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Topic: Is Star Control 3 a good game? (Read 8448 times)
Ivan Ivanov
*Smell* controller
Posts: 296

Internet Piracy
Interesting. I assume there were several different cracks then? I know my CD version of SC2 actually came with a crack that disabled the copy-protection system. And as I said before, my version workde just fine. Perhaps you are right, it is possible that I had an earlier version of the game. My version came with a text file, describing Paul's and Fred's escape to Alaska in order to finish the game. It said they were found, but they went hiding again, and since it wasn't known when they'll show up again, they (the writers of the text file whoever they were) have released the version they had on them at the moment. So, maybe I had a beta version of some sort.
[note: I might have gotten some facts wrong, I saw the file in question more then a decade ago]
...or it could be an earlier version of the crack...
Also, if you obtain an illegal crack for a game, in my opinion you shouldn't really complain about stability. But of course, I would have never dream of complaining, I was just trying to help clarify matters. And perhaps the original complainer forgot about this minor aspect of his copy of the game when he wrote his post, it was a long time ago after all.
Your bruises are reminders of naivete and trust
Zebranky food

Posts: 15
yup, it was a pirated version of sc2 which i first played . I did buy one after i finished the adventure part tho because i just couldnt stop playing melee with my friends. I dont think i ever played the adventure part with the legal copy tho. I always assumed it had the same problem
Frungy champion
Posts: 99
We are all *happy campers*
Daggerfall had more bugs in it than an anthill. Can you seriously say SC3 was worse?
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