxes" here.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Ah, we should have to pay, huh? Here you pee on a tree in public, and you're a sex offender. But where you are, you can relieve yourself into someone's mailbox and dig a tiger trap for his car, in his own driveway, and you get a show sandwiched between TNG and MXC on national television.
We'll take your taxes, if you'll take our lawyers.
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