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Author Topic: Will there be cheats?  (Read 12833 times)

Will there be cheats?
« on: December 27, 2002, 04:45:40 am »

Don't know bout you guys, but I had lots of fun playing the PC version with the planet lander cheat.  I finished the game once without cheating, but can honestly say it wasn't as fun.

Will there be an RU cheat of some kind? Grin
Zebranky food
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Re: Will there be cheats?
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2002, 04:52:16 am »

There's an RU cheat right now.  Go find some bio-life, just a smidgen will do - the first moon Zeta Centauri 3 has a little, and the planet's not too harsh.  Sell all of your modules except for fuel tanks, but only fill with enough fuel to get to Alpha Centauri.

Meet the Melnorme there and ask for a fillup on fuel.  Instead of charging you for it, they'll GIVE you an extra credit.  Go sell your fuel at the station and repeat.

I have no idea whether this was a bug introduced in the conversion or was originally in the 3DO version.  If the former, it's probably already fixed in 0.2.  If the latter, well, probably after 1.0 is released.
Captain Smith

Re: Will there be cheats?
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2002, 05:17:57 am »

Seriously, though, it is quite possible to play the game without the lander cheat or anything similar and dispense with any need to gather minerals for an extended period of time.

Maybe that is a part of learning the game that you should think about and explore?  Personally I pay very little concern to gathering minerals after I get enough for thrusters and fuel tanks / fuel to start traveling places...  The question is can I learn how to play the game more efficiently so mining isn't as necessary?

Something to think about.
Zebranky food
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Re: Will there be cheats?
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2002, 05:26:42 am »

That "lander cheat" is actually a bug and was fixed in a later release of Star Control 2.  And it was never in the 3DO version.

The 3DO version did NOT have any major game-breaking bugs.  I just can't believe how people would think that a released game would have bugs like this.  I believe I recall someone saying he wasn't sure you could beat the Sa-Matra in the 3DO version.

You sure couldn't.  Why, the 3DO version wasn't even a game!  Roll Eyes
Black Monk

Re: Will there be cheats?
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2002, 08:32:23 pm »

I just can't believe how people would think that a released game would have bugs like this.

/me chokes and spits up blood

/me looks at every game released since 1996 and all the patches they've had

/me looks at even EARLIER games and notices they even had patches to fix bugs in SP mode, not even for online issues

/me thinks that you're putting too much faith released products

Sure, there were no major bugs in SC2.  Still, you seem to be implying that released games are mostly bugfree.  Heck, even consoles have bugs in 'em--just not enough time to push out a game before the publisher requires it to be released.

Heck, even by your own admission SC2 was later "fixed" to not allow the lander cheat.  Then you say you don't understand how people would think a released game like that would have a bug like the one they fixed?  


Hey, it's a great game and seemed pretty stable, but I'm sure I can find some cases where it'd break.  Actually, recently I tried to run it on an NEC 486DX2/50 (overclocked to 66MHz) that had both a GUS ACE and an SB16.  And some old Western Digital SCSI card running the HDD.  With 64 MB of parity RAM.  The old SC2 just wouldn't work, the machine froze.  In an ideal world...

(and yes, I've tried to figure out WHY it's not working but have since gotten distracted with UQM)
Zebranky food
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Re: Will there be cheats?
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2002, 03:18:07 am »

Oops.  I was mostly talking about consoles, but I guess I didn't say that.

Isn't the lander bug where you just sell when you have zero landers and you get RU and the landers loop around to 65535?  If so, then even by today's PC game standards, that's a rather large and serious highly visible bug for a first release of the game.
Zebranky food
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Re: Will there be cheats?
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2002, 06:35:41 am »

Yeah, how come console games never need patches or fixes? Computer games are always released unpolished because of the ability to modify the game afterwards through patches and such. In short, this has become a crutch which I think has impeded the success of computer games (at least compared to console.)
Zebranky food
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Re: Will there be cheats?
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2002, 07:28:22 am »


Hey, it's a great game and seemed pretty stable, but I'm sure I can find some cases where it'd break.  Actually, recently I tried to run it on an NEC 486DX2/50 (overclocked to 66MHz) that had both a GUS ACE and an SB16.  And some old Western Digital SCSI card running the HDD.  With 64 MB of parity RAM.  The old SC2 just wouldn't work, the machine froze.  In an ideal world...

(and yes, I've tried to figure out WHY it's not working but have since gotten distracted with UQM)

Now if I'm remembering this correctly it's even told in the game manual: you can't have both SB & GUS installed. They tell you to remove one or the other.. Smiley  I'm too lazy though to search for the manual to verify it right now, the game is too well stored somewhere.

As a matter of fact I tried it with ACE "some" years back and it hung even without the blaster so I think the GUS support in the game is crappy. Again I'm not sure of my memories but I think it was known and to be corrected in some update which unfortunately never came. Try it with just the SB and I bet it'll work, the game wasn't that picky after all.

But hey, guys (going back to the topic), the game is so perfect fun that any cheats would just ruin it! Wink  I'm hooked. Again... And now back to Ur-Quan hunt. Again...

Re: Will there be cheats?
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2002, 08:37:03 am »

Tribes 2
NeverWinter Nights

Both games have had a dumptruck load of bugs, boardering the unfinished phase.
Zebranky food
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Re: Will there be cheats?
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2002, 06:05:12 am »

I cant figure out how to get the melnorme to give me lots of fuel, they only give me like 2 fuels usually :-/
Zebranky food
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Re: Will there be cheats?
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2002, 09:31:22 am »

It is much much much easier to ensure there are no bugs in a console release as everyone has almost exactly the same hardware and software.  The PC gaming market is already losing ground to consoles despite their inferior capabilities in all other areas (besides consoles being dirt cheap, I suppose).  I'd rather game companies not start factoring the massive amount of work and testing it would take to release perfect PC games for everyone's computer configuration past and future (assuming that's even possible ^^).

If you really feel the need to cheat, by the way, it takes about five minutes to type "memory search cheat" in google and download one of the many programs capable of searching out and tweaking resources/crew/fuel while the game is running.  Comparing and hex editing save game files for fun and profit also takes incredibly little effort.
Zebranky food
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Re: Will there be cheats?
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2002, 09:41:32 am »

In short, this game is open-source.  So if you can't figure out how to cheat on your own, then you don't deserve to.  Tongue

Re: Will there be cheats?
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2002, 04:42:23 pm »

To get the Melnorme to give you as much fuel as you want, simply tell them to fill all your fuel tanks to maximum capacity (the last option except for being done buying).  This will work as long as you have any fuel; if you have no fuel in your tanks they'll tell you your tanks won't hold that much!  (So buy 1 unit and then the rest; just be sure you have at least 1 credit.)
Black Monk

Re: Will there be cheats?
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2002, 08:19:06 pm »

Yeah, how come console games never need patches or fixes? Computer games are always released unpolished because of the ability to modify the game afterwards through patches and such. In short, this has become a crutch which I think has impeded the success of computer games (at least compared to console.)

Consoles don't NEED patches because they often CANNOT be patched.  So the developers have one shot to get it right.  It's easier to debug on only one static set of hardware and OS/drivers, so that's one factor.  I believe most console games are not released until they are done ENOUGH so that there are no crashing issues, though there are gameplay bugs that pop up from time to time in various console games.

PCs are under more pressure to deliver a product by X date from the publisher.  And, as you said, the ability to patch a game IS a bit of a crutch.  I wonder if consoles will have the same patchitis when they have their own hard drives (xbox, PS2, PS3?)  Plus, testing for often multiple platforms (PC and Linux) and a myriad of hardware (ATI, nvidia, older stuff like 3dfx, Matrox) and software (Win9x, Win2K, WinXP, various drivers from different vendors) makes this process a living hell.

To be totally safe and check everything by playing through a game entirely, you need one tester to play the game through once for a console.  For a PC, you need a team of testers on various machines trying things out.  That's a gross oversimlification, but you get the idea.  All of the sudden testing/quality-assurance goes from a group of, what, 5 people to a group of 20.  Costs go up, testing time goes up, pain goes up.
Black Monk

Re: Will there be cheats?
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2002, 08:23:17 pm »

In short, this game is open-source.  So if you can't figure out how to cheat on your own, then you don't deserve to.  Tongue

I hate that type of attitude.  I don't know if you mean it in jest, but that's the type of attitude I often see from elitist *nix programmers who can't be assed to make something more user-friendly.  "Oh, if you need to change something, just recode that part and recompile things."  Basically, a cop-out for being lazy while attempting to shift the focus onto the person asking for a feature or bugfix by implying that the USER should be able to program and compile source code to get a certain feature and also implying that a person who cannot do that is a waste of skin.

That being said, I hope someone just makes an external savegame editor as that will satisfy just about everyone who just wants to bump up their RU and credits.
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