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Topic: Starcon2/Starcon3 plot point (spoils Starcon3) (Read 8703 times)
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Posts: 114

Andale, Andale, arriba !
Okay, now I played Starcon2, and didn't really play much of 3, for various reasons......all of which you probably know (If not, I'll make a big forum post later. At length....until you beg me to stop.)
Now, what gets me is the fate of the Precursors in Starcon 3. Several friends of mine played all the way through to the end and told me that the mighty past race decided to de-evolve into cows. COWS ?!?!? Was this originally the plan (I find it hard to think so, as SC1/2 were so *good*)
If these visions have offended, thing but this and all is mended : You have but slumbered here while these visions did appear. And this weak and idling theme, no more yielding than a dream.
Zebranky food

Posts: 6

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I just beat sc3 again, for the 3rd time after seeing this page. Each time it gets worse. The game just seems incomplete, like there was supposed to be more, or it was supposed to be longer. The precursors explain like everything to you.
The worst thing is the vux ship cheat. If you hit alt-f9, and your flying a vux ship, the battle resets, and you are right next to the other guy, with your laser pointed right at them
i beat the whole eternal one intro fleet in like 1 minute.
sc2 was much better, much longer, and a better all around game.
the thing that pissed me off is, the story is so damn good, they could have done so much more with it.
Really? I thought the story was terrible -- I took the whole "intelligence" aspect of it to be absurdist and borderline offensive; especially since there was very little "cleverness" about any of it, but maybe that was the point. It still sat badly with me, however..
We are seriously expected to believe that an entire quadrant of the galaxy was conquered over a glorified dick-size contest over who was smarter? And that all the paper-thin exploitations of the "slave races" were completely opaque to them?
Then again, I played it to conclusion exactly once, so my memory may be a bit spotty..
Zebranky food

Posts: 6

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I mean the story over star control overall, not sc3 specifically.
Zebranky food

Posts: 1

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Starcontrol 3 had much potential.. the plot was ok nice and even the cow precursors were funny. But thing what made it horrible was the music and some other sounds lice icom. I got headace when i listent that game music and i think thats a good indicator that something is wrong in it.
Casey Monroe
I came to the Star Control saga in an unusual order. First I played the Genesis version of SC1--rented it from Blockbuster. I didn't get the chance to really get into the strategy aspect of the game, but I loved playing Melee with my little brother, and I slowly began to get a feel (from the in-game stuff and from the instruction manual) for the personalities and stories behind each of the races.
Then I received the demo version of SC2 with a computer game magazine. I LOVED what I got to see of the game, which was very limited, since the demo disc limited you by removing your ability to go into hyperspace. But I got Commander Hayes' whole description of the situation and the game setup, and I was very excited. But I couldn't afford to buy the game myself, and Dad didn't share my excitement until much later (I don't think he ever really played the demo). So we never got SC2.
Much later, SC3 comes out, and I hear about it. Having loved my brief contact with both of the previous SC games, I convince my family to buy it. My brother and I play through the entire game, and enjoy it thoroughly. It is not until later that I find out that it was created by a different group of people, only loosely affiliated with the original creators of Star Control.
Eventually, I was able to procure a copy of Star Control II, which everyone tells me is the only game that REAL fans have any respect for. I still haven't been able to finish it. I love the game, and it is indeed superior to SC3. But SC3 is by no means a bad game, and not entirely an unworthy sequel to SC2. Imagine if you had been given the setup that SC2 gives you, along with all the questions that SC2 leaves unanswered, and told that it was your job to answer them. That's what the people at Legend did--They had to create a game that not only stayed true to the original Star Control games, but also answered all the questions of the universe that SC2 posed. This is a monumentally difficult task, and I think they succeeded admirably.
Surely, some of their efforts were a little transparent. The idea that every race in the entire quadrant worshipped the Precursors, and all seemed to be in competition over who was most like them was a bit of a stretch, I admit, as was the Daktaklakpak's "K'tang seeking missile" and the Vyro-Ingo/VUX combination, but many other aspects of the game--such as the explanation for the existence of the Rainbow Worlds, the history of the Mycon, and the intentional regression of the Precursors--all these were creative, interesting ideas. Even the subtler things, like the inter-league accusations of treason--though heavy-handed--were excellent ideas.
So have a little respect for the creators of SC3. They're just SC fans, like you and me.
Zebranky food

Posts: 18

...or Die!
What the hell happened to the Syreen in SC3? They used to be beautiful babes SC3 they had become ugly tarts...
[waits for the joke]
Zebranky food

Posts: 36

I kinda enjoyed SC3. it was no sc2, for sure, but as a general game went, it was pretty cool. and much much easier =)
Actually, the best part of the game were the voices. I can't tell you how dissapointed i am with the sc2 orz voice after hearing the really cool version from sc3..
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