Zebranky food

Posts: 3
I just wanted to say that I'm so happy I found this site, and to thank the people who are doing this recreation. I've been playing video games for a very long time, and there are a few games I've played over the years that I would catagorize as almost perfect in terms of gameplay, plot, and execution (Final Fantasy Tactics, Zelda Series, Myst Series, Ogre Tactics NoL, and Ultima 4 all come to mind). Near the top of that list is Star Control II. I think it's a great testament to a game that I still vividly remember it 14 years after I played it.
I've already downloaded the new version and spent a few hours playing it last night. I'd always hoped that there'd be a (real) sequel, but to be honest I'd given up hope until I came here. I'm very psyched about the work you are doing here, and I'm looking forward to the day when I'll see an official announcement of the Star Control 4 release date!