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Topic: PONAF (and SCDB) down (Read 2070 times)
Zebranky food
Posts: 20
Shipwrecked and comatose.
Yep. They're down again. Probably due to Gamespy's shenanigans, I'll warrant. But wait! There's more. I declare (with the authority vested in me as a really old person) this thread to be the official SCDB until such time as the original goes back up, or a replacement is found.
As this thread is now the SCDB, I think it wise to post something amusing and pointless: I was talking about Nietzsche recently with a coworker, and I maintained that he was attempting, in some of his aparantly pointless passages, to be humorous. That he failed, I maintained was due to the fact that he was German. Humor statistics by nationality (via Google): "American Humorist": 201,000 "German Humorist": 190 "Korean Humorist": 13 "North Korean Humorist": 1
As you can see, even adjusted by population, Germans aren't very funny. They are, however, not the least humorous people in the world, as even this small selection reveals.
Zebranky food
Posts: 20
Shipwrecked and comatose.
Okay, Scott contacted Gamespy, who fixed the problem. I declare this thread to be closed. Don't expect me back at the UQM forums until the next time the SCDB crashes. My comedy stylings can be found at: The Off Topic Forum of the SCDB. You've been a great audience. See ya'!
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