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Re: Rumor: Hillary Clinton preps for video game tax
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2006, 06:26:40 am »

Although video-gaming is not as common a past-time as tea-time was in the days prior to the American Revolution, a possible video game tax made me instantly think about geeks and teens meeting a japanese ship full of ROMs at the port...
Unfortunately, we have representation for this taxation.  I just wish they'd stop "playing games" and start gaming.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2006, 06:28:38 am by Culture20 » Logged
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Re: Rumor: Hillary Clinton preps for video game tax
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2006, 07:12:50 am »

I sort of take offense to that.

Then little grasshopper, you are taking my post far too seriously.

But where you are, you can relieve yourself into someone's mailbox and dig a tiger trap for his car, in his own driveway, and you get a show sandwiched between TNG and MXC on national television.

I have no idea if this is a real example, but it would be hilarious if it was. A link please?

We'll take your taxes, if you'll take our lawyers. Tongue

I have a better idea. You should pay lawyer tax! From my intense studies of the US (mostly from browsing totally neutral sources on the net, like I have found that there is at least one lawyer for every citizren in your country. This way, you would be paying the proper taxes you deserve for being such imperalist aggressors.

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Deus Siddis
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Re: Rumor: Hillary Clinton preps for video game tax
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2006, 03:31:15 pm »

I have no idea if this is a real example, but it would be hilarious if it was. A link please?

It is just a show that comes on here and there, the Dudesons. It is your country's answer to "Jack Ass," which was a show where a bunch of idiots do stunts and things that usually end up very painful. Anyway, there might be video someplace of this online, but I only saw it on TV at some point.

I have a better idea. You should pay lawyer tax!

We do, lawyers tax us on an almost daily basis. You live your life, and then a lawyer comes at random, takes you to court, and taxes you.

We also have a health tax. Everytime you eat a cheeseburger, your health is taxed until you die, but not before losing most of your money to health supplies and other assorted oddities to keep your breathing.
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Re: Rumor: Hillary Clinton preps for video game tax
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2006, 04:31:04 pm »

It is just a show that comes on here and there, the Dudesons. It is your country's answer to "Jack Ass," which was a show where a bunch of idiots do stunts and things that usually end up very painful. Anyway, there might be video someplace of this online, but I only saw it on TV at some point.

Oh God. Our country has a history of 1000+ years of culture art and refinement (sort of kinda notreally). Please don't tell me that our greatest representation in your country (bar being featured on Conan) is through Extreme duudssonit. I think anyone watching that should pay stupidity tax. It's actually on national television in the US?

We do, lawyers tax us on an almost daily basis. You live your life, and then a lawyer comes at random, takes you to court, and taxes you.

We also have a health tax. Everytime you eat a cheeseburger, your health is taxed until you die, but not before losing most of your money to health supplies and other assorted oddities to keep your breathing.

I was hoping for a witty pun along the lines of, "Oh how these lawyers tax me. It is most vexing to deal with them." But alas. Still, it is good to know you pay taxes, although I still hold you should pay more just for being so inferior to the effective supremacy that is E.U. Or something.

On a more serious note, would you mind telling me a bit about your taxes Draxas? Either in PM if you feel uncomfortabler discussing financial issues out in the open, or just in the thread. Specifically, I'd be interested in what sort of income tax/earnings bracket you have, and how high these taxations on cars and property are in your expensive state. I'd like to compare them with the average level over here, out of curiosity.

Also, didn't you people have ANY tax on videogames before? Over here, we have tax on everything. Books, food, movies, you name it. Or is this an extra tax added to the regular entertainmenttax of some sort?
« Last Edit: August 05, 2006, 04:33:54 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Re: Rumor: Hillary Clinton preps for video game tax
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2006, 06:09:50 pm »

I'd like to compare them with the average level over here, out of curiosity.

Draxas, if you accept Luki's offer, would you be so kind to make a photo of the look on your face when you learn how high taxes he has to pay, and post it here, please?

Also, didn't you people have ANY tax on videogames before? Over here, we have tax on everything. Books, food, movies, you name it.

Isn't that called VAT? Or is your government even better at making things needlesly complicated then mine?

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Re: Rumor: Hillary Clinton preps for video game tax
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2006, 10:22:35 pm »

Please don't tell me that our greatest representation in your country (bar being featured on Conan) is through Extreme duudssonit. I think anyone watching that should pay stupidity tax. It's actually on national television in the US?
Spike TV seems to have them (warning: broken Flash detection all over the site; disable JavaScript to avoid getting stuck in a "Get Flash" error message).

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Re: Rumor: Hillary Clinton preps for video game tax
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2006, 07:58:59 pm »

Well looks like that show has mastered the art of stupidity. Its not even funny, it is along the lines of white trash and idiocy.
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Re: Rumor: Hillary Clinton preps for video game tax
« Reply #22 on: August 07, 2006, 04:56:13 am »


I second that "Who?"
Mitt Romney.  A conservative who won governorship of Massachusetts.  And they still like him there.  Maybe he's not well-known enough to win, but if his performance as a governor or as an organizer of the 2002 Winter Olympics is any indicator, he'd be a great candidate for president.

I think anyone watching that should pay stupidity tax.
The stupid tax is masquerading as a state-funded lottery, in my country.  People who can't do math pay the tax, and the government keeps half of it.  They say that only one person can win the lottery, but that's not true.  The government is more than one person, and it wins every time.

I think it's a good thing. Seriously. You pay a pittance for gas, while we're basically bleeding over here because it's so heavily taxed. It seems only fair that you pay a proepr tax on something. I agree video games is slightly off, since not everyone uses it, but until someone comes up with a water tax for you this will simply have to suffice.
Even in jest... it's not funny.  The philosophy that other people should pay more for something because they're getting a good deal destroys the foundation upon which wealth is built.

I really can't believe the dems, they are being handed total victory and they still can't get organized enough to reach out and pull the ceptor of power from the burnt, crispy fingers of what remains of the neo-cons.
The Dems are looking at becoming a permanent minority in this country (possibly) because they can't even out-perform the Republicans.  I don't love the Republicans, and I actually hate a lot of them.  But the Democrats don't provide a superior alternative.  I just hope it doesn't devolve into a one-party system, because that's just ripe for abuse.
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Re: Rumor: Hillary Clinton preps for video game tax
« Reply #23 on: August 07, 2006, 05:20:21 am »

I think it's a good thing. Seriously. You pay a pittance for gas, while we're basically bleeding over here because it's so heavily taxed. It seems only fair that you pay a proepr tax on something. I agree video games is slightly off, since not everyone uses it, but until someone comes up with a water tax for you this will simply have to suffice.
Even in jest... it's not funny.  The philosophy that other people should pay more for something because they're getting a good deal destroys the foundation upon which wealth is built.
Ignore Luki; he just wishes he lived 200-400 Km to the east, 20 years ago.   Tongue  (Just in case it's misinterpreted, I'm joking Lukipela [I know Finns have a healthy dislike of the old USSR/CCCP]).
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Re: Rumor: Hillary Clinton preps for video game tax
« Reply #24 on: August 07, 2006, 06:30:46 pm »

Please don't tell me that our greatest representation in your country (bar being featured on Conan) is through Extreme duudssonit.
Home Improvement mentioned Finland quite frequently... using it as the stereotypical harmless foreign country.  Does that count?  ;-)
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Re: Rumor: Hillary Clinton preps for video game tax
« Reply #25 on: August 07, 2006, 06:36:00 pm »

Even in jest... it's not funny.  The philosophy that other people should pay more for something because they're getting a good deal destroys the foundation upon which wealth is built.

Or maybe your sense of humour differs from mine? Other than that, you are reading an incredible lot into a sentence. When did I ever state that I thought Draxas was getting a good deal? I just want him taxed because I'm an unpleasant person.

Quote from: Ivan
Draxas, if you accept Luki's offer, would you be so kind to make a photo of the look on your face when you learn how high taxes he has to pay, and post it here, please?

I didn't intend for it to be an internet pissing contest about who pays the most taxes. To be fair, I also get a lot more out of the taxes than Draxas could ever hope for.

Isn't that called VAT? Or is your government even better at making things needlesly complicated then mine?

Yes, i think it translates to VAT. My question, though clumisly phrased, was wether videogames were VAT free and are now being taxed, or wether this is an extra tax on top of the VAT. Keep in mind I know nothing about the american system for taxation of goods.

Quote from: C20
gnore Luki; he just wishes he lived 200-400 Km to the east, 20 years ago.

Why 20 years ago? It isn't like there have been any significant improvements for our dear neihbours since then.


This magically appeared while I was writing my post

Home Improvement mentioned Finland quite frequently... using it as the stereotypical harmless foreign country.  Does that count?  ;-)

Well, mellow PR is better than bad PR I suppose.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2006, 06:38:42 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Re: Rumor: Hillary Clinton preps for video game tax
« Reply #26 on: August 07, 2006, 08:53:45 pm »

You want to talk taxes, eh? I realize you folks in the EU have got me beat hands down (which doesn't mean I have a *low* cost of living, to be sure). Besides, Luki says these things just to be unpleasant, by his own admission. Congratulations, mission accomplished, you're unpleasant. Tongue

As for what kind of taxes we pay, yeah, we have some sort of tax on just about any kind of material goods (save unprocessed food and clothing here in NJ) and services: That would be our recently increased sales tax, which is now at 7%. Income tax... I believe the federal government liberated approximately 25% of my paycheck last year for their own use, and NJ took an additional cut of ~10% (I think, I try not to dwell too much on my income taxes after I finish filling them out). I rent an apartment, rather than own, so I can't really give you a figure on property tax since it's integrated into my rent bill every month. However, on average, a quarter-acre of property with a modest house on it will probably run you around $15,000 a year here in NJ. Which is why a lot of people leave for greener pastures in Pennsylvania and elsewhere.

On top of this, our wonderful governor recently announced that the state government may soon allow individual townships and municipalities to charge their own local taxes in addition to all of this. As if I didn't shell out enough to keep this country doing what it does.
Deus Siddis
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Re: Rumor: Hillary Clinton preps for video game tax
« Reply #27 on: August 07, 2006, 10:21:38 pm »

WARNING: the following post is not completely serious. Read at your own risk, and at that of your ego's.

I think anyone watching that should pay stupidity tax.

Plus a stupidity import toll should be charged to the source nation. Wink

It's actually on national television in the US?

As far as I can tell, this statement implies that you either have this on television where you live as well, you know these people personally. . .or you ARE one of them with the scares and missing limbs/neurons to prove it. Shocked

But yes, despite the disingenious stereotype, we are a people who embrace and worship other cultures, like yours, which is represented every week by these average examples of your apparently very. . .interesting people. Smiley

Still, it is good to know you pay taxes, although I still hold you should pay more just for being so inferior to the effective supremacy that is E.U.

Or perhaps because of our inferior empire we should pay less? I mean as long as the roads are smooth and the military can kick the world's ass three times over, what more could you want?

Schools: Sucks the life out of kids through bullying, too many useless subjects (american literature- yuk) and wastes study time on bus rides, detention, and feeds kids poison in the cafeterias. Which is why grades have slumped and children are looking more and more like the pillsbury doughboy. Let's not get started on American higher education.
This is also why you have wikipedia, google, and, the true carriers of the torch of knowledge.

Heath Care: Do to a national pandemic of Fatassikin's disease, this would break the country if we tried to give it to everyone who couldn't afford it on their own.
This is also why you have wrist weights and legs- start running. For those who find this approach too difficult, this is why we have shovels and extra wide coffins.

Welfare: Obviously, if national poverty was already a big problem for us, we would maybe defend our southern border.
This is also why you have prisons.

Police: Everyone is plenty well armed, why have a redundant system?

Disaster Relieve: Hehehe.

Lawyers: No need to say anything about this.

Now Europe doesn't need all of these things either, but you aren't superior if you won't throw money at lots of different projects. Complexity is the secret to greatness, especially if something is too complex for anyone to be able to tell if it is great or not. Also two must-haves for Europe:

Police: If you want to have muslims immigrants in your country AND freedom of speech, this is a necessity.

Lawyers: the secret to having no significant or effective military is to have lawyers to write international laws. International laws put up an invisible and invincible dome around your country, rendering your need for armed forces a thing of the past. Also, lawyers help complicate things (see above.)

Exception: Finland, where the use of lawyers has been avoided by the use of citizen justice-- if you don't like your neighbor, dig a tiger-trap into his driveway while he's out.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2006, 10:41:39 pm by Deus_Siddis » Logged
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Re: Rumor: Hillary Clinton preps for video game tax
« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2006, 01:12:44 pm »

Insert Quote
You want to talk taxes, eh? I realize you folks in the EU have got me beat hands down (which doesn't mean I have a *low* cost of living, to be sure).

Like I said, I'm not interested in competing for who has the higher taxes. Our systems are much too different for that to even make sense. I'm simply interested in what kind of taxes you pay. Not interested enough to actively go out and search for US taxes on the net, but interested enough that anything you just rememebr is welcome information for me.

Besides, Luki says these things just to be unpleasant, by his own admission. Congratulations, mission accomplished, you're unpleasant. Tongue

Well, if you equate "telling jokes that I don't find funny" to unpleasant, then you are essentially correct. You must meet a lot of unpleasant people.

As for what kind of taxes we pay, yeah, we have some sort of tax on just about any kind of material goods (save unprocessed food and clothing here in NJ) and services: That would be our recently increased sales tax, which is now at 7%. Income tax... I believe the federal government liberated approximately 25% of my paycheck last year for their own use, and NJ took an additional cut of ~10% (I think, I try not to dwell too much on my income taxes after I finish filling them out).

See? I've already learned something. i was under the impression that income tax in the US was much lower than that. Would you mind posting which sort of income bracket you're placed in (or just PM it), just so I can compare it to the taxes here?

However, on average, a quarter-acre of property with a modest house on it will probably run you around $15,000 a year here in NJ. Which is why a lot of people leave for greener pastures in Pennsylvania and elsewhere.

This is abit vague seeing as I don't know how you define a modest house. I'll have a look at it myself at some point.

On top of this, our wonderful governor recently announced that the state government may soon allow individual townships and municipalities to charge their own local taxes in addition to all of this. As if I didn't shell out enough to keep this country doing what it does.

Wel lalready pay that kind of tax, but the nagain, we don't have any state, so we don't have a state tax. what kind of taxes do you have on alcohol, fuel, cigarettes and cars? any of those you can remember would be interesting.

Quote from: DS
Plus a stupidity import toll should be charged to the source nation.

Assuming you're still referrign to duudssonit, we already pay a stupidity import toll. Not monetary, but cultural.

As far as I can tell, this statement implies that you either have this on television where you live as well, you know these people personally. . .or you ARE one of them with the scares and missing limbs/neurons to prove it.

Yeah, their series was on television here as well a few years back, around the same time as Jackass staretd showing. I always figured they just got inspired by that, and then brought it a bit further. Nowadays they are infrequently mentioned i nthe media, i think the last time was when they managed to burn down some cottage or other.

Or perhaps because of our inferior empire we should pay less? I mean as long as the roads are smooth and the military can kick the world's ass three times over, what more could you want?

Er.. More taxes?

Now Europe doesn't need all of these things either, but you aren't superior if you won't throw money at lots of different projects. Complexity is the secret to greatness, especially if something is too complex for anyone to be able to tell if it is great or not.

Something incredibly complex, that burns incredible amounts of money? Something that is far too complex for you to even be sure of it's actual worth? Oh, we have that. It's called E.U. Also, we don't really need lawyers to solve our international rpoblems. We're quite capable of putting our fingers in our ears and singing "LALALALALALALLA" without them, until someone else takes care of the problem. Only after that will we step out and mercilesssly criticize them, with our rapier wit. That'll teach both sides to behave.

Other than that, I think you might as well brace for a storm. Soon, people will be telling you that you are unpleasant, or not evben funny in jest. If you are really lucky, Term might return to smite you and your leftie commie liberal statements with some well placed rethoric regarding Heinz ketchup.

I miss Terminator. I've seldom seen someone that brilliantly incapapble of staying on topic in any debate.

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Deus Siddis
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Re: Rumor: Hillary Clinton preps for video game tax
« Reply #29 on: August 08, 2006, 03:54:16 pm »

Assuming you're still referrign to duudssonit, we already pay a stupidity import toll. Not monetary, but cultural.

Yes, but think of the toll its taking on our culture. And we're innocent impressionable americans, its not our faults that crazy drunken berserkers are coming over our airwaves.

Er.. More taxes?

Okay how about this, you send us the duudssonit band to live here permanently, and we don't have to pay more taxes? I think that is quite fair.

Something incredibly complex, that burns incredible amounts of money? Something that is far too complex for you to even be sure of it's actual worth? Oh, we have that. It's called E.U.

Well, I know very little about european law, but comparing the bulk of the US and EU constitutions and then given how complex the US legal system is, despite the simplicity of the constitution on which it is based, my projects show that walking in parks while wearing a snorkel and kilt, growing out your hair (under the condition you wear a beret at all times) and digging car traps in your neighbor's driveway are the only things that one can safely do without breaking a law or city ordinance.

Other than that, I think you might as well brace for a storm. Soon, people will be telling you that you are unpleasant, or not evben funny in jest. If you are really lucky, Term might return to smite you and your leftie commie liberal statements with some well placed rethoric regarding Heinz ketchup.

Well if they are americans, I can sue them for intentional infliction of emotional distress, and if they are europeans they have broken 56 laws in the process of calling me such, and will be locked up for three life sentences (unless they are good, then they might make perol in a few months.)

But you are right, I should consider what kind of damage I could be doing to my reputation and social status. . .(looks over at his reputation and social status- sees smoldering ruin and bleached skeletal remains). . .hmm well nevermind that then.

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