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Topic: 3DO vs UQM game time (Read 2121 times)
The Phantom
Zebranky food

Posts: 10
In both games, the start date is February 17th, 2155, and it seems that time passes buy the same in a solar system(or the differences are not that much considering in both circumstances I get to the Starbase on Febrary 20th), though hyperspace time, is different for 3DO and UQM. It seems that time passes by more slowly on the 3DO version, than the UQM version. As part of my speed trial for beating the game, this is how I start on the 3DO version:
For the start of the game: (3DO version) Go to Pluto, Mercury, Moon, Starbase: February 20th, 2155/March 6th, 2155 Minerals from Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, back to Starbase: March 8th, 2155 Alpha Pavonis VII: April 7th, 2155 Beta Pegasi I: April 11th, 2155 Quasispace Portal: April 17th, 2155
Although on the UQM version only the following can be completed: For the start of the game: (UQM/PC version) Go to Pluto, Mercury, Moon, Starbase: February 20th, 2155/March 6th, 2155 Alpha Pavonis VII: April 10th, 2155 Quasispace Portal: April 19th, 2155
As you can see, I can get much more done is shorter time on the 3DO version than the UQM version, just noticing the trip time to get to Alpha Pavonis from Sol time differences is like 5 days.
My shortest time for beating the entire game on the 3DO is September 26th, 2155... seeing as the UQM is slower, this date would probably be impossible on UQM, unless my path is not optimal, though I read in an FAQ that the fastest time they had was approximately November 15th, 2155. Also I can beat the entire game by February 28th, 2156 with every possible option in the game completed using the 3DO, only taking a little over 1 year to complete.
Just wondering why there is a difference? Is this intentional, or not known? A bug of somesort?
Note: Same time difference happens in QuasiSpace as well.
Just adding on, I also noticed that all minerals on all planets are at different locations on the planet from both versions, and that some Energy things are at different places, example Ur-Quan ship on Alpha Pavonis VII: 3DO version top and slightly left, and UQM bottom right of planet.... any reason for this also? Also the minerals on planets, there are not the same number of them, not same types, and different values from 3DO to UQM versions....
« Last Edit: December 29, 2006, 12:28:31 pm by The Phantom »
The Phantom
Zebranky food

Posts: 10
Ok, I just reported it! Also gave the above as test cases, I hope whoever is testing has a Star Control II game and a 3DO to play it on, to thorouly test it out, not many 3DO's out there I would say...
On the 3DO version, I have a few times, kept the Moon Base artifact after leaving the Starbase... not sure how, but that was on my 3DO.
Also depending on the order of cities I visited on Eta Vulpeculae II (Androsynth homeworld), what was said to me was different in some cases... though I have not encountered this in some time, would be hard to replicate...
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