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Topic: Cloaking Device added into Port (Read 3596 times)
In the original Star Control 2 there were rumours going around about a Cloaking Device hidden away on a world (I believe it was supposed to be in Ur-Quan territory). Will this be added to the final version of the 3DO port of SC2? I think this would be a wonderful addition and improvement to an already awsome game. What do other people think about this? Would it unbalance the game as a whole with such a device implemented?
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Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
I don't really see the point, since an upgraded flagship can outrun any other ships anyway.
While on the subject of cloaks though, I'd like to see computer players not know where a human controlled cloaked Ilwrath ship is.
Black Monk
Plus, if the starfield doesn't zoom in combat, how will the human player who is cloaked know where the hell he is going?
This would only be of use or interest for network-based multiplayer, two-people-at-one-computer would not work with this.
The current cloaked implementation is the best considering the circumstances that the players fall under when two people are playing at one system.
Casey Monroe
The reason Paul and Fred gave for not including the cloaking device in the final release was that they couldn't find a way to make it "functionally better or more interesting than the Ilwrath's." As far as I can tell, that objection still stands.
Dave Morse
The computer AI should be a bit unsure where a cloaked ship is, but not totally unaware. Basically: take the real location, add up to 1/5th of a map zoom in a random direction, and update this position about once a second. This mimics what humans are doing.
Also, cloaked ships should have the same uncertainty about their position. The comp Illwrath is more compotent at knife fighting than any human.
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