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Author Topic: Suggestions for SC (really) 3?  (Read 5338 times)
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Re: Suggestions for SC (really) 3?
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2006, 05:02:23 pm »

I'll second the idea of not having the Orz as the main villains. They seem much better suited to the "really creepy and uncomfortable ally" role that they're in. Perhaps they could boost the level of sinister a bit (having them consume one or more species that you have no hope of ever allying with, like the VUX or Mycon, and this during the game instead of beforehand), but there are too many other, better options for primary villains. Like, for example, the reason the Orz fled from their home dimension could be made clear, as it follows them to Truespace and begins converting our dimension into another universe of unending pain. Or not. But the idea of fighting against an Akira-esque giant blobby Orz as the big bad guy is just not an appealing idea to me.

The next SC definitely needs to tie up some of the loose ends left hanging after 2: The biggie is the question of where and how you come into possession of the Mark II. It should also address the question of what happens the Ur-Quan society now that they've been on the receiving end of the beating that's been coming to them for a few millennia (and having them turn into your meek allies is simply NOT the right decision); It begs the thought of whether they would have to be entirely exterminated as a threat to all sentients, or if they're not so far gone that they might eventually listen to reason and give up their fight. Of course, the results could be different for either faction, and nobody said they wouldn't try to make a power grab once the rest of the races turn their attention elsewhere...

On the flipside, there are certain questions that should NOT be answered during the course of the game, because they're better off remaining as questions. The how and why of the Precursors is the biggie in this category, though a few more tantalizing details would be perfectly appropriate (especially when dealing with the aforementioned Mark II). There are also certain races or factions you should NEVER be able to deal with: Keel-Verezy (they exist for a bit of additional flavor for the Melnorme, and nothing more), the Black Spathi Squadron (which, as I've said many times before, could never live up to the hype at this point; they're better off remaining a myth), the brown Ur-Quan (they're gone, get over it), etc. Also, if the Taalo were to reemerge, they had better have a damn good reason to do so... They also might be better off dead, and leave the rumors of their continued existence as nothing more than innaccuracy of your translators trying to deal with the Orz, and their (possibly non-linear) perception of time.


I don't want to tell TFB how to do their jobs, but whatever it is, I know that they put their heart and soul into it...

Seconded, and I really can't state this enough. We all have our wants and desires for a new (true) SC game, but these guys know best; after all, they're the reason that we're engaging in speculation in the first place.
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