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Author Topic: SC2 stats, possible?  (Read 2423 times)
Zebranky food
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SC2 stats, possible?
« on: October 29, 2006, 10:23:41 pm »

I've finally gathered the courage to register and post after lurking all these months!

Is it possible, somewhere in the future, to have a statistics page in the in-game menu?

Essentially, I'd love to be able to see how many of each ship I've killed, and other random things like fuel spent and resources collected.


Kwamp, of the Thraddash
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Re: SC2 stats, possible?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2006, 02:02:38 am »

I can't give you an exact answer, but that would probably require adding a subroutine that runs at the start of the game that would count everything you killed, crew, etc.

They'd probably have to rewrite the original code so that there's a variable that holds the different types of statistics.

It's a great idea, and it would be nice to see in the future.  Right now, meep-eep (one of the UQM developers) is working on the netplay feature, which will definitely change how people melee against each other, so people won't have to share half their keyboard.

It would be cool to see how many crew I've lost to those Slylandro Probes.  There's loads of great ideas like yours that should be in new versions of UQM, and I hope they finish implementing things such as addons (in-game configs, etc._.

Also, thanks for having the courage to register to the forum.  The more members, the better.  Did you by any chance, take a moment to send an e-mail to Alex Ness about making a new Star Control?

Zebranky food
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Re: SC2 stats, possible?
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2006, 04:06:04 pm »

I did send an e-mail, as I'd love to see F & P get a chance to make a proper sequel.

It's funny, my friend stumbled on UQM back around v.2 or .3 and passed it along to me, I nabbed it, played through, and put it aside until a week or so ago, and now I'm back hooked on it.  Being such a huge fan of the SC series (playing through 1 and 2 multiple times on the PC, buying Interbellum when it was first printed, buying SC3 the day it came out) I've really re-found my love for the work that's been done here.  There seems to be an almost unlimited potential as to what can happen with UQM (network play, updated models, stats, modifiable elements, scenarios ala SC1) and I just want to help contribute in any way possible, be it with ideas or implementation.

Now I just need to grab the recent build with network play so I can assist in testing for bugs on my lan setup.  And of course maybe burn out some people on 'net play with my mad thraddy skills Smiley

Kwamp, of the Thraddash
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Re: SC2 stats, possible?
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2006, 04:31:07 pm »

I don't think the build w/ the network play is out yet. Maybe sometime soon?

As for the stats, that does sound pretty cool. I'd like to challenge my self and see how effeciently I could play through the game. (IE, play though using as little crew, fuel, and RUs as possible)
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Re: SC2 stats, possible?
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2006, 05:21:12 pm »

I don't think the build w/ the network play is out yet. Maybe sometime soon?
There are some unofficial builds floating around (see the relevant thread), but configuration is currently a bit complicated and the netplay still needs testing (a few days ago Sage and I found that the Kohr-Ah could quickly annihilate the entire game). It's surprisingly smooth considering that everyone was going "Latency is too high for Internet UQM, it'll never work." a few years back when netplay was first suggested. OK, the Internet got better in the meantime, but it looks like it was easier than expected.

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Zebranky food
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Re: SC2 stats, possible?
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2006, 09:41:43 pm »

There are some unofficial builds floating around (see the relevant thread), but configuration is currently a bit complicated and the netplay still needs testing (a few days ago Sage and I found that the Kohr-Ah could quickly annihilate the entire game). It's surprisingly smooth considering that everyone was going "Latency is too high for Internet UQM, it'll never work." a few years back when netplay was first suggested. OK, the Internet got better in the meantime, but it looks like it was easier than expected.

While this probably belongs in the ZOMG thread, I'm intrigued by why everyone thought it wouldn't work? Is the problem that most people here are spread out (throughout Europe and the US), or that the low FPS of UQM is too low when you start dealing with pings >100?  I know from personal experience that when I game online (usually Counter-Strike) that I wouldn't bother with servers across the US, let alone trying to touch something overseas.  I like the idea of people setting up melee rooms and using IRC to find playtime though; it will definately assist those who want to try to find semi-local players.


Kwamp, of the Thraddash
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Re: SC2 stats, possible?
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2006, 10:50:38 pm »

While this probably belongs in the ZOMG thread, I'm intrigued by why everyone thought it wouldn't work? Is the problem that most people here are spread out (throughout Europe and the US), or that the low FPS of UQM is too low when you start dealing with pings >100?
UQM is, in my experience, quite playable at a ping (roundtrip time) of up to 100 ms, although this is already enough to mess up my aim a bit. Personally, I expected that to be too much. Another thing is that, only a few years back, for many people on dialup, 100 ms would have been hard to achieve, with modems delaying by up to 50 ms (each way). At the time, many real-time network games included complex code to guess other players' moves and modify responses accordingly; building this into UQM would have been quite difficult. Also, with many links being saturated, getting a consistent latency was unlikely. Since then, the Internet seems to have improved; I can sit here in Finland and actually play UQM with someone in America!

Another issue is that UQM has some non-deterministic code in it (mostly related to random behaviour) that has to be eliminated for netplay to work. Basically, everything "random" has to be "random" in the same way on both machines.

I know from personal experience that when I game online (usually Counter-Strike) that I wouldn't bother with servers across the US, let alone trying to touch something overseas.  I like the idea of people setting up melee rooms and using IRC to find playtime though; it will definately assist those who want to try to find semi-local players.
Right now, #sc2 on freenode seems to be the place for developers and testers to congregate and troubleshoot. As UQM netplay improves (the configuration is currently a bit hairy), UQM itself should provide more support for finding opponents.

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