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Question: Should I get this 50"  LG Plasma HDTV?
Yes, it will be good for gaming and television.
Good for television, not so much for gaming.
Great for gaming, not as much for television.
Its just a bad television.
I know nothing about televisions, sorry.

Author Topic: Is this a good television for me to buy?  (Read 6191 times)
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Is this a good television for me to buy?
« on: September 25, 2006, 02:33:41 am »

Yeah, I was wondering if this would be a good television for me to watch television programs and game on my xbox 360 with good graphics. If you people could help me out, that would be great  Wink.

Please vote, and feel free to post your opinions about this television I am seeking to purchuse. I await answers.
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Re: Is this a good television for me to buy?
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2006, 08:40:53 am »

Plasma televisions are not good for gaming, since HUD-icons and everything else that is 'always' on the screen, will eventually 'burn' to the screen.

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Re: Is this a good television for me to buy?
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2006, 08:50:03 am »

What is burn? I am not good with televisions so please explain..
Uncle Sam Eagle
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Re: Is this a good television for me to buy?
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2006, 09:08:39 am »

Plasma televisions are not good for gaming, since HUD-icons and everything else that is 'always' on the screen, will eventually 'burn' to the screen.

That's only if you play constantly and have the brightness set unreasonably high, right?

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Re: Is this a good television for me to buy?
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2006, 10:23:36 am »

Yeah, I think thats right

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Re: Is this a good television for me to buy?
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2006, 12:42:32 pm »

Phosphor burn-in is, essentially, the phosphor layer on a (CRT or plasma; LCDs are unaffected) display wearing out from continuous use. As long as the phosphor layer wears out evenly, it's not too annoying (adjusting the brightness and contrast controls helps, too), but if the same image is displayed for a long time, the active phosphors will wear out more than the inactive ones, causing an (in some cases permanent) afterimage. Generally speaking, newer monitors seem to be less affected.

Personally, I wouldn't worry too much about burn-in. As long as you don't leave the TV on with a static image for hours and hours (especially repeatedly), you shouldn't have a problem. Computer monitors tend to be more susceptible to burn-in (getting a computer into a state in which it displays the same image continuously is quite common; TV channels tend to have changing content); screensavers and power management mitigates this problem greatly.

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Re: Is this a good television for me to buy?
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2006, 04:58:17 pm »

Definite NO, for gaming (and normal television watching too, imo.) Don't buy the bull about inches, what matters is resolution or pixel size. And it seems that thing has about the same res as a 17" PC LCD monitor (different aspect ratio, though.) I don't think it is wise to pay $3,300 usd for something with resolution that low.

Another thing is that this area of technology seems to still be in relatively early development, and so is very expensive and not all that good yet. Eventually, CRT will be out, and either LCD or Plasma will most likely become the weapon of choice for most people (my money is on LCD.) The winning technology will probably knock the socks off of anything we have today and will soon get cheaper and cheaper after that. At the moment, I think Plasma's usually are bigger overall and handle fast motion without any blurring (not that this is much of a problem anymore for lcd,) while LCD's usually have higher resolution for its size and doesn't have any burn in issues. But again, many of the disadvantages in each seem to be disappearing with time.

So while I haven't done much research into all this (since I will not be interested in this stuff until they bring the price way down, and the resolution way up,) I think you should definitely look into this carefully before jumping into something this price. If I were in your shoes, I'd be looking at 1600x1200 20" PC LCDs or LCDs with that same resolution that go for something like 1/6 the price and making a close comparision between the two. So I don't know all the factors, and can't tell you what you should get (if anything,) only that you really need to do your research or you could get hosed.

Funny, high res screens have made console gaming more expensive than pc gaming, and it seems by a fair amount, too.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2006, 05:01:51 pm by Deus_Siddis » Logged
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Re: Is this a good television for me to buy?
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2006, 06:28:07 pm »

The problem with a plasma TV is that even a minute crack is enough to release its fiery doombringing content. Sure, the view might be great, but do you really want to risk molten plasma burrowing through your floor and possibly feet? On the plus side, if you fill the plasma into water balloons udner controleld circumstances, you can construct your very own plasma launcher.

... try and guess which option I picked from the poll.

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Re: Is this a good television for me to buy?
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2006, 07:30:26 pm »

I would go w/ LCD myself.
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Re: Is this a good television for me to buy?
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2006, 12:58:26 am »

Well i would like a television in the 40's to 50's of inches. I would be sitting 11 feet away from it. 20" is out of the question.  I thought this would be a nice tv for gaming and television. My friend sam eagle has a Sony plasma tv. I've seen games on it, its a very clear picture and i havn't seen any problems with this so called burning. His tv is about 42 to 46".

I like the features this tv offers, are you serious that this wouldn't give a good picture for gaming?

How is     1366 x 768 resolution not good for a 50" plasma, I've looked through the LCD's on Bestbuy. The LCD res is not noticably better than this plasma (1366 x 768 vs 1440 x 900, not a big differance). Come on! Burn in? If i was to leave a game running, i would just turn off the tv anyway to save energy and leave the xbox 360 on to keep the game on. Same goes for movies, just leave the dvd player on. Really what is the problem, your hyping the problems on burn in.
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Re: Is this a good television for me to buy?
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2006, 08:40:43 am »

normally, a CRT would be best for gaming due to refresh rate, followed by LCD TFT with a decent response time (<7ms or so). Burn-in is less of a problem, particularly with what the tech is doing lately.

11 feet away, well... That's far enough that the diffs aren't as noticeable (experience talking). Also at that distance size IS eveything.

Well, mine hasn't yet covered my lounge in superheated gas so I think it's safe in that regard.
Still, if you're worried, armour-plated glass isn't that expensive in this paranoid day and age.
I also, after 6 months or so, haven't noticed any burn-in as yet.

One other thing - don't even think about hooking a PC up to it unless you're watching movies or, well, gaming. It just gets painful after a few minutes.

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Re: Is this a good television for me to buy?
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2006, 09:07:51 am »

Why are plasmas larger, but lcds smaller?
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Re: Is this a good television for me to buy?
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2006, 03:54:35 pm »

The problem with a plasma TV is that even a minute crack is enough to release its fiery doombringing content. Sure, the view might be great, but do you really want to risk molten plasma burrowing through your floor and possibly feet?

But what if the alternatives are to be bathed in gamma radiation or frozen in a tide of rapidly crystalizing liquid?

Well i would like a television in the 40's to 50's of inches.

That's fine as long as you are willing to pay 6x more for what seems to be the same quality.

I would be sitting 11 feet away from it.

In a dark-er/able room? You might also look at projectors then. Some people say they are good, I think they are a little blurry, but then I think plasmas (and probably the big lcds as well) are blurry though too.

20" is out of the question.

Unless you just sat a little closer. Wink

How is 1366 x 768 resolution not good for a 50" plasma

Because if you can get 1600x1200 on a 20" screen, why shouldn't you get at least as much on a 50"?

The LCD res is not noticably better than this plasma (1366 x 768 vs 1440 x 900, not a big differance).

Unless you are running an orchard of money trees, price is also a factor though.

normally, a CRT would be best for gaming due to refresh rate, followed by LCD TFT with a decent response time

So then LCD's actually refresh faster than Plasma?

Why are plasmas larger, but lcds smaller?

They aren't, for example (not recommending these particular products, I know little about them) this one has 1920x1080 in 40" for $3,000:

and this one has 1280x720 in 50" for $1,800:

Again, I'm not recommending these, or any television for that matter, just making a comparison.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2006, 04:00:55 pm by Deus_Siddis » Logged
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Re: Is this a good television for me to buy?
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2006, 09:49:29 am »

Good products, but seriously, i like the features that come with this (digital cable ready, built in dvr). I don't need the most AWSOMEST EVER OMFG GRAHPIX for this. All I want to know is if the T.V will play games without it being blurry. Will the game look clear (and oops sorry, i actually sit 7 feet away from it)?

Thats all I need to know, will the game look clear. Forgot the money aspect, I want a big screen with good res and features. This has it. Deus, your pics had a too small tv size or big tv size but less resolution. Plus the features on it sucked, no built in dvr, not cable ready.

Will it look clear?

Oh btw Sam Eagle whats the resolution on your plasma because it seems to be very clear everytime i see it.
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Re: Is this a good television for me to buy?
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2006, 03:11:06 pm »

All I want to know is if the T.V will play games without it being blurry.

Based on your current poll stats, it seems that for every 1 that answers this question with "yes", there are 2 who answer it with "no". So probably no.

Will the game look clear (and oops sorry, i actually sit 7 feet away from it)?

Believe it or not, those subtracted 4 feet will probably make a good difference.

Deus, your pics had a too small tv size

The smaller example was the 1920 x 1080 res 40" screen, after you said "Well i would like a television in the 40's to 50's of inches."

or big tv size but less resolution.

The bigger example with the lower resolution was just an example to answer your question "Why are plasmas larger, but lcds smaller?" The answer being that they are not necessarily smaller, at least not unless you get above 50", which I didn't look into.

Plus the features on it sucked, no built in dvr, not cable ready.

Which is why I said "not recommending these particular products, I know little about them." I was only talking about resolution vs. size, as "Will it look clear?" seems to be your main question.
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