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Topic: Discolorations in 3DO Videos (Read 2140 times)
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
The bug database is down for upgrades right now, but IIRC the DUK decoder isn't properly reinitialised when the screen colour depth is changed or when switching between OpenGL and framebuffer mode. This is a known bug. If this is what you're experiencing, restarting UQM should fix the problem until you change the settings again. Using command line parameters to change settings should also circumvent this problem. If you're just switching between windowed and fullscreen mode, try setting UQM's colour depth setting to match your desktop.
When the discoloration has appeared, have you actually noticed that the video files have changed, or have you just restored them from the 3DO CD without checking whether it's necessary? As far as I can tell, the video files shouldn't have changed at all.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 358

Star Control Lives!
When the discoloration has appeared, have you actually noticed that the video files have changed, or have you just restored them from the 3DO CD without checking whether it's necessary? As far as I can tell, the video files shouldn't have changed at all.
To be honest, I never actually checked if the files have changed. I made all the slides contents read only, to rule out that the files have actually been changed, but the problem still occured. I've noticed it switch back to the normal colors when I restart UQM, so the problem is intermittent. I just copied the video files over, just to make sure, but it must have been the restarting that fixed it.
Also, I discovered that you can fast forward and rewind through the videos using the left and right arrow keys.
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
Looks like an instance of bug 734 to me. Specifically, it looks like one screen mode is RGB and the other BGR and the DUK player is not being warned about the change.
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