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Topic: Dear Satan (Read 14812 times)
Can we ban this guy now? Seriously. Some jew jokes can be funny in context, but he has presented none.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2006, 03:19:06 am by Shiver »
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
OMG, this is part of the conspiracy- he wants us to think he is a troll so that we won't think he is a shill ! Open your eyes people!
I haven't read everything, but the first one sounds like it might be a joke lampooning anti-semitic christians. You can't hate everything middle-eastern and then turn around and say you are a Christian ('cause I'm fairly certain the whole bible takes place there.) I don't think Lore can be considered much of a true believer within any religion anyway, based on his sig, which seems sort of sacrilegeous. But whatever the point of this or lack thereof, I have to agree with meep, since if you ban someone for insulting one religion, you have to ban not only people who have insulted any religion (no matter how small or ridiculous it might seem to you, be it 'Pagans,' Cultists, Cat followers, Self Worshippers, Trekies, PS3 Owners, etc.) but also anyone who insults any other rigid belief system (Progressives, Utopians/Technocrats, Free Market Capitalists, Atheists, Retro Gamers, Scientists, Cat Breeders, etc.)
Well anyway, I leave for just a little while, and look what happens to the place. :0
As for Lore, at least his "brother" seemed to be able to construct believable sentences and actually talk. This guy is just surreal. He started out by pimping a game without any references and then progressed directly to jew-bashing. I can't help but wonder what's next. Maybe he'll start talking about rainbows? I see what you're implying and think you're right. It's that Zanthius dipshit from a few years back.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2006, 01:29:52 am by Shiver »
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