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Topic: The People's Races! (Read 28270 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
my race is the acturans they are a hold out of the diniri(how ever you spell it) they appear as tall gaunt humanoids with dark over shadowed eyes they have mostly red or black hair although some have blond hair they speak with a "bad Moscow accent" or a plain mane accent
ship:majunir speed: med msize:med batt Regen:fast batt:20 looks like middle of flagship primary:nuclear munitions fired at the close in melee screen range they last for 10 seconds do 1 damage for every 1/2 second in the range and 6 damage if cot in center the blast looks like a shofixti glory device with 1/2 range secondary:cycles threw fighters orp.1 a interceptor high speed low battery 2crew(hit points and cost to launch)damage 1 shofixti dart low turn rate 2 gunship med battery med speed hyper battery Regen light fire med turn rate crew 5(launch and hp) utwig stile attack 3 tug high speed-low speed(tow) low turn rate 12 crew(hit points doesn't cost crew to launch) tows enemy closer to ship. all of these secondary ships/fighters except the tugs are controlled by the player whale the main ship goes in to "cyborg mode" and the hp bars of individual ships are shown in the manner of time warp pm me if you have any questions!
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
See also:
There are several ship designs I didn't put down there, and that thread was just about ships, not species.
The Kuzhon were a technically advanced but scientifically stagnant race (having just barely missed the Sentient Milieu era) which never discovered hyperspace on their own due to a series of unfortunately designed experiments which made it seem like they understood all of physics. And, aside from interdimensional issues, they did. Beautiful engineering, too.
This continued until the Denne discovered them. The Denne were a younger race, and despite knowing about Hyperspace, were hardly more advanced than Earthlings when contacted by the Chenjesu.
There was a long and mutually profitable exchange of ideas between the two, but they were never especially friendly. The Kuzhon were extremely conservative, and the Denne got inferiority complexes.
When the Ur-Quan came into their sector, the two fought together defending the Denne homeworld until the Ur-Quan sent a flanking maneuver around to the Kuzhon world. The Kuzhon mostly withdrew, and the Denne collapsed. They elected to become battle thralls.
The Kuzhon were extremely few in number, mere millions. When the Ur-Quan were clearly going to win, they packed up and moved into their sun where they would be hard to detect against the extremely bright background. This was one of their most advanced technologies, which had never been revealed to the Denne.
Nonetheless, some Denne spies had determined that this ability existed, and, as thralls, they revealed this information to the Ur-Quan. The Ur-Quan, now knowing where to look, shortly located the Kuzhon mother ships and attacked.
The Kuzhon fled and scattered, in brilliant luring plans which sacrificed some warships and evacuated mother ships to allow others to escape and settle in other stars, where, alone, they would be much much harder to find.
Since then, the Denne have been assigned to guard them and keep them contained. The Kuzhon have made this a full time job, and have maintained the intention to make the Denne pay for their choice to become thralls.
Ships: Denne and Kuzhon ships are given in the other thread. Each was also originally designed to have another ship. The lighter Denne ship, the falcon, would be a fast attack torpedo boat, high speed, modest turning, a slow-repeat dual cannon... and rack torpedoes. The rack torpedoes would arm on pressing special once; this would take full battery. Pressing special again would fire them. Very long range, a dozen or so in number, somewhat spreading, and firing both front and rear. It looks like one of those three-pronged clips like on fanny packs, except some bright cheery color instead of the usual black.
The heavier Kuzhon ship, the Doomsday, would bear a long long long-ranged laser which would, as fire was held down, gradually track towards the target. Battery would not regen while the laser was firing, and stutter-fire would reset the tracking each time it began afresh. The secondary weapon... we tossed around ideas, but none were especially satisfactory. One was an energy draining laser that tracked faster than the main laser. The Doomsday is very very wide, glossy black, with spikes on the ends. You can imagine a solid b'atleth, with the middle of the blade being the front.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 272
I really like the Kuhzon and Denne races, really unique. I know it's your idea and all but I figures I could mess around with it to make the concept better if that's ok with ya
Kuhzon Doomsday ships are battleships (moving homes for them) and use a "Nova Cannon" instead, essentially a weapon that makes a target on the screen and has to be controlled by the player while getting the enemy in its crosshairs- if you do, a large laser (something akin to Sajuuk from the Homeworld series) fires out and deals the worst kind of damage possible. This is also due to them incorporating their new "sun" technology as a large scale weapon, although it has a long cooldown. Secondary would be dual turrets (one on the left, and right) which automatically track the enemy and one turret would fire two lasers in rapid fire, this would offer close quarters defence and deal moderate damage, scaring away pesky small craft like the ZFP and if they should go to the front of your ship accidentally you can incinerate them with a dumbfired Nova Cannon, but as the lasers are slow moving, you are still vulnerable.
Perhaps the Kuhzon found a Precursor "Sun Device" and using their secretive vast knowledge on suns already acquired themselves, improved on the design by making it militarial. They might offer assistance based on knowledge of the old Sun Device used by the Chmmr. When they talk about the Doomsday, they'll say it's their mobile homes next to their other star outposts and were created late in the war when they were losing, but it can more than enough take on a Dreadnought although they're vulnerable to fighters.
As for plot- if it's after SC2, the Kuhzon would still be "at war" with the Denne and the Ur-Quan being in a heavily reinforced Hierarchy area and ask you for some information relating to the war, which you could tell them about how you wiped the Ur-Quan in your home sectors out and the Kohr-Ah. Doing so would alarm them but you would not know why, but they seem unphased and "thank you for your time", possibly hinting an alliance in the future when they're ready.
Eventually later on it becomes clear the Kuhzon are creating an "Armageddon Star" (name thought up on the spot, but just calling it this for now) weapon in secret, like a Dyson Sphere, Death Star or the Xindi Doomsday Device (sci-fi references for Star Control ) which can release a laser to kill off all life on a planet by controlling a mini star and its energies within it's structure.. they plan to use it on the Denne homeworld (such was their anger) as a testing ground and a message to the Ur-Quan/galaxy. It's also their primary secret weapon they've been planning all along, and that talking to them will only say "the Ur-Quan had all the trump cards, the Sa-Matra, the Kohr-Ah were close to destroying the galaxy, we need this to ensure our species are ready for any threat". Talking them out of it won't unphase them.
The Captain has the following choices- tell the Denne who will then report this to the Ur-Quan and they both will engage a partially constructed Armageddon Star in battle which is still "operational". The Kuhzon will then launch their Doomsday ships to counter meaning both spheres of influence will be heavily decimated (should the Captain go there, the Ur-Quan and the Kuhzon will attack him, but the Denne will tell him to flee). However when the conflict is over the AS is destroyed by the combined Denne and Ur-Quan. The Denne will have survived and thank you for saving their lives- offering Hierarchy secrets on a secret channel to the Captain and a secret alliance supplying ships (Falcons) that will help him while the Ur-Quan go back to what they were doing. Likewise, the Kuhzon will hate you and attack you on sight for what you have done, saying you're no better than the Hierarchy that chased them, you and your "Earth alliance" are their "inheritors".
Not saying anything means the Armageddon Star is completed and the Denne homeworld is annihilated (their current sphere of influence is destroyed, a small sphere retreats to Ur-Quan space) and the Kuhzon sphere of influence grows a LOT. They also become more brash, but will offer an alliance to the Captain now that the "threat is out of the way" (Doomsday ships available to be built). Talking to the Denne in flight they will respond from desperate refugees to madmen saying the Kuhzon are "after them" and just want to get away as far as possible seeking protection in their Ur-Quan overlord home sectors before they too are destroyed as a species.
I imagine the Denne during the Alliance war were fantastic spies and information gatherers/trackers, and were kept on the fringes to watch over the Kuhzon using their innate abilities and supplied the Ur-Quan with a lot of nice information- it was them who told the Ur-Quan to attack Procyon by finding a weak spot by chance when the Mrn/Chenjesu Rigel forces were decimated.
Ah I go on a bit
« Last Edit: April 09, 2009, 02:50:38 pm by Elerium »
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I'm not sure this is better, exactly.
For one thing, the Kuzhon would never have found precursor artifacts due to their lack of hyperspace until they had become insular and were uninterested in exploring.
I think it's more interesting if they figured the solar technique out on their own.
As for the solar cannon... that's a rather radical revision, isn't it? The point of the laser's tracking was to handle little guys. I didn't say, but the further off the tracking was, the faster it would approach. So, it would be possible to aim to the rear on a reasonable timeframe. I would favor having the special just alter the tracking behavior in some way.
As for the rest... well, that's one story you can tell with these guys, certainly.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 272
I'm not sure this is better, exactly.
For one thing, the Kuzhon would never have found precursor artifacts due to their lack of hyperspace until they had become insular and were uninterested in exploring.
I think it's more interesting if they figured the solar technique out on their own.
As for the solar cannon... that's a rather radical revision, isn't it? The point of the laser's tracking was to handle little guys. I didn't say, but the further off the tracking was, the faster it would approach. So, it would be possible to aim to the rear on a reasonable timeframe. I would favor having the special just alter the tracking behavior in some way.
As for the rest... well, that's one story you can tell with these guys, certainly.
Yeah, it is more interesting if they found solar stuff on their own- they figured out solar stuff as you described but I wondered with the idea that finding a Precursor relic would have fixed a slight technological problem they were looking for in their vast knowledge. As for artifacts, they might have found one on their homeworld, which is possible knowing the Precursors left a lot of stuff around.
Ah well, I thought to add something to tie them central to a "SC3" esque plot like with the other races, like a Thraddash sub-plot that would fit in with a possible sequel. I knew Star Control loved it's sci-fi references so I thought the Death Star-like laser might fit well with these guys but it's your idea either way so I was just offering some suggestions 
As for the solar cannon I generally thought with their vast sun knowledge they could harness it as a really nasty weapon against the Ur-Quan, and their big vessels used to escape could be turned into really nasty harbringers of doom, although when you think about it if they're escapees they might not have the resources to make solar cannon Ur-Quan busters so your idea is better in having heavy strong ships with good weapons.
I have a few ideas for some races of my own, although I'd have to flesh them out a bit more before I end up posting 'em.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2009, 07:12:17 pm by Elerium »
Grand Master Planet Eater
Frungy champion
Posts: 85
Name: Syln
They appear as sort of small dinosaurs, with angular armor plating covering them which is actually part of their biology. They have black eyes. Their race maintains a telepathic connection between all individuals, but they are not a hive mind (at least not normally). When enough fear that their race is threatened enters their collective unconscious, they undergo a transformation: Their minds are replaced with a hive mind which seeks only to destroy all non-Syln life, their "armor" opens up to reveal hideous disgusting flesh with writhing tendrils shooting out of it, and their eyes glow bright red. Once it is determined that the threat to their race is over, they revert back to normal, and don't remember anything that happened while they were transformed. While in their normal state, they are somewhat arrogant due to being very technologically advanced, but otherwise peaceful towards other races.
Race History:
The Syln are a very ancient race that originated in the Andromeda galaxy. When the Precursors first encountered them, they were in the midst of one of their frenzies and were almost finished destroying all other spacefaring races in their galaxy. A Precursor exploration vessel encountered them, and the Slyn immediately attacked. The Precursor ship fought back but was destroyed. The Syln were about to revert to normal, but the presence of another new and powerful race caused their berserker state to extend. They sent a fleet to attack the Milky Way, but they were repelled by the Precursors. The Precursors built the Sa-Matra battle platforms to fight the Syln. After a lengthy war, the Syln were defeated. The Precursors thought they had been wiped out but there were pockets of them still alive across the Andromeda galaxy. After they reverted back to normal, they were shocked to discover that most of their civilization was destroyed and they didn't know why. However their collective unconscious still had memories of the war, so over the next hundreds of millenia they designed their ships and technology to counter Precursor ships and weapons. Then, shortly after the NAFS is established, a Syln exploration ship is dispatched to the Milky Way galaxy to search for planets suitable for colonization.
The Ur-Quan and Kohr-Ah know of the Syln, despite never having met them, due to records they found in the Sa-Matra's computers.
Ship Name: Syln Destroyer
Ship Crew: 100
Speed: Around the same as an Ur-Quan Dreadnaught
Turn Rate: Slightly higher than an Ur-Quan Dreadnaught
Energy: 42, it takes 5 seconds to fully regenerate
Ship Primary Fire: Homing Beam - a weapon that appears as a combination of a solid beam and an electric arc, with glowing spheres that appear and disappear along its length. Its range is around half of the combat screen, and it does continuous damage to a target at a rate twice that of the Chmmr laser. As per its name, it homes in on targets in an angle of about 160 degrees in front of the ship. Targets are prioritized as follows:
1. Enemy projectiles/devices 2. Enemy ships 3. Asteroids
The beam is very fast, though not instant, and can be fired continuously for 10 seconds before the Destroyer's energy is exhausted
Ship Secondary Fire:
Pulse Wave - a ring of energy that radiates outward from the Destroyer, similar to the Kohr-Ah F.R.I.E.D. It has a shorter range than the F.R.I.E.D. but it can destroy any projectile or device, and does 10 damage to any ship it hits. A Destroyer with full energy can fire 4 of these before running out of energy.
There is also another, stronger type of Syln ship designed to counter the Sa-Matra battle platforms. It has high range like the Sa-Matra and can fire 8 continuous homing beams.
Obviously these ships are "boss" ships and neither type will commonly have to be fought.
Frungy champion
Posts: 83

Maybe a little overpowered but very good idea. You mentioned intergalactic space travel between the Andromeda and the Milky Way. These galaxies are separated by about 2.5 million light years of vacuum. I highly doubt HyperSpace and QuasiSpace technologies can be of any use when it comes to such distances. Those voyages would require a different and more advanced technology. Any ideas what would that be?
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
That ship is imbalanced. By which I mean it's way to strong against many ships and way too weak against others. It has no answer to any ship that's reasonably fast, long-ranged, and capable of firing several times in succession, e.g. Y-form, Mauler... Scout and Blad? Depends on the range of the main, on that one. Also, Orz could slip something in. Spathi would be dependent on their front gun, but they could pull it off. VUX might be able to slip in some limpets and then it'd be utterly toast to any followup ship.
Posts: 1044

There's no way to know if the systems we can reach via Hyperspace are even from the Milky Way. We assume they are, but since the designations are completely arbitrary, it's possible that Hyperspace warps distances far more than anyone would expect.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Canon has numerous references to the galaxy. It'd be very jarring to find out that's all wrong.
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
I thought that evangelical race was excellent. Maybe they could worship the rainbow worlds, like that race from SC3. I had an idea for a religious race that did that; they orbited the rainbow worlds in these monastery space ship things, and they looked like butterflies. I guess cuz they remind me of moths being drawn to a flame.
But heres my other idea
The Thon look like a cross between bears and triceratops. The style of their tech and culture, as well as there mystique, is similar to the Mondoshawan from the Fifth Element. They're one of what i'd call "near-miss" races, in that they were around back in the Dnyarri days, but were lucky enough to not be noticed. They are inspired by two sources, the Ents and the Ancient Egyptians. Ents, because they are extremely patient and long term oriented, but also overly cautious and indecisive. They also do the super slow talking thing.
Ancient Egyptians, because the Thon have a similar view to history as them. The Thon see history as internal and repeating. Sure, the details might change, but everything is part of a cycle. Intellectually, most Thon get that this is not really true, but its still very hard for them to wrap their minds around that idea, kind of like how most humans know that "time is relative" but know what that actually means.
I want the Thon to take the place of the Chenjesu, now that the Chenjesu are gone. By that I mean that the Thon are the new big, benevolent, super smart race trying to save everything. But they are in some way the opposite of the Chenjesu, and would at first seem ill suited for this. They are extremely reclusive, and have basically no interest in interacting with other races. They have entirely cut themselves off from the rest of the galaxy behind a massive cloaking field. Behind their vail, they try to make the perfect society. Since they are very peaceful and logical, they are good at this. They love symmetry, balance , harmony and art, and have modeled their civilization after those ideals.
In the hypothetical sequel game, the Thon start off as seeming kinda bad in a way. It seems like they didn't lift a finger to help the Alliance while it was battling the Ur-Quan, nor did it try to help liberate the slave shielded races. The reality is that they didn't help earlier because they couldn't. Though their military is very powerful, at the time, it was entirely defensive. Almost all their ships were actually still sub-luminal. But they saw that they other races were being conquered, so they gave up their blissful seclusion and contacted the Chenjesu. "Hold on until we have prepared our military for offense." Of course, the war ended before that. But that's why the Chmmr were so insistent on waiting and completing The Process as planned; they wanted to give the Thon as much time to build up as they could, and when the two were both ready, they could attack in simultaneously.
In the end of the sequel, the Thon sacrifice the beautiful civilization they'd been cultivating for thousands of years to save everyone else from the big bad threat.
I could see the Thon as living on a Quasi-space planet like the Arilou, but I think that would take away the uniqueness of the Arilou. Plus, how many life supporting planets logged in extra-dimentional space nooks can their be?
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
oh wait, thats all in bold, huh
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