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Topic: The People's Races! (Read 28280 times)
Posts: 520

Zeep> maybe something like the Raiden II laser? It fires straight first, gradually powering p, then it sticks onto anything that comes in its path.
I made this race as a joke a while ago (based of someone's avatar image).

Edit: Mormai are a race of happy animals that are bizarrely naive about the horrors that lurk out there. They think of most things as a 'fun game'. If something terrible happens, they always come up with a happy alternative explaination (no matter how absurd). They also have a very short memory. When not getting into trouble, they war among themselves, all as a game of course.
Their fast and agile ships comes armed with a close range tripple shot burst and a homing missile. The weapons are a bit above average for such a small ship, and uses quite a bit of energy. To make up for the relatively potent weapons the ship also uses energy to accelerate and turn. This means the pilots must carefully plan their route so they'll end up in a favorable position with enough energy to fire the weapons in time.
Happy Ball Burst: 1+3+1 damage Messenger of Joy: 2 damage Crew: 6 Movement: Like a Pkunk but with an energy cost.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2006, 04:35:21 pm by Arne »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 277

Nut Case for Star Control
Zeep> maybe something like the Raiden II laser? It fires straight first, gradually powering p, then it sticks onto anything that comes in its path. I made this race as a joke a while ago (based of someone's avatar image). [image]Edit: Mormai are a race of happy animals that are bizarrely naive about the horrors that lurk out there. They think of most things as a 'fun game'. If something terrible happens, they always come up with a happy alternative explaination (no matter how absurd). They also have a very short memory. When not getting into trouble, they war among themselves, all as a game of course. Their fast and agile ships comes armed with a close range tripple shot burst and a homing missile. The weapons are a bit above average for such a small ship, and uses quite a bit of energy. To make up for the relatively potent weapons the ship also uses energy to accelerate and turn. This means the pilots must carefully plan their route so they'll end up in a favorable position with enough energy to fire the weapons in time. Happy Ball Burst: 1+3+1 damage Messenger of Joy: 2 damage Crew: 6 Movement: Like a Pkunk but with an energy cost. That drawing And the race are bloody awesome! They're like an Otaku outcast in the bizzare universe of SC. Would it be ok if I asked you to have a go at the Fjorn? (If it's not too much to ask)

(the lower half is two humanoid legs)

(Fjorn Inquisitor)
The Fjorn are a semi-serious race which act like the medieval knights of old, you can find more about them here at (Mainly due to the fact it's all on the TimeWarp wiki thing and forums)
Moderator edit: removed image quoted from other posting.
Neonlare remarks: Oh, didn't notice >_< Thanks Meep.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2006, 12:58:18 am by Neonlare »
"would newton's law theory actually work if a Chmmr Avatar did a backwards pelvic thrust towards a planet and would this constitute an X=Y-0 in the part it ran straight into a Supox Blade and lasted long enough to survive?" - Elerium (as Valaggar)
Zebranky food

Posts: 25
The Agent of Juffo-Wup
I did this race as a reverse on the Ilwrath - kind of. Nothing to be taken seriously. 
THE VIRE (we-reh)
APPEARANCE Size is 1.6 metres, they are always covered in a metal spiked armor with a huge battery on the back with the only visible parts of their body being their red eyes and gray furry arms. The battery is connected with the armor with hundreds of visible cables that constantly send waves of electricity through the armor and it's wearer. Although they're normally bipedal, is is quite common to see a Vire moving on all fours or lying on the ground, only able to move by creeping.
CHARACTERISTICS They are characteristic by one thing: masochism. They have become so used to pain, that it has become an essential part of their life, like breathing. Pain is a vital condition for them and they will die after not being exposed to physical pain for several hours. To prevent this, they have developed a special suit for themselves that sends strong (and painful) electric current through their body. However, while they enjoy pain, their bodies still treat it like a stress situation and behaves so. This results in the already mentioned crippled movement and other symptoms.
One thing that it follows is their love for battle. They like to win, but the main goal of battling is to lose, as they like to say. (most likely because of the punishment that follows the loss)
RACE HISTORY When Vire have been developing, they have discovered very early about fate, being their compass through most of their existence. Fate has been the most crucial subject at schools.
Later on they accused every action of being only fate. That lead to absolute ignorance about their own physical status, saying that if they are fated to survive, they will survive even without any physical treatment - this lead them to lead a "martyr" - kind of lifestyle.
But the bodies of these "martyrs" have in time adapted to pains, and when a new breed of Vires was born, they had implemented in their genes a natural form of masochism. They used pain as a form of calming down instead of accusing it of being predestined, threw down the "fate religion" as a mere excuse for getting "more pain than they deserve" (they didn't understand that their parents weren't born with their distinctiveness) and took over the society. The old generation of fate believers (usually called "priests" or "believers" by the new breed) emigrated into space and were never seen since then.
On their first meeting with the Ur-Quan they had agreed to become Battle Thralls in exchange for the last several pieces of the Excruciator device the Ur-Quan didn't recycle yet. However, they had a main reason to do this: the Ur-Quan would imprison them on a SAFE planet - that means they would be treated not to be damaged or hurt in any way - a really bad thing for them, since they need pain and danger to live, like I already mentioned.
One easy way to gain their alliance is to tell them about the Kzer-Za/Kohr-Ah war and offer them to go kill themselves in the war. Their sphere of influence will go fight vs the Kohr-Ah and when the small number of survivors return, they will give you 4 of their ships and thank you for being "a pain in the neck".
SHIP NAME : Vire Painkiller
ENERGY : 20, fast regen
PRIMARY (first idea) : Sends out a drone which follows any enemy ship to a distance of about the Shofixti dart max range. Acts similarily to an Ur-Quan fighter, except the laser shots have more range, the drone is faster and shoots faster, and after 5 seconds or 4 dealt damage it returns to the Painkiller. If it is destroyed, it will drop the Painkiller's energy to zero.
PRIMARY (second idea) : Short range sawblade. Works exactly like the Daktaklakpak drill from SC3.
SECONDARY: Explodes a bomb near the back of the ship, propelling you quickly forward. You don't lose crew while doing this, but it does damage enemies in the explosion's range, which is as big as the Shofixti divine wind.
ACCEL: medium
TURNING: medium
« Last Edit: August 11, 2006, 12:38:28 pm by nightwrath »
... planetary transformer biot 94-18: take your place at the dais... 
Posts: 520

Very rough, playing with shapes. I thought pronouncing the hat would be fun (aswell as the midieval armour detailing).
« Last Edit: August 11, 2006, 03:31:16 pm by Arne »
Frungy champion
Posts: 84
Not exactly a race ideas, but I did putter around with the idea of craft:
1. Blockade Runner
Acceleration: Moderate Top Speed: Moderate-Good Turning:Moderate-Poor
Crew: 14 Energy: 12 Energy regen rate: Moderate, 1 block per regen phase.
Weapon 1: Heavy Fusion Missles, med-long range, poor tracking. Damage 4, cost 4, hp 1, shot speed med-fast. Always fires in salvo, that is fires as many missles as it takes to run the battery dry in a single devastating strike.
Weapon 2: Turbo Boosters. Single large blast of speed that lasts X seconds, 6 energy cost. Inital blast produces corona similar to FRIED or Traddash trails, does 1 damage per blast to run through. May not turn until boost is complete.
Notes: This is the idea of a skirmish type vessel I had. All gun and run, or rather Run and Gun. Boosting will make you run into your own missles, a la Mycon so you must plan your runs without it, making use of it to either get out or into range fast; Remember, once you fire your missles you can't use your boost, as the missle volley will eat up your entire battery. Mass makes it vulnerable to limpets and tractors.
2: Dodonpachi
Acceleration: good Top Speed: moderate-poor Turning: moderate
Crew : 4 Energy: 42/starts with 12 Energy regen: Special-- Since you must shoot stuff to get upgrades in those crazy dodonpachi games, you must shoot things to gain energy. Asteroids, damageable shots and the enemy are valid targets. Gain energy at 2x the rate you damage, asteroids give a flat 4 energy. Otherwise energy regen is very poor.
Weapon 1: Mega salvo, cost 1 energy per salvo. Fires two pellets forward, two small homing missles to each side forward. All shots 1 damage, short-medium range. Rapid fire.
Weapon 2: Megalaser. Press once to begin charging, press again to fire. Range extreme, solid laser shot. Damage dictated by charging 'level,' like a melnorme. Increments additonally, each level requiring 8 energy and adding 1 damage to the laser. When fired the laser will hit for X damage, then X-1 damage, and so on until the laser is exausted. 4 levels(10 damage max, if someone hangs around that long in the beam), long charge time. Level can be seen by the width and colour of the laser beam as it fires (graphically it would be a very wide beam that thins as the damage decreases).
Note: I can't seem to balance this nice SDF main gun thing properly. Because of the maneauverablity of the ship. Still, i'm hoping the massive energy problems will keep it sane, if extremely overpowered damage wise. Not exactly fair, but a good interpretation of those invincible scroller/shooter jets that take one whole armies themselves.
Mugz the Sane
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 159

need coffee...
Race: Ethereal/Shining One
Info: Tall (2.5 - 3m), near-transparent and glows with a blue-white light - intensity of blue depends on mood, more unhappy, more blue. "Biology" is so far evolved that the distinction between flesh & energy is very blurred (see below). Very calm, unrelentingly neutral. Do not, however, ask any questions about biology, technology or the 'secrets.' Particularly not anything relating to their biology.
History: Evolved on a water world, blah, blah, at about the time in their history about equivalent to our Renaissance they entered an era of unprecedentec scientific progress. Later, at about the time equivalent to our period of abusing nuclear technology, they started playing around with space-age tech and modifying their own biology. At the same time, their ideological leader (insert appropriate name here) established a policy of 'what's ours stays ours.' This was after they encountered the melnorme 
Characterised by a severely mercenary attitude to their services and a severely secretive approach to technology and science. Altruism is, at best, mistrusted. At worst, altruism can result in abrupt violence. No warnings. Personality - arilou with the 'sinister' knob turned up until it breaks, with shadings of Orz.
Ship: Ghost Weapon: dual white laser cannon a la X-Form (2 damage per laser, combined to 4, 1E per shot. Constant-fire) Special ability: Etherblink - ship goes completely insubstantial and can pass through planets, asteroids, other ships. Weapons still do 1/2 damage. Energy cost - full battery, lasts, say, 10 sec (although I think 5 is better). CAVEAT: if Ghost 'unblinks' while in asteroid/planet, destroys ship. If 'unblinks' in middle of enemy ship, both get blown up (this could be used tactically, methinks). Speed: top speed equivalent to fury with slower acceleration. Turning: v. fast. Crew: small, say 6 or 8 Battery: 16
Oh, yeah, I also have an idea for a race who look like little eyeballs with wings and tentacles. should I develop that one further?
I'm seriously considering going to Bali to paint nude women.
(copied from OUR Star Control-style races)
Hmm... what about... (sorry if my race attempt isn't that brilliant):
The Pjuoughrck (pronounced [piu:k]): Formerly very sophisticated organisms (with an extremely sophisticated culture - MUCH more than the Utwig -, technology, thinking etc.), they have "wrapped around" to simpleness (this was after a philosopher of theirs formulated the most complex theory ever. The others were envious and proceeded to nitpick his theory. Eventually, they discovered that it was, in fact, a very simple syllogism. Being separated from simpleness for eons, though, they could not resist the temptation and embraced the beauty of the simple things). They now want to reveal the hidden beauty of simpleness from all complex things by simplifying them. Their name reflects this change - it is a complex name with a very simplified pronunciation. They have officially abandoned living in settlements and all their technology. However, there exists a Pjuoughrck sect, a secret technological culture seeking to destroy all technology besides their own, and then destroy their own technology too. This sect occupies the Pjuoughrck's homeworld orbit and has a Sphere of Influence. Initially, the player presumes that they are the main Pjuoughrck race, but later succeeds in finding the truth. They pretend to want to make friends with races they meet and so on, then make a few technology exchanges and then attack the "peaceless mockers of Simpleness", as they call other races.
Psychologically, the Pjuoughrck race is, paradoxally, very complex and self-contradictory, although a large part of their normal behaviour is inhibited by their love for simpleness.
SHIP: Pjuoughrck Point A very simple and small ship consisting of an engine, a very small cockpit and a weapon. The weapon may be any weapon taken from another ship, before, during or after combat. A stolen Jugger weapon (for example) will of course shoot only a single projectile, not an entire array. Stolen Umgah cones will be more narrow. CREW: 1 FUEL: 8 Fuel regeneration is very slow (a-la-Druuge). It may, however, be regenerated by stealing weapons and passing at point-blank near enemy ships and projectiles (while not being hit by them).
PRIMARY: Whatever weapon was stolen by the ship. Same energy consumption as on the original ship (note that, if it's a Jugger-like weapon with energy consumption - say, for example, that the Jugger shoots 6 projectiles for 6 batt total. Then the consumption for a single weapon will be 1 batt).
SECONDARY: Use 4 batt to automatically dodge incoming projectiles for a while. During this time, energy does not regenerate by point-blanking, though it may still regenerate by stealing weapons.
Good acceleration and maneuverability, medium speed.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 277

Nut Case for Star Control
That's a nice race, it's like they just snapped after all the pressure and went nuts. Although, the ship sounds a little "powerful" because the use of stole. Does this mean that they copy the weapon, or actually disarm the ship until the end of that battle? Also, secondary, although balancing the ship, I think it should have less time in dodging bullets, something to maybe 2 seconds. that way it could be used as a technical ability .
Thanks for bumping this up though, I wanted to revive this .
And now, the Fjorn!

The Fjorn are a race of aliens that see themselves as intergalactic police. They look unique and can not be compared with anything on Earth, they have two arms which branch off at the elbow, so each arm has two hands, and a large eye that takes up the majority of their faces. (which, to be honest, looks rather cool)
The Fjorn were always noble, knight-like figures, but they kept themselves to themselves, until they were Slave Shielded. They couldn't dream of becoming Battle Thralls for something as wicked as the Ur-Quan.
Recent History
The anger of being slave shielded fueled the Fjorn to rise up, and destory the shield using their weapons, but it was already too late to join the war effort, as the Sa-Matra was already blown up, they managed to contact Zelnick, who told them of this. They were deeply ashamed of not being able to assist, and because of this they vowed to protect the galaxy, no matter the costs.
So they began building up their armies, rivaling the Utwig forces, and possibly other larger races, but a lot of the army squadrons in that spent most of their time trying to save endangered races, and finding places for them to live, and unfortunately due to the hostility of some races, after being slave shielded for so long, there were fights, and due to the nature of the Fjorn, who just wanted to help, they did not open fire until they thought it was an absolute must.
The Fjorn are very intrusive, much like the Medieval knights of old, and will want to enquire about certain events that have taken place.
They also have an air of superiority about them, because of the duty they have imposed on themselves, of course they mean no harm, and are quite docile, but they will stand up for what they believe as right.
The Fjorn speak in a stereotypical British Medieval accent, and will try to be as courteous as they can.
The Fjorn, however, have a very family orientated life style, it's known that once a Fjorn took a direct hit from an Illwrath vessel's flame thrower and survived with some major burns, only because it was his son's birthday in a few months time, and for the love of his wife.
Thus, the ties with their families make Fjorn are very hardy, and most ships can take extra fire from enemy vessels.
Relations with Race
The Fjorn were slave shielded near the Zoq-Fot-Pik, so after meeting Zelnick, they went to their nearest neighbors.
The relationship between them is a light-hearted, friendly one. The Zoq-Fot-Pik would joke about the Fjorn's "Crusades" and the Fjorn would joke back about it. They are the only race that the Fjorn feel that they can trust with their stories, so the Zoq-Fot-Pik get the true record on the Crusades.
They do envy humans, because the grand hero of the Sa-Matra seige was one, but otherwise they bare them no ill.
The Yehat and Fjorn don't see eye-to-eye, they both see each other as pompus prats, but there is rarely a battle between ships, they both see each other as not worth the effort.
Ironic, is the fact that they believe in the Pkunk's powers, and ask them to bless them on their Crusades, which means they had to go into Yehat space to do this, until the Dimensional Bomb exploded.
Even more funnier, is that they think they can understand the ORZ, and to be truthful, they couldn't save their own lives if it was dependent on this, the ORZ mock them slightly and the Fjorn think they are saying something very important. The ORZ mean them no harm of course.
The Umgah, love playing pranks on the Fjorn, they find them so funny that they sometimes make mistakes at which the Fjorn notice, so the Fjorn Veterans do not take them as serious as the new recruits.
When the Dimensional Bomb exploded, the races got scattered around, and the Scavengers appeared.
This was a brilliant chance for the Fjorn to get to work, it's not un-common to see a fleet warp in and help a defensless or weak ship against a Scavenger Vessel, and to be perfectly honest, the Fjorn like hogging the lime-light, if only to be noticed and loved for their deeds.
The Slylandro gas giant ended up warping near the Fjorn's Homeworld, which is titanic in size, curiuous, the Fjorn went up and the Slylandro went down, and the races met each other.
The Fjorn liked the Slylandro's child-like maner, and their interests in the Fjorn's acts of bravery, which reminded the Fjorn of their own children.
As a gift, the Fjorn created an automated factory which produced mechanical enviroment-suits which the Slylandro could use, but they could not create anything themselves without asking the Fjorn, because they had told them about their "Probe Accident" which the Fjorn had to be careful about.
Fjorn Inquisitor

A nimble, quick ship with a laser as it's main weapon and an arching one as it's secondary, built to be effective against larger ships. It's major ability is the fact that it is INSANELY RESISTANT to many forms of attack done to it's crew directly. Orz troopers fall like flies against these, they are COMPLETELY resistant to the Syreen Song, and once more, 1 crew member equates to 2, so the enemy has to get through twice the amount they thought they would have to.
A formidable ship in the right hands.
Crew : 10 (20 points total) Fuel : 20 1st Wep Damage/Fuel : 2/2 2nd Wep Damage/Fuel : 2/2 per 2 second
Turning Rate : Good Movement Speed : Good Movement Accel. : Mediocre
Long Term Plans
Policing the Galaxy, making sure everyone is trying to be good.
And playing Frungy, they love the sport.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2007, 01:34:13 am by Neonlare »
"would newton's law theory actually work if a Chmmr Avatar did a backwards pelvic thrust towards a planet and would this constitute an X=Y-0 in the part it ran straight into a Supox Blade and lasted long enough to survive?" - Elerium (as Valaggar)
I love the Fjorn race, but the ship is a bit TimeWarp-ish -- especially the fact that they take 2 damage as 1, such a concept is present there. Though, in fact, I really like the ship too - it's like a medieval knight with sword(s). I like the other ships too.
Although, the ship sounds a little "powerful" because the use of stole. Does this mean that they copy the weapon, or actually disarm the ship until the end of that battle? Also, secondary, although balancing the ship, I think it should have less time in dodging bullets, something to maybe 2 seconds. that way it could be used as a technical ability  . No, they just copy the weapon, of course. Less time in dodging bullets = less energy per dodge-run = more control = better ship = not exactly "balance".
The ViDi: A race that values games above all other things. Frungy is nothing compared to their sports. And they have a video game system so advanced that not even the best Yehat consoles can rival it. Moreover, due to these advancements, they ACTUALLY discovered that they are part of a game! Of course, nobody takes this too seriously, until The Captain directs the ViDi to Groombridge and they repair the rift, thus allowing everybody to speak to Fred Ford and Paul Reiche III. (Unfortunately, the two surely won't implement such a race since nobody wants to go to office only to discover that a bunch of unsightly aliens and a no-less-strange human have taken over the building and demand to speak to the designers)
Dialogue: They go mad if you tell them of our games. They say you are boring if you don't talk about games. They ally with you for a month or two when you play their games (which takes two weeks or so); you can repeat the action after the alliance ends to renew it.
Ship: ViDi Virus The ViDi like to PLAY games, but sometimes they go mad at the creativeness of the other races' games. So they use the Virus to overcome them. Looks like a crossover between the XBox (3600) and the PlayStation (30) Primary: Baseball bat that hits asteroids towards the enemy ships (hit asteroids have a purple outline to indicate that they deal damage). Secondary: Throw DVDs for everyone. If it passes close enough to the enemy ship, 1 crew member jumps to seize it, then returns it to the ship (a DVD in a ship causes a temporary confusion - everybody is so occupied with the game that they press the ship controls randomly - turn, thrust, primary and secondary). The ship accelerates automatically, thrust is instead brake. No maximum speed. Turn: Grows faster as the ship flies faster. Crew complement: Medium. The maximum crew number decreases as crew dies - i.e. the ship can't be recrewed, since other ViDis are busy playing games, and other races usually hate playing that much games. Fuel: Medium to large, but the fuel may not go down below 25% since the games won't have energy any longer and the ship will explode with angry, bored ViDis. So you must be careful when shooting.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 272
Same, I love the Fjorn, but you should really re-balance the ship and fix the storyline. I'd like to think things should be kept in the current galaxy, not any plotlines not created by TFB, comments in italic.
The Fjorn are a race of aliens that see themselves as intergalactic police. They look unique and can not be compared with anything on Earth, they have two arms which branch off at the elbow, so each arm has two hands, and a large eye that takes up the majority of their faces. (which, to be honest, looks rather cool)
The Fjorn were always noble, knight-like figures, but they kept themselves to themselves, until they were Slave Shielded. They couldn't dream of becoming Battle Thralls for something as wicked as the Ur-Quan.
Recent History
The anger of being slave shielded fueled the Fjorn to rise up, and destory the shield using their weapons, but it was already too late to join the war effort, as the Sa-Matra was already blown up, they managed to contact Zelnick, who told them of this. They were deeply ashamed of not being able to assist, and because of this they vowed to protect the galaxy, no matter the costs.
So they began building up their armies, rivaling the Utwig forces, and possibly other larger races, but a lot of the army squadrons in that spent most of their time trying to save endangered races, and finding places for them to live, and unfortunately due to the hostility of some races, after being slave shielded for so long, there were fights, and due to the nature of the Fjorn, who just wanted to help, they did not open fire until they thought it was an absolute must.
Interesting... but wouldn't they go around helping the NA against the Kohr-Ah? Think about it, you've got a race that has no disregard for life, mentally mad, seeks the utter annihilation and genocide of all races, I'm sure the Kohr-Ah would be fragging a load of traders like pirates or initiating attacks upon worlds they encounter in groups.
The Fjorn are very intrusive, much like the Medieval knights of old, and will want to enquire about certain events that have taken place.
Sounds like the Owa, but still, not bad.
They also have an air of superiority about them, because of the duty they have imposed on themselves, of course they mean no harm, and are quite docile, but they will stand up for what they believe as right.
The Fjorn speak in a stereotypical British Medieval accent, and will try to be as courteous as they can.
Still, sounds reminiscent of Owa but not bad at all.
The Fjorn, however, have a very family orientated life style, it's known that once a Fjorn took a direct hit from an Illwrath vessel's flame thrower and survived with some major burns, only because it was his son's birthday in a few months time, and for the love of his wife.
I liked this.
Thus, the ties with their families make Fjorn are very hardy, and most ships can take extra fire from enemy vessels.
What about current government relations? Do they have a space pope to turn to who says 'Thy glorious hammer of Fjorn and our divine blessings by the Pkunk lady will smite thee sadistic Kohr-Ah!', what about the government itself?
Also, if they are space police, don't they do space police activities? I mean like intercepting Druuge slave traders and doing boarding missions, killing Kohr-Ah incursions, keeping the peace, stopping drug smuggling?
Relations with Race
The Fjorn were slave shielded near the Zoq-Fot-Pik, so after meeting Zelnick, they went to their nearest neighbors.
The relationship between them is a light-hearted, friendly one. The Zoq-Fot-Pik would joke about the Fjorn's "Crusades" and the Fjorn would joke back about it. They are the only race that the Fjorn feel that they can trust with their stories, so the Zoq-Fot-Pik get the true record on the Crusades.
Zoq-Fots are always good company. I'm sure the Fjorn would take their kids to the annual Fungy championships.
They do envy humans, because the grand hero of the Sa-Matra seige was one, but otherwise they bare them no ill.
Fair enough.
The Yehat and Fjorn don't see eye-to-eye, they both see each other as pompus prats, but there is rarely a battle between ships, they both see each other as not worth the effort.
Ironic, is the fact that they believe in the Pkunk's powers, and ask them to bless them on their Crusades, which means they had to go into Yehat space to do this, until the Dimensional Bomb exploded.
I like this. Remove the DB though.
Even more funnier, is that they think they can understand the ORZ, and to be truthful, they couldn't save their own lives if it was dependent on this, the ORZ mock them slightly and the Fjorn think they are saying something very important. The ORZ mean them no harm of course.
*Funny camper* thinks he knows the *smell*, he does not. *Smell* is seen by *fingers*, not Fjorn *campers*.
Although, I can see the Orz going against your race. Remember the Androsynth? I'm sure many Fjorn detectives will be interested, and when they ask or go snooping around for the answer to this mystery, Orz will kill Fjorn.
*Nyyyyyyyaaaaaaaahhhh!* *Silly* Fjorn *Cows* go asking too much about Androsynth like *Silly* VUX *Cows*. Fjorn makes us *frumple*, but some Fjorn are *happy campers*?
The Umgah, love playing pranks on the Fjorn, they find them so funny that they sometimes make mistakes at which the Fjorn notice, so the Fjorn Veterans do not take them as serious as the new recruits.
'What is thee problem Umgah vessel? Why have thee used thy distress call?' 'Because Fjorn are in distress from too much working. HAR HAR HAR!'
When the Dimensional Bomb exploded, the races got scattered around, and the Scavengers appeared.
Scavengers? DB? (Personally I'd just keep it simple and stick to just the galaxy a little bit more after the Sa-Matra was destroyed.)
This was a brilliant chance for the Fjorn to get to work, it's not un-common to see a fleet warp in and help a defensless or weak ship against a Scavenger Vessel, and to be perfectly honest, the Fjorn like hogging the lime-light, if only to be noticed and loved for their deeds.
The Slylandro gas giant ended up warping near the Fjorn's Homeworld, which is titanic in size, curiuous, the Fjorn went up and the Slylandro went down, and the races met each other.
The Fjorn liked the Slylandro's child-like maner, and their interests in the Fjorn's acts of bravery, which reminded the Fjorn of their own children.
I can see the Fjorn doing this, going around telling them of their crusades as they would talk to their kids at bedtime.
As a gift, the Fjorn created an automated factory which produced mechanical enviroment-suits which the Slylandro could use, but they could not create anything themselves without asking the Fjorn, because they had told them about their "Probe Accident" which the Fjorn had to be careful about.
Nah, kids are too young to mess around with starships Proven with the probe incident too. The Slylandro are not yet ready for space travel, at least I think the Fjorn I would say that.
Fjorn Inquisitor
A nimble, quick ship with a laser as it's main weapon and an arching one as it's secondary, built to be effective against larger ships. It's major ability is the fact that it is INSANELY RESISTANT to many forms of attack done to it's crew directly. Orz troopers fall like flies against these, they are COMPLETELY resistant to the Syreen Song, and once more, 1 crew member equates to 2, so the enemy has to get through twice the amount they thought they would have to.
A formidable ship in the right hands.
And imbalanced...
For a start I don't see what makes the Fjorn special to the Syreen's hypnotism especially when it works against the Orz and other races. Syreen Song should work against Fjorn. Orz Marines shouldn't fall like flies against the Inquisitor. Here's my take on the Inquisitor:
The Inqusitor is a formidable vessel, and in keeping with the Fjorn's high tough profile, they have equipped their ships with a highly advanced hull plating, which they call the KITE (Kinetic Ion Transference Energy) Shield. In combat, this can be polarized by using the Ions in space to allow it to survive the stray shots shown by ships as well as being a great tactical advantage in battle, and has has been prized by the Fjorn by increasing space mortality. It's main weapon is a unique in that it fires spherical fusions of concentrated Ion energy.
Primary weapon damage 3 Fuel cost 8 Secondary requires maximum Fuel, instantly replenish 5 grey crew count.
Crew : 5/10 (23 points total) 5 Being green crew, 10 being 'grey' crew. Fuel : 30 Reneration: 3 Fuel per second.
Turning Rate : Good Movement Speed : Good Movement Accel. : Mediocre
Long Term Plans
Policing the Galaxy, making sure everyone is trying to be good.
And playing Frungy, they love the sport.
Can't go wrong with Frungy.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2007, 03:05:39 pm by Elerium »
On the defensive part, your Inquisitor variant is better, Neonlare, but the Primary is too much like the Dreadnought Fusion Blast. A sword-ish weapon would be more like medieval knights, and more original at the same time. Or a pike, something. Maybe like this: Hold primary + Up: Elongate bladepike (up to a certain limit) Hold primary + Left/Right: Swing bladepike And the energy cost is bigger if the bladepike is elongated further.
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