Topic: Mass Effect. (Read 24721 times)
Posts: 1044

Wow. There's no better way to ensure that your game is a failure than to imply that one of your main sources of inspiration was Star Control 3.
Awesome, I'll pay big bucks for any rip off of Star Control!
Wait. They're using the plot of Star Control 3: Cat Turd Editon? Uh, yeah. I think I'll wait another few years until Ninja Gaiden 2 comes out before I buy a NextBox.
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
That's not how we do things around here. If a thread goes off-topic and noone is trying to talk about the original topic, we let it go off-topic. But you asked what people think about this game. If people think it's a rip-off, that's very much on topic. Although I don't think people are saying that. Except for Shiver, who seems to say that an SC2 rip-off is good.
Anyhow, thanks for letting us know that non-moderators had the power to lock their own thread. Thread unlocked.
Now, considering that you and swbf are the same person, I'll give you one chance to convince me you're not a shill, which would mean an automatic ban for life.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2006, 03:58:02 pm by meep-eep »
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Zebranky food

Posts: 29
We are not the same person, we simply use the same computer. Times like this remind me of the necessity of proxies...
Zebranky food

Posts: 29
Except for Shiver, who seems to say that an SC2 rip-off is good. Um, then he says "Oh, it's ripping off star control 3???"
By the way, the game's influences don't seem to be star control at all, they cite examples like "Blade Runner, and Aliens." Now, we can all say they are ripping off the eternal ones, but even if they were, that doesn't necessarily make it bad. Oh well. i'm still excited about this game regardless.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2006, 05:16:13 pm by swbf »
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Anyhow, thanks for letting us know that non-moderators had the power to lock their own thread. Thread unlocked.
I'm so going to start locking my own threads. In fact, I'm going to head over to my old threads right away and start locking them.
Erm, On-Topic, what do you want us to discuss then? It's a game, looks interesting, the story bears a passing resemblance to SC3. If you don't want a Star Control themed board to look at the similarities with Star Control, what do you want? Just go "looks good, carry on"? If you want discussion, you might want to actually bring up something else than "hay guyz new game <link>. What do you like about it? What potential problems do you foresee? Why do you feel it is different, and why do you need our opinions? And so on and so forth.
Other than that, looks good, carry on.
What's up doc?
Zebranky food

Posts: 29
Star Control 2 is not Star Control 3. Maybe you should read the whole post from him.....
"Awesome, I'll pay big bucks for any rip off of Star Control!
Wait. They're using the plot of Star Control 3: Cat Turd Editon? Uh, yeah. I think I'll wait another few years until Ninja Gaiden 2 comes out before I buy a NextBox."
I'll accept your "different people using a single computer" for now. But I will keep an eye on you (two?). I find it very suspicious when someone who isn't a regular here suddenly starts a thread asking about another game, with the only other person who's enthousiastic about the game being another non-regular from another account from the same IP address, and who as soon as there are some comments which he/she perceives as negative about the game proceeds with trying to lock the thread. Yeah, but the thing is I was already posting here before he made that Mass Effect thread. Granted, i'm a non-regular, but the time I posted the questions was pretty close to the creation of this thread. Plus, if I wanted to make multiple accounts, i'd use a proxy.
I didn't say to lock the thread anyway, that is Lore's idea. But yes, the similarities should be pointed out between the game, since he did post it at a star control forum.