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Author Topic: The People's Races!  (Read 28269 times)
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Re: The People's Races!
« Reply #60 on: May 17, 2007, 08:33:58 am »

Quote from: Gaeamil
Well, I get the a-few-post-ago-ish-ness
Oops. That race wasn't from this thread, it was from somewhere (not on this forum) but I can't recall from where. It was a race of microscopic organisms with a very short lifespan and, thus, a very fast history. So that during a single conversation with them, their entire social structure changed multiple times.
OK, I get that.  Don't worry, I read threads like this, so I know if I'm just imitating.

Checking out Timewarp now, as this post sits unfinished on Firefox...
Not the best, kinda hard to control it all.

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Re: The People's Races!
« Reply #61 on: May 17, 2007, 07:37:35 pm »

TIme to bump this; working on Fjorn Theme, first version here. <--MP3 <--Midi

Thanks for reading, be sure to post suggestions! Smiley.

ALSO, fixed the Ditty, now it's 5 seconds (dead on!) here it is. <---MP3<---Midi

Wait a sec, FL studios reads the note time wrong, going back to fix.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2007, 08:10:51 pm by Neonlare » Logged

"would newton's law theory actually work if a Chmmr Avatar did a backwards pelvic thrust towards a planet and would this constitute an X=Y-0 in the part it ran straight into a Supox Blade and lasted long enough to survive?" - Elerium (as Valaggar)

Re: The People's Races!
« Reply #62 on: May 17, 2007, 08:16:49 pm »

Good Theme, very good quality, but it's a bit short as yet.
Also, don't forget that the ending and the beginning must fit seamlessly one in another, since in-game the music would repeat itself continuously. Try a fade out and a second of silence, for example.

Ah, and the guitar could stop at times, keep some violin/flute/whatever alone for a short time in a place. Then enter in force with the guitar and perhaps a few light drums.
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Re: The People's Races!
« Reply #63 on: May 17, 2007, 08:37:21 pm »

Mmm, I'll try to see what I can do, the probelm is that I can't find any decent Drum VSTis for FL Studios, and I'm using a trial version of Slayer2, meaning the guitar cuts out after 2 minutes Sad.

"would newton's law theory actually work if a Chmmr Avatar did a backwards pelvic thrust towards a planet and would this constitute an X=Y-0 in the part it ran straight into a Supox Blade and lasted long enough to survive?" - Elerium (as Valaggar)

Re: The People's Races!
« Reply #64 on: May 17, 2007, 08:56:49 pm »

Then can't you do the guitar part per sections? I.e., start a new file after 2 minutes, and then mix them.
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Re: The People's Races!
« Reply #65 on: May 20, 2007, 02:14:45 am »

Here is my race, tell me what you think of it.

Name : Vulpelo

Information : The Vulpelos are a race of what at best would be described as a “Foxtaurs” which is a cross between a Earth creature called a fox and a Earthling mythological creature called a centaur. The Vulpelos have an upper humanoid body that ends in a lower torso similar to an actual fox. They also have fox like heads except they have two green bug like curled antennas coming out from the top of their head. They also have fur like a foxes but are shades of green instead of the orange Earth Foxes have. The females are stronger and more muscular than the males. Like on Earthlings the Vulpelos have hair on their head although it’s more common for the females to have it. The differences between male and females are also similar to Earthlings, the female having softer facial features and mammary organs while the male having a more barrel like cheast and wider shoulders, however the males are shorter than the females. The females of the species are also the more dominant in their race. The clothes they usually wear are two piece uniforms that cover their bodies. Their government is a Matriarchal-run Oligarchy that has somewhat equal status to men but they view females as the more superior.

Race History : The Vulpelos started off on a planet orbiting Alpha Aquilae with primitive tools and weapons, At first the males dominated the society until the first female rallied power from their weaker male brethren. Later on around 2000 Ral’kesh years later (1 Ral’kesh year= 2.3 earth years). The Vulpeos started slow exploration of their local solar system. 2 years after that they colonize some of their local planets. They soon meet the Utwig along with the Supox. They are currently as of after the Second Ur-Quan war only known to the Utwig and Supox. However a visit by an Earthling Cruiser will change all that.

Ship Name : Vulpelo Commandant

Ship Crew : 20

Speed : Medium-Fast

Turn Rate : Medium

Energy : 40, Regen rate Medium

Ship Primary Fire : Mass driver, sends a bullet like projectile out using rail guns it also has a efficient cooling system connected to it making it have a high rate of fire. Costs 18 Energy points
Ship Secondary Fire : Focus laser, uses it’s hyperspace drives along with it’s fusion reactors to charge a powerful laser, unfortunately this needs all of the energy points and after using it the ship’s systems must reboot, while it is rebooting it cannot move for 1 to 5 seconds.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2007, 07:14:40 am by Wes13 » Logged
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Re: The People's Races!
« Reply #66 on: May 20, 2007, 06:40:51 am »

That race sounds pretty interesting, Wes13.  I think the cliche of "green alien" is a bit heavy there, but that's alright.  Otherwise, quite interesting.  What I wonder is how their social structure is.  A High Council?  Democratic?  Monarchial?

That laser better give a hell of a kick, by the way.  To actually shut down the ship temporarily can be a killer.

Quote from: Valaggar
I tend to swallow some worlds at times.
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Re: The People's Races!
« Reply #67 on: May 20, 2007, 07:15:24 am »

Ok Edited the profile to include their Society and  government
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Re: The People's Races!
« Reply #68 on: May 20, 2007, 05:21:15 pm »

Alright, that works.  Well imagined, Wes.

Quote from: Valaggar
I tend to swallow some worlds at times.
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Re: The People's Races!
« Reply #69 on: May 20, 2007, 08:42:16 pm »

I really would appreciate it if someone would make a picture of my race. Like the one done for the Fjorn depicting the Ship And the being, except mine would show the male and female of the species. I was thinking the ship would look simliar to this but minus the wings (The pods will still be there but the pods will be more rounded) and the round device on the back would be removed.  The color would be different too, it would be a Green-Yellow color as well. The Vulepos Would be wearing somewhat Similar costumes that the humans wear but for the females is Modified to fit their large um let's say assets and they would also have different symbols and have a different color, a bright blue color. The Females average height is about 8 to 9 feet tall while the male is 4 to 5 feet tall.

Re: The People's Races!
« Reply #70 on: May 23, 2007, 02:23:33 am »

Cool races, guys. I think I'll try a few...


Bfache can be described as huge, sentient crabs, with sand-colored shells. Already well equipped with tough armor and powerful claws, their society always encouraged acts of great bravery and glorification of the individual. The past of the Bfache is as follows: Originally a powerful predator on their planet, which actually goes by the same name, the Bfache preyed on the many animals that lived on their planet. However, the orbit of planet Bfache was flawed, and caused the planet to slowly come closer to the sun. Within a span of 3000 years, Bfache became the closest planet to the white dwarf star, and what used to be a thriving, aquatic environment was transformed into a desert. The loss of foliage killed off the smaller animals and herbivores, and the Bfache would've followed if it weren't for the fact that the Bfache had evolved greatly during the past years. Not only that, but they had advanced to a space age by that time. They knew that their planet would face an apocalyptic fate if they did not take a course of action, so they built a radio tower to signal anybody who would save them. They were found by the Ur Quan, and were offered to be rescued and supplied ship-building supplies if they accepted to become battle thralls. If not, they would be left on their planet to roast to death, or, if they somehow managed to escape that fate, slave-shielded. Knowing what the best course of action to take was, the Bfache accepted the deal and became Battle Thralls of the Ur Quan. They would develop a moderately powerful military, and prove to be worthy adversaries in their Razor ships.

Ship: Razor
Crew: 18
Speed: Very fast
Turn rate: Med-slow
Battery: 12, with a quick regeneration rate.

The Razor is an incredible threat when piloted correctly, characterized by a frighteningly quick acceleration rate, and a damaging foward, Titanium-Adamantine lance that does a certain amount of damage depending on how hard it hits the enemy. However, it's somewhat difficult to get the orientation on the Razor correctly in order to get a square hit with it. At maximum speed, the lance can do 4 points of damage on contact.

Primary: The primary is a dumbfire missile, fired forward and moves at a constantly accelerating rate. The missile does 3 damage on contact, has a medium range, and costs 2 energy units to fire.

Secondary: The secondary ionizes the lance, producing an energy shield and greatly increasing the damage of the lance up to 7 on a maximum speed hit. The power goes on as long as the secondary button is held down, and costs 1 energy per second.


Fargos are Avian beings, somewhat reminiscent of a cross between an earth owl, and an earth falcon. Their appearance suggest cunning and wisdom, which are both present in the ideal Fargos. Their society is a mainly peaceful one. Up until their involvement in the Ur Quan war, they were a warless race, and largely successful. Holding an intense capitalist society, disputes in the society were mostly business affairs. Investors battled fiercely, always trying to produce better products for lower prices. Under this system, economy boomed, and violence was not commonplace among the Fargos. However, the Kohr Ah began showing up in the Fargos Territory, and were in the process of cleansing. The Kohr Ah managed to destroy a large portion of the Fargos colonies, but were stopped at the last moment by an Alliance fleet, who encouraged the Fargos to join. Knowing they would need protection, the Fargos accepted, and began to pioneer in the field of space travel, developing starworthy ships which could stand up to the Ur Quan forces.

Ship: Bloodhawk
Crew: 6
Speed: Med-fast
Turn: Fast
Battery: 20, with moderate recharge rate.

The Bloodhawk is, interestingly enough, a lightweight ship that was pioneered to take out enemy ships with much higher value than itself, usually immensely heavy ones, such as the Dreadnought. It would otherwise be a completley uninteresting ship of little use, if it weren't for its secondary:

Primary: A fairly powerful Tesla Coil-like laser, which shoots very fast bolts of electric lasers. The laser does 2 damage, and costs only 1 battery point. It's range is rather short, however.

Secondary: The ingenuity of the ship lies in its ability to lock onto enemies. Using this system, the Bloodhawk can constantly keep twisting and turning around his opponent, dodging enemy fire, all while still facing him and being able to fire his weapon. However, even the Fargos know that the system is very battery-intensive, since it uses 2 units of battery power per second.

The wanderers are interdementional wanderers. Only partly organic creatures, their features are partly serpentine, and partly metallic. They are an Arctic race, which thrive in subzero temperatures, and cannot stand heat. Where they come from, or why they have done so is vague at best, but the Melnorme say they are, indeed, interdementional travellers from a parallel universe where no planets exist. The Arilou, on the other hand, state they are interdementional travellers that came to our universe because they were outcasts. Either way, their past is vague, and they are not willing to divulge it, nor are they accurately able to. They communicate with Humans using recording snippets from TV shows and Radio Broadcasts from Earthling Satellites, and fly the exotic and deadly Chiller ship.

Ship: Chiller
Crew: 32
Speed: Slow
Turn: Moderate
Battery: 32, with slow recharge

The Chiller is a deadly opponent, with a powerful repertoire of weaponry, all capable of killing an enemy over a period of time. They are not easily bested by enemies with far range weapons either, as they have an effective mix of far and close range weapons.

Primary: The primary weapon of the Chiller is the Comet Generator, which generates a ball of ice. The ball of ice shatters on the slightest impact of an asteroid, or a planet, turning into separate, smaller comets. There are four sizes of comet, the largest dealing 5 damage, then going down to 3 damage, then 2, and finally 1. Launching the comet takes 4 battery units.

Secondary: When comets just don't cut it, the Chiller can utilize a liquid nitrogen spray to freeze the enemy. As the spray hits, the enemy begins to turn blue, and begins to move slower. At some point, the enemy ship will become so cold, a single hit from anything will shatter it, regardless of crew present in it. The spray costs 2 battery units per second to maintain.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2007, 05:42:52 am by Bluhman » Logged
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Re: The People's Races!
« Reply #71 on: July 27, 2007, 03:19:25 am »

Welp, back to bumping this. Working on a new theme for the Fjorn, this time using samples instead of VSTis, which will make it sound more mod tracked (infact I could import the Midi into a Mod-Tracker and convert it into one). Of course this one is still in progress, but I'm hoping the melody going through it is fitting, was trying to aim for the Yehat feel with the strings :p. Note this doesn't loop very well yet, and it's still not finished! Shocked.



"would newton's law theory actually work if a Chmmr Avatar did a backwards pelvic thrust towards a planet and would this constitute an X=Y-0 in the part it ran straight into a Supox Blade and lasted long enough to survive?" - Elerium (as Valaggar)
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Re: The People's Races!
« Reply #72 on: February 12, 2009, 10:30:58 pm »

Are any of the original designers of these race ideas interesting in donating their ideas to my new mod and writing dialogue for the races? That Fjorn race especially looks quite well developed.


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Re: The People's Races!
« Reply #73 on: February 13, 2009, 03:31:25 pm »

Here, I'll contribute as much as I can to this mod, do you have AIM or MSN for this? Tongue

*In absolute glee at this moment*

"would newton's law theory actually work if a Chmmr Avatar did a backwards pelvic thrust towards a planet and would this constitute an X=Y-0 in the part it ran straight into a Supox Blade and lasted long enough to survive?" - Elerium (as Valaggar)
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Re: The People's Races!
« Reply #74 on: February 13, 2009, 11:20:34 pm »

I can chat on gmail or in the uqm arena chatroom. I mgiht even have an ancient yahoo account somewhere

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