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Topic: What's the remix directory in UQM v0.4.0? (Read 2891 times)
Posts: 1938
Fot or not?
How to install the Precursors' (semi-official) remix packs is described in the article I linked to, so I'll concentrate on how to add music that is not in an UQM add-on package. The best way to do this is probably to create an add-on package: construct a ZIP file with the files you want to replace (with the same filenames and directories as in the original content), rename to .uqm and use as an add-on package.
The tricky part is using music in other formats than MOD and Ogg Vorbis. One approach is to convert the music to Ogg Vorbis, which works for pretty much any music (use your favourite player or sound editor or converter to convert to Ogg Vorbis or to WAV, which you then convert to Ogg Vorbis). The MikMod player used in UQM does support other MOD-style formats, such as FastTracker II, but UQM only looks for MOD files and changing the extension causes UQM to lock up on my system at least. A few small modifications to UQM would probably allow playback of other MOD-like files. Furthermore, UQM is open source, so if you want a new music decoder, you can write one.
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