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Author Topic: Recommended games  (Read 13268 times)
Frungy champion
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Recommended games
« on: September 02, 2006, 01:55:28 pm »

i haven't been playing new games for quite a long while (old computer, studies, gf, etc.)
any good recommendations?
Zebranky food
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Re: Recommended games
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2006, 03:00:23 pm »

X2-the threat keep me playing 4 months, X3 reunion was released not too long, and seems to b even better, made b egosoft, space related stuff and stelar trading

Re: Recommended games
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2006, 05:09:35 pm »

I've been playing Titan Quest. It's a pretty decent Diablo spin-off, although the inherent mindlessness of Diablo games led me to start simultaneously playing this super complicated thing called Star Chamber which I doubt anyone around here has ever heard of. If I wanted to sum up Star Chamber, it would be Master of Orion + Magic The Gathering + 30 IQ points. Here's a demo for anyone who wants to try something complicated:

The one demo mission ("The Jupiter Initiative") they give you is really friggin' brutal for newbies but try and beat it anyway. If anyone acquires a taste for the game, send me a PM and I'll tell you how to get into the multiplayer game by using the absolute minimum amount of money to acquire cards.
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Re: Recommended games
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2006, 05:35:19 pm »

I've been playing a game called Alien Arena.  It's a freeware title, based on the Quake II and III games.  Nice multiplayer, but I wish there was more people online playing it....

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Re: Recommended games
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2006, 07:09:40 pm »

For a very good free real time stradegy game I would recomend Total Annihilation (TA) Spring.
Its multiplayer only at the moment.


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Frungy champion
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Re: Recommended games
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2006, 10:17:10 pm »

"scribbling furiously"
i'm writing, i'm writing! keep it coming!  Smiley
i'm reminded of a certain spongebob (yeah, yeah, i know, what can i say i love cartoons...) episode:

"self customization!
he's softening the ground!
of course!"  ....

i started playing Magic: the gathering around 3 ed. and stopped around mirage/visions when i didn't have the time and money anymore. so i don't think it's likely i'll go into another collectible  card game soon. i am intrigued, though as to how a card game is combined with a computer game?

anyway, the game doesn't have to be free.oh, and by new i mean from about diablo 2 onward (not very new, i know).

BTW, i noticed you said on another topic that AVP 2 is the best FPS ever. i played AVP 1 and i know that half way through the game i couldn't play anymore what with me getting so jittery about those damn aliens jumping me. if you'll compare that (or AVP 2) to system shock  2 which would you find scarier?
« Last Edit: September 02, 2006, 10:51:11 pm by distant watcher » Logged
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Re: Recommended games
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2006, 11:30:22 pm »

System shock 2 and deus ex 1 are very different from most FPS since they have some very cool depth because of their RPG elements and story line.

AVP 2 is just a really fun shoot’em up with no depth compared to system shock 2. As for how scary they are I can’t really remember enough for comparison. All I remember is both games kept me on my toes. Now if you want a freaky and fun game that will make you loose control of you digestive track then you want to play F.E.A.R.  The fear multiplayer is also very fun.

There are none so blind as those who will not see. — Jonathan Swift

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Re: Recommended games
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2006, 06:46:30 am »

i started playing Magic: the gathering around 3 ed. and stopped around mirage/visions when i didn't have the time and money anymore. so i don't think it's likely i'll go into another collectible  card game soon. i am intrigued, though as to how a card game is combined with a computer game?

The virtual cards are stored on the Star Chamber server, I assume. No one has ever hacked cards for themself, so it's pretty fool-proof. In the singleplayer missions you aren't using your own collection, but rather the card set that was put into that specific mission. What else can I tell you but to play the demo? Or don't if you're trying to be careful with your money because SC will end up costing you a bit more than a regular game if you get hooked by it. On the other hand, it's still a lot cheaper than Magic.
Frungy champion
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Re: Recommended games
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2006, 06:39:18 pm »


sound intersting, but i'm a bit leery about collectibles right now, maybe in a couple of years, who knows? anyway, how's titan quest?

pardon me for my ignorance but what is deus ex (1 or whatever) ?
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Re: Recommended games
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2006, 06:10:28 am »

I havent played the DX series at all but I can say unequivocally that System Shock 2 is on par, quality wise, with SC2. It's an absolutely amazing game that will have you panicking, swearing and occassionally wetting your pance with fear at times.

But Dont Take My Word For it, read the review!
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Re: Recommended games
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2006, 07:44:16 am »

pardon me for my ignorance but what is deus ex (1 or whatever) ?
You can always answer your own questions with google or wikipedia.
Just seeing the box art makes me wanna play it again.

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Re: Recommended games
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2006, 08:02:31 am »

AVP 2 is just a really fun shoot’em up with no depth compared to system shock 2. As for how scary they are I can’t really remember enough for comparison. All I remember is both games kept me on my toes. Now if you want a freaky and fun game that will make you loose control of you digestive track then you want to play F.E.A.R.  The fear multiplayer is also very fun.

I tihnk it's mostly that they are a different kind of scary. System Shock 2 is really creepy and unnerving, whilst AVP is more "action scary". At least for me, AVP2 caused more of the "oshit oshit oshit my scanner beeping its coming closer it just jumped out of the drain! AARGH" scariness whilst System Shock caused more of the "The walls are moaning and I can hear one of those deranged cybrogs stalking around somewhere yelling for her children" scariness.

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Re: Recommended games
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2006, 12:29:10 pm »

There are two games I'll recommend 'till the end of time.
Gothic 1 and 2. Best damn RPGs ever made, tough I think part 1 is slightly better.
They have fun gameplay, a nice story, and they have most important part of an RPG, that most others fail to do right  - the feeling that your character is developing.

Great games they are, and I could kiss every single developer that was invlolved in the process of making them.

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Re: Recommended games
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2006, 03:36:50 pm »

pardon me for my ignorance but what is deus ex (1 or whatever) ?
You can always answer your own questions with google or wikipedia.
Just seeing the box art makes me wanna play it again.

oh, don't worry, i do that as soon as somebody (you in this case) mentions a name, i was simply looking for your personal perspective

At least for me, AVP2 caused more of the "oshit oshit oshit my scanner beeping its coming closer it just jumped out of the drain! AARGH" scariness whilst System Shock caused more of the "The walls are moaning and I can hear one of those deranged cybrogs stalking around somewhere yelling for her children" scariness.

yeah, i remember this time my brother started playing AVP 1 and he didn't see the Alien movie  for a long time and he was looking at this face hugger and thinking "what the @#$% is this stupid and sorry thing?" and suddenly it jumped him and he LITERALLY fell over backwards with the chair from fright! "snicker, snicker"


tanx, i'll chechk into those as well...

since i just got Heroes of Might and Magic V - has anyone solidified an opinion about the game?  i adored 3 and hated 4 to give a clue of what i'm looking for.

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Re: Recommended games
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2006, 06:52:03 pm »

Since Starcraft and Battlezone 2, I haven't seen many good commercial games come out to my liking (with the exception of URT 2004, though it runs a little too fast.) In the mean time, I have mostly played freeware alpha-beta games like UQM, Aftermath, ReMasters, Black Sky, Vega Strike, BZFlag, and Wesnoth. Also, there are some abandonware games that can be downloaded on, like Starfleet Command 3, Wing Commander, (System Shock 1+2 as someone just mentioned, though I haven't ever played these,) Starflight 1+2, Starfight VI (not Starflight, but Starfight,) Elite, and others.

I'm really looking forward to some of the near future games though- Unreal Tournament 2007, Battlefield 2142, Halo 3, Command & Conquer 3, Supreme Commander, Infinity Quest for Earth, and Spore. Every Trekie will probably get Star Trek Legacy when it comes out.
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