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Topic: SuperMelee Clone (Beta II In-Progress) (Read 55167 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 104
I think tag teams are an interesting idea. I'd actually thought of that one as a solution to the 4-player problem, where you'd tag in your teammate but only 2 ships battle at once.
There's a newer version of Torque 2D that's in beta right now. It's got some major improvements to the physics and whatnot. The improvements would make networking easier in the future, amongst other things. I'm considering a rework of sorts on certain major components of the script code. So with the new engine and my desire to do a little bit o' spring cleaning, what I want to do is make sure I don't go thru the camera / gui / etc.. process again. Hence why I've brought up the discussion. 
The thing with this game is it was just a "learn how to use Torque" project that ended up taking off in a big way. So it never had a proper design in place like I do for newer projects. For example, I completed a fairly sophisticated mini chess game in about 3 month's time, and I am wrapping up another board game that only took me ~6 weeks. This game can go just as "fast" if I can just decide what to do with the darn thing, lol.
I think tag teams are an interesting idea. I'd actually thought of that one as a solution to the 4-player problem, where you'd tag in your teammate but only 2 ships battle at once. Pkunk Fury flies to the opposite end of the screen. Pkunk taps out, Earthling appears in its place. Earthling slings a couple nukes at the opposing craft. Earthling taps out, Pkunk appears in its place. Repeat.
Frungy champion
Posts: 86

ironc note: I believe I read that Yoyo's third competition is themed "Cooperation" (last was ancient civilization just finishing up). I may have to fool around with this idea... ;)
Maybe...I think Star Control is copyrighted though. Are you any good with game maker? So so, I've been using it about a year now. Getting better, learning particles finally. I'm even making my own music files now. Here's the link to my games. And yes, they're kinda weak but I learned alot while making them. Link I just played your missile defense game, but I didn't get past the third level...It was still good though! If I applied myself, I had some good ideas for games, but I'm too lazy...oh well :)
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Issac Asimov
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 104
Hey guys, I just wanted to give a little update. I'm not dead. I've just been re-ordering my projects. I cranked out a couple games (Xeno Sola and (Mini Chess) and got them on sale off my site. I'm gonna crank out one more "little" project (Mini Shogi), which should be done within a week or two, and then I'm going to focus on fixing up Xeno Versus and wrapping it up.
Frungy champion
Posts: 50

Hey, that's great news. Congrats on getting the games out! I'll definitely check out Xeno Sola.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 104
Thanks for the 'grats. Xeno Sola is starting to get a little bit of attention from indie sites. It should appear on next month and on games du jour the month after that. There's been some apparent pirating going on already though.... 
Right now, things are starting to pick up again for Xeno Versus. We've got the art done for two more levels as well as a bit more character art. So I've decided to up my game and get the ships a little more detailed. (Power ups, as a result, probably will not affect ship appearance as much... if at all.) Old and new next to each other.


« Last Edit: July 01, 2008, 06:01:01 am by xenoclone »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 104
Wow! It's been a while. So here's what's up. As promised, I re-ordered my projects. I've released Mini Chess, Xeno Sola, and Mini Shogi since my last post. You can find them here. They were a great way to learn how the whole indie game dev process goes: creating an installer, generating activation keys, demo modes, getting reviewed, etc, etc....
So with those done, I've turned my attention back to the project. For starters, I rebooted the code from scratch with great results. It's only been about a week back on the project, but it's already got the basics in place. Here are a few pics:
I've had to make a few tough decisions in order to simplify development. Those include:
- 9 ships
- 3 ships per fleet
- 2 players
- 4 levels
- Levels will be boxed in; but all ships will teleport
- Only 1 resolution
On the plus side, the game will now be in 1024x768 resolution instead of 800x600. And the ships are 128x128 instead of 62x46. Still undecided: the in-game health / energy HUD.
The next pics I'll post should have the finished HUD and some more ships.
Zebranky food

Posts: 19
When are you going to make a playable release? Any plants to open source the project?
Overall I think you've created an excellent melee clone (I've tried the previous betas a few times) although I don't quite understand Japanese Anime theme... It would also be very neat if you added a tactical star map similar to SC1.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 104
Well if the history of this thread shows anything, it's that I'm bad with time estimates. But XVS is playable right now with the two ships. So if things go well, there might be some sort of alpha/beta/demo type thing for people to try out. The biggest things left are content and balancing. And content plug-in should go fairly quickly, since it's mostly ship art and character art that needs to be wrapped up.
Open source? Probably not. But who knows how things will go?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 104
I thought I'd post a four-weeks-later update. Things are going really well. I managed to integrate in a nice fuzzy logic class into the engine, which has helped make a smooth and challenging AI -- MUCH better than the AI of old. Two ships are done and a third ship has been started. I've already integrated a number of effects, sounds, music, etc...
I made one change-up from my plan. After a bit of play-testing, the teleport didn't seem necessary for all ships. So instead each ship gets a third ability, which I've dubbed "defense." It has helped ensure the ships stay balanced. The "Scarab" (shown above) plays fairly similar to a Kohr-Ah with cloak. While the "Razor" plays a bit more like a Suppox / Thraddash hybrid with mini-ships.
Sooo.... I'm not entirely sure when I can get a playable alpha up. Maybe within a couple weeks from now?
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