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Topic: Suggestions for SC (really) 3? (Read 5337 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 277

Nut Case for Star Control
Yeppers, it's that time again folks! We fantasise on what we want in the sequel (I've got a serious feeling that it'll be given the go), this could be anything from storyline to aliens to features...
I'll start...
I had an idea about this whilst browsing wikipedia (oh the joy), instead of having a new race from out of space, how about a new one from Earth?
Confused? I shall explain.
Imagine if Dolphins were uplifted by Hunams, seriously. I think it would be awesome to see the dialog, mainly because Dolphins can hold a 10 way conversation with others, as such I imagined them speaking really fast and asking multiple questions, kind of like a 5 year old on sugar, baraging you with questions like what? why? how? and when? at the same time, it'd be funny to watch on the com-links, the voice bar at the bottom could also be going nutty because of the pitches they can reach .
Also, how about a modify your ships thing? They did it with the precursor one, but maybe if they had something like SC1, where you could upgrade your fleet by going for precursor artefacts, then it could be made more interesting, not only would you pick them up, but so would the enemy occasionally.
More to come later, feel free to post some of your own .
"would newton's law theory actually work if a Chmmr Avatar did a backwards pelvic thrust towards a planet and would this constitute an X=Y-0 in the part it ran straight into a Supox Blade and lasted long enough to survive?" - Elerium (as Valaggar)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 358

Star Control Lives!
First and foremost, more ships. The more the merrier. The heart of Star Control is the ships!
A nice long adventure.
Answer what happened to the Androsynth. Sentient Milieu, Keel-Verezy, etc...
That's all I can think of for now... I don't want to tell TFB how to do their jobs, but whatever it is, I know that they put their heart and soul into it...
Some online multiplayer would be nice too... just melee with people on the internet, and downloadable custom ships, etc.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2006, 11:23:59 pm by batman4050 »
The Orz should go totally ballistic on one of the allied races at an inconvenient time, then relocate to the farthest corner of Dimension X. There could be a sidequest that involves confronting them in their native home only to find that the fishy folk have merged into a single entity the size of a planet. The player will get a cloaking device (or something else that's optional but cool) when they visit Orz central, but will then be forced to flee from the unkillable super Orz. I don't know where the plot should go from there but so far I feel I have captured the essence of the race perfectly.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2006, 07:57:54 am by Shiver »
Frungy champion
Posts: 75

Mr. Owl ate my metal worm.
I'm kind of worried I won't be able to play it, beause my computers pretty old and can't play new games, and you all probably think I'm crazy, but I'm getting a Wii and I kind of doubt it will be on any system I will have . I think it may run on my Operating system or whatever, but my computer is really bad with any kind of 3d games.
But, as for plot ideas, maybe the *time jokes* that the Orz say the Taalo did, Is before the Dnyaari got to The Taalo home planet, they jumped into *Heavy space* and The Orz showed them their *toys* and either the Taalo were so badly damaged before they could warp out their molecular structure got changed by the Orz, Or they got *smelled* and somehow changed their molecular structure and moved put of the area. In other words, the Taalo are now Chenjesu!
EIther way, when they got to Procyon, they lost their memory and possibly some of their sentience in changing to Chenjesu, and once they got to Procyon they lost most of their technology. In either Taalo changing into Chenjesu case, the memory and sentience loss was delayed long enough for them to get back to Procyon. The memory loss is mostly a plot filler on why the Chanjesu never tell you about this.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2006, 03:06:14 pm by Zarnium »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

Is an Androsith some sort of artificially replicated practitioner of the Dark Side of the Force?
Posts: 520

I wrote a long thing here. I've been working a tad on it since then, but don't have everything linked online.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 272
In a future SC3 I'd like to see massive war against the Orz, huge battleships bristling with cannons flanked by Nemesis craft and armies of Space Marines going toe to toe with a close alliance of Chmmr avatars (and their successors), Earthling cruisers/battleships armed to the teeth with nuclear missiles with mixes of Precursor influence (as we Earthers are into that ancient stuff ) and Shofixti carriers (think Super Star Destroyer only smaller bristling with Energy Darts and many scout craft). Have the Syreen help out later on.
The Druuge should attempt to start their own movement, maybe hiring or being space pirates for a more sinister goal which would attack the Captain now and then.
It comes to pass that the Androsynth are the Orz, their ships and people were assimilated to fight under this 'hive mind' of the Orz. Although I think this idea might go down badly among fans.. maybe there might be a Precursor way to *reverse* the *change*?
Elerium: I don't know if I like the idea of the Orz being the arch-villain of a Star Control sequel. On the bad side of things definitely, but not the main focus of the struggle.
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