so I have the original PC code for SC2 the limited version that has the bug that allows you to sell off as many planetary landers as you wish from the get go and accumulate all the RU you wish. A long time ago i was able to decomplie the code and get some useable data from it is that something you guys would be interested in?
so I have the original PC code for SC2 the limited version that has the bug that allows you to sell off as many planetary landers as you wish from the get go and accumulate all the RU you wish. A long time ago i was able to decomplie the code and get some useable data from it is that something you guys would be interested in?
My impression is that most of the useful data that can be extracted from the binaries of the PC version of SC2 has already been extracted (and incorporated in UQM to the extent it is useful). A lot of the usefulness of your information depends on how readable the decompiled code is, I guess.
If by decompiled data you mean unpacked content, then no -- we have the latest PC SC2 unpacking technology available to us (and anyone else who wants it) . On the other hand, if you have a good IDA (Interactive Disassembler) file of the original SC2 executable, I would be very interested in it. It could settle a few academic disagreements.