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Topic: Slylandro Probes in a solar system? (Read 2739 times)
The Phantom
Zebranky food

Posts: 10
Check the title, I just entered Sol, and found a Slylandro Probe around Earth... was this added to UQM?
Because in the past 12 years of playing Star Control II (the actual version for 3D0), I have NEVER seen a probe in any solar system...
If it is an add on, it just makes those probes even more annoying, if not just thought you should know....
Though if it is an add on programmed into the game, I guess it would make sense that they'd go into solar systems not just appear in hyperspace...
Frungy champion
Posts: 68
Just wait til they REALLY start to multiply. It reminds me of Season 2 of LEXX, with all the arms. Earth eventually becomes completely blockaded by these things. I was worried they were going to powder up the space station for a while there.
The Phantom
Zebranky food

Posts: 10
Yeah, that would make them more annoying for sure... and I thought they were annoying enough just in hyperspace, I remember the first time through the game, I think it was 2158 by the time my friends and I figured out how to fix the problem, and we'd encounter a probe like 3 times/month and that was annoying enough to go get the problem fixed, lol...
I just thought I'd go through the game, and play as if I had not played before like I do on occastion, seeing with UQM a few surprises, than the original...
I just noticed... other than minerals being at the wrong place, other than Sol, it seems that data on other planets are wrong... like a few planets in Delta Centauri (a solar system which I usually empty pretty early in the game). For one some of the planets were weaker or stronger than they are supposed to lightning, and earthquake wise. Also Delta Centauri VIII which is supposed to have biological life on it, does not, perhaps is another thing that is tied in with that mineral bug.
Makes me kind of wonder is the top Mineral and top Bio solar system list that is in the original manual with the amounts each solar system had in RUs and CRs actually apply to UQM at the moment, I won't be back home until Wednesday to verify if this is true, but I am so used to 2 planets in Delta Centauri having life, that I was quite shocked when one of them didn't have life...
Frungy champion
Posts: 84
I *think* I saw it in a spathi system once, but since you all know how perfect my memory is... 
I thought this feature kicked ass, personally. They're worth a lot of RUs (500?) after all, and with that spathi ace of aces, Fwiffo, you can make the early-game RU gathering runs a lot less painful.
Not that I stop my mineral runs when I merely have enough, the lander minigame is kinda fun, particularly since you get a nice big view now. :3
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