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Topic: Dear Satan (Read 14798 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

Just out of curiosity, is anyone even reading these links? I slugged halfway through the first one, and then gave up. I assume the rest is the same sort of stuff, but clicking one open just reveals a wall of ugly text in horrible colours which I can't be bothered to look more clearly at.
The stuff seems to me an obvious parody. Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and get a Playstation 3 = teh funnay!!
When I first read the stuff on the hottest-host site, I was assaulted with the most idiotic, racist, hateful crap I had ever encountered. However, after reading the article about anime, I'm beginning to think that this might be a parody site as well.
I haven't bothered with the other ones yet.
After Zanthius was mentioned here, I found myself longing to read some of his insanities for a few good laughs. Unfortunately the search function on this board is shot. Also his website seems to be missing much of its content from that time (though the Wayback Machine still has copies). The most I could find post-wise was a scant offering on SCDB.
It's kind of sad, but I almost miss the guy (?) for the comedy he brought here, even if he (probably) didn't intend it.
Edit: Could this be the true face of Zanthius?
« Last Edit: November 23, 2006, 07:01:36 am by Sage »
Edit: Could this be the true face of Zanthius? That little SOB is going bald at 15, apparently. Yes, that is right, I am flaming someone who hasn't been here in over a year. Might as well take a crack at NEMT while I'm at it.
Mugz the Sane
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 159

need coffee...
I go on holiday for a few weeks, come back, and what do I find?
@LoreAlmighty. I am probably wasting my time even bothering with this post, but anyway.
First: seriously man, if you WANT to be taken seriously in ANY religious debate, don't post anything from the landover baptists. I haven't yet decided whether they're serious or only kidding. If they're serious, well, Satan has a place reserved specially for anyone belonging to that damned cabal. If they're only kidding, their humour is childish, derivative and excessively scatological.
Second: attack other religions or viewpoints ONLY if your viewpoint or religion is ABSOLUTELY the 'right' one chosen specifically by the Lord Himself. Otherwise you make yourself look like a floon.
Third: attacking Catholicism... well. Fine. So I belong to a religion which is universally damned. So I am going to hell. So what what the rest of the world thinks about my beliefs. But hey - you were born onto this earth too weren't you? Sorry, bub, you're also hell-bound - ever heard of original sin? And guess what else - being holier-than-thou REALLY gets up the Lord's nose AFAIK.
(And while we're on the topic of Catholicism vs Judaism vs Islam vs Paganism vs Satanism vs Egoism vs Felinism vs whatever, you choose your outmoded belief system and I'll choose mine, time will tell who's right.)
Fourth: I can take a joke about my own religion incredibly well for a Catholic. 90% of religious people either can't or won't.
Fifth: If you want to find out which religion is the correct one to lead you to eternal paradise, well, then follow these simple steps: Die. Go to the afterlife. Find out.
Finally: the teachings of the prophets and Jesus paint us one picture of what God is like. Our modern religious insitutions paint a totally different one, and what's worse is every institution has its own picture - often at odds with the one Jesus, the prophets and the Saints gave us. For example: Roman Catholicism (the one I am a member of and thus feel qualified to comment on) is guilty of the Crusades, the Inquisition, and I'm sure everyone else can think up another few examples. How does this tie in with the message the Church preaches? "Jesus loves you, unless you're Jewish/Muslim/Buddhist/Taoist/Tolkienist/whatever." Take that theory and shove it. It's utter rubbish.
In fact, take ALL arrogance and shove it. It's not needed.
I'm seriously considering going to Bali to paint nude women.
Frungy champion
Posts: 64
Bush is fag pimp president.
"If Bible was written by Greek fags basing it on the values of jew fag Hebrews, does that make it false?"
I don't care if the Epistles were written by Greeks, or if Paul traveled around Cyprus and Greece with fags, the Bible is true.
Acts 18:1 After this Paul left Athens and went to Corinth.
Acts 13:4 So these two, sent on their mission by the Holy Spirit, went down to Seleucia and from there set sail for Cyprus.
The New Testament was not written by bloodthirsty mooslims, but rather fag Greeks and Macedonians. The New Testament was written originally in filthy Greek, and was later translated into that Filthy Latin.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2006, 02:52:56 pm by LoreAlmighty »
Yes, I am Almighty.
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