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Topic: Ideas (Read 2260 times)
Rogue Kohr-Ah
Zebranky food

Posts: 43

« on: October 08, 2006, 11:30:17 pm » |
Most of this would require significant changes to TUQM and such, but I just wanted to dump random ideas I had during the game and see what people thought of it. If I feel motivated enough I may roll up my sleeves and try implementing a few of them.
** It struck me as odd that Humanity is the only race with a starbase. It also frustrated me a little bit that you couldnt build additional ones, orf outposts of some sort at least, for resupply reasons. (Sure you can get fuel from the Melnorme, but they can't give you more crewmen. Or modify your ship).
** Would be nice if the ships that the Orz board could count as "captured" and usable as opposed to "destroyed." I'm not sure about this one after some thought though, it could be unbalancing.
** Multi-play - I've been tossing around a ton of ideas about multiplay for the campaign mode, as I think it could be really neat to have. The idea that seems to make the most sense is having one player act as the Hiearchy and one player act as the Alliance. This would limit to two players though.
** Trade - while you can go out and trade with other races yourself, and get resources from Alliance rces such as the Spathi, they never really seek you out. It could make the game a bit more dynamic if the trade was more two-way like that.
I had some more but I cant recall them. I'll post them if I can remember them.
The Kohr-Ah are flawed. They must die. If you follow the Kohr-Ah, you should make whatever final preparations are preferential to your species. You have three of your "minute" time intervals to do so.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 491

Re: Ideas
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2006, 04:11:24 am » |
Here's an idea for the UQM team.. how about adding speech to the surface reports when you find objects on a planet's surface?
Posts: 1044

Re: Ideas
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2006, 05:48:38 pm » |
Ah, so you want to enslave enemy captains and force them to do your bidding. Are you Ur-Quan, or just Druuge?
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