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Topic: Dumb linux question... (Read 9183 times)
Posts: 1374

well i have the 'slides' folder in the 'content' folder and i have the content folder defined in a script as "/usr/games/urquan/content" and i have the movies turned on in the options.
OK, the intro should be in slides/intro/intro.duk (and so on as in the FAQ) in the content directory. Are you sure that this is the exact name (i.e. same case and everything)? Is there anything relevant in the debug output? Oh and I reformatted because my Winblows XP installation cd thought it'd be funny to format the linux drive instead of the the main drive which i was reinstalling xp to. So i ended up reinstalling both.
Interesting. Last time I installed XP, it didn't reformat anything except the partition I'd left for it (on the second hard disk, no less). i'm pretty sure, it's in "/urquan/content/slides/intro/intro.duk" and the content is defined as above. Right now i'm in windows so i'll just reboot and see if it says anything in the output.
And about the reinstallation, i used my factory cd that came with the computer so what it did was just repartition my hard drive into 1 main drive instead of the 4 i had before (NTFS for Win, Fat32 for Sharing, ext3 for Linux and the swap partition) i guess i hit the wrong key cause otherwise i know it wouldn't have done that.
.:: Edit
it says this when it trys to load the intro:
VideoDecoder_Load: 'DukVid' decoder did not load slides/intro/intro.duk, code 0 'slides/intro/intro.txt' -- 8300 bytes
and this when it trys to load the ship spins:
VideoDecoder_Load: 'DukVid' decoder did not load slides/spins/ship11.duk, code 0
« Last Edit: December 03, 2006, 03:35:34 am by Kohr-Ah Death »
The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213. Get your MegaMod HERE
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
Hmm... Isn't 0 supposed to mean success? I think the error code is being written to the wrong field in the decoder status (last_error instead of error). Anyhow, the open call only has one failure code, so that number wouldn't be any use.
Basically, this failure occurs if the .duk file can't be opened or the .hdr, .tbl or .frm files can not be opened or are invalid. Check that all four files are in the right place with the right names, you have read access to them and they contain the right data.
Posts: 1374

Hmm... Isn't 0 supposed to mean success? I think the error code is being written to the wrong field in the decoder status (last_error instead of error). Anyhow, the open call only has one failure code, so that number wouldn't be any use.
Basically, this failure occurs if the .duk file can't be opened or the .hdr, .tbl or .frm files can not be opened or are invalid. Check that all four files are in the right place with the right names, you have read access to them and they contain the right data.
AH read access, the ole file permission problem bites again lol. Again I never thought of it, me being of course a windows user and have only dealt with file permissions on my website (which i need to fix anyways).
UPDATE ::. changing the file permissions didn't work, and I know my duk files work cause i use the same ones for my windows binary.
maybe it's an Ubuntu problem
« Last Edit: December 04, 2006, 10:52:10 pm by Kohr-Ah Death »
The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213. Get your MegaMod HERE
Posts: 1374

I gotta ask you a question real quick here, How do you make .diff's, i thought i knew how but i've been getting it wrong every time.
I'm usually comparing against CVS, so I do something like: cvs diff -u file-or-directory > patch
Without CVS, you probably want something like: diff -ur old-dir new-dir > patch
cool thanks, I'll probably give your patch a try today and see whatsd goin on.
how did you get your patch file to look like it did, for example your first few lines look like:
Index: src/sc2code/libs/video/dukvid.c =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/sc2/sc2/src/sc2code/libs/video/dukvid.c,v retrieving revision 1.6 diff -u -r1.6 dukvid.c --- src/sc2code/libs/video/dukvid.c 3 May 2006 23:32:34 -0000 1.6 +++ src/sc2code/libs/video/dukvid.c 6 Dec 2006 08:45:14 -0000 @@ -22,8 +22,19 @@ #include "video.h" where as mine looks like this:
diff -ur uqm-0.5.0/build/unix/build.config uqm-0.5.0-fmv/build/unix/build.config --- uqm-0.5.0/build/unix/build.config 2006-01-19 11:13:38.000000000 -0800 +++ uqm-0.5.0-fmv/build/unix/build.config 2006-02-07 10:45:34.000000000 -0800 @@ -128,14 +128,14 @@ CHOICE_graphics_OPTION_pure_TITLE="Don't include OpenGL graphics support"
« Last Edit: December 07, 2006, 03:10:39 am by Kohr-Ah Death »
The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213. Get your MegaMod HERE
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