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Topic: Dirty tricks (Read 7650 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 9
Yeah! The tonguing is the best part!
I've just discovered a new dirty trick:
Equip ship with 1 double-size fuel tank and 15 crew modules. Fill up with crew. Sell 250 crew to Druuge. Sell remaining crew back at starbase
Profit: 500*25 - 750*3 = 10250 RU. Plus whatever you bought. Losses: Hayes' approval. Oh, and maybe your immortal soul as well. Neither of which are needed to win. Practicality: Limited. The fuel trick will cost less to set up, bring in more profit, and not make you a "heinous slave trader".
Also, you're then stuck with an expensive crew cost for the rest of the game. There are ways round this - really tedious ways involving the Syreen ship...
Anyone else have any dirty tricks?
Frungy champion
Posts: 75

Mr. Owl ate my metal worm.
Well, theres the Druuge fuel trick you didn't go into detail about.
Here it is for anyone who hasn't heard of it:
Fill your entire ship with high efficiency fuel modules (even taking out all crew pods If you didn't know you could do that) and put about 25 fuel in it. Go to the druuge and sell your Burvix caster to them, and you will get a free fuel refill. But of course, your ship can hold something like 16,010 fuel now so the Druuge will have to give all to you and go into coniptions. You get a little less than 40,000 RU from this trick I'm pretty sure.
WARNING: Selling the Burvix caster means you can never talk to the Chmmr again until you free them from the slave sheild, and so if this is your first time playing you should talk to them first to get greatly needed information.
There's also some kind of lander cheat in the original PC version that is a bug in the game, but I don't know anything about it.
Frungy champion
Posts: 75

Mr. Owl ate my metal worm.
I think I tried talking to the Chmmr with the Umgah caster once and it didn't work... maybe it does.
The broadcasters are identical in functionality, though you can only sell the Druuge their own caster back.
Speaking of which, I have never understood why it was named the Burvix Caster if we all know it's Druuge technology. I don't mean to turn this into a "Greedo shoots first" thing, but would the developers consider renaming it?
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