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Topic: Other games with melee-like gameplay (Read 3348 times)
mohammed hussein
Zebranky food

Posts: 5
help help are there other games like that combat part of star control!?
i tried to install timewarp but it doesn't work!
Moderator edit: decent topic
« Last Edit: December 15, 2006, 10:30:59 pm by meep-eep »
Zebranky food

Posts: 14

I can remember a space battle game called.. hmm.. Fight 2. It has some ships and a planet in the midle +4 players. All ships in it cost money and when you run out of money you lose. 1 Of the ships is named Druuge
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 104
I'm working on one right now called "Xeno Versus"... maybe finished in the next 3 months or so.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 491

There are so many top-down, rotating, space shooters, it's unbelieveable. Try doing a search perhaps?
Here's one on MSN search.
This must be a popular genre, but IMO, it's been done to death. I want to see a mortal kombat style fighting game between two space ships. Has this ever been done before? Hell the ships could even have fatality moves!
Frungy champion
Posts: 67

It's real velour, just let yourself go.
There's a newer one, hadn't seen it in this or other threads: Armada Online. Notes: * MMO, Space-y * Standard issue levelling up, items to collect, skills to upgrade, etc * Currently in Alpha, so not all features are in yet. * Currently free * There's a similar control mechanism as in Space Rangers 2, in the sense that you click where you want to go with the mouse, and your ship turns and thrusts towards your point. Targeting is always auto target. Skills are controlled via standard MMO numbered buttons at the bottom of the screen. * Currently no plot, alien dialogs etc are featured, and from what their webpage / forums seem to say (from the 90 seconds I read them) there's no such plans. * There's a team combat game mode that would be very cool if they fleshed it out more. What's strange is that the XP, money and items you gain in this mode do not stay in the rest of the game; they are immediately removed at the end of battle, and you get 2000 or 1000 XP for your "real" character (depending if you win). This is a little strange at first, but it does make sense: you upgrade fairly quickly and get very powerful, and you kept such upgrades the rest of the game would get too easy. So it's a combination of action multiplayer with some upgrade options, with an MMO tacked on.
Mohammed: any other details about getting Timewarp to work? Which OS are you using, which version did you try? The latest release had some major issues with some of the game types not working, but the game should at least install. Try TW-Light instead, it's pretty reliable.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2006, 07:33:37 am by youBastrd »
Frungy champion
Posts: 67

It's real velour, just let yourself go.
Starfighter: Quadrant Wars Notes: * Flash * Multiplayer, deathmatch and a kind of "kill the other team's base" game modes
Zebranky food

Posts: 15
try subspace/continuum
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