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Author Topic: Starcon2/Starcon3 plot point (spoils Starcon3)  (Read 8674 times)
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Re: Starcon2/Starcon3 plot point (spoils Starcon3)
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2002, 10:32:12 am »

the only things I liked about sc3 were the voices.  Orz, ur-quan and k'tang were good.  and the k'tang dialogue was pretty damn funny.  

But the rest of the game SUCKED.  What really gets me is that they re-used almost all of the dialogue!!!  Those classic lines from the spathi and pkunk (to name a few) were reused verbatim!  Yes making a sequel to sc2 is a challenge, but to reuse the dialogue! PLEASE
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Re: Starcon2/Starcon3 plot point (spoils Starcon3)
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2003, 12:54:18 am »

What the hell happened to the Syreen in SC3? They used to be beautiful babes SC3 they had become ugly tarts...

[waits for the joke]

I suppose you could argue that the race is as varied as humans are, with both attractive and unattractive members of their species in existence. Though Hayes makes that point iffy with his commentry about the race as a whole:

Most raw recruits see the Syreen as nothing more than warm, breathing pin-ups.
Warm they are, and yes, they do breathe most magnificently but Captain, they are far more than simple joy units.

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Re: Starcon2/Starcon3 plot point (spoils Starcon3)
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2003, 02:02:05 am »

Well, another possibility is that they have always looked like this, but use their psychic powers to render them attractive to members of all species. However, there is no forthcoming explanation for why you are immune in SC3 when you weren't in SC2 even with the taalo shield.
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Re: Starcon2/Starcon3 plot point (spoils Starcon3)
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2003, 03:06:11 am »

Starcon 3 was a alright but, the interface and trigger based linear plot made it annoying to play since if have to go some star and wait x amont of days if you mess up the game can become impossible and you have to start over again Angry The last battle is-climtic the Heralds are so easy to crushed with Syreen Pentanors in matter of fact I have defeated the whole armada with single ship! The Orz armada before it was easy to defeat with the Chmmr to top it the last part was to construct a device to safely collect some sentence from various races and to see sokme cheesy CGI animation afterwards and then it rolls the credits!

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Re: Starcon2/Starcon3 plot point (spoils Starcon3)
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2003, 09:52:47 am »

Hmm, lets see.  My first and foremost complaint about SC3 was it's joystick support.  I never especially enjoyed keyboard control for anything, but the joystick in SC3 just flat out didn't work.  It was always going directions you didn't press, or the ship would keep turning after you stopped and fly in a circle for a minute, and that ruined a lot of the game for me.

It's writing was largely inferior to SC2, though it did have it's moments (Hey, that's an Ortog! An ortog from my homeworld of unzervault! I didn't know you guys could fly starships..............."Mooooo")

I didn't like what the did with the IDF races though, at all.  The arilou hinted that there was a lot more to their experiments on earth then preserving DNA, but they just ignored that.  And the orz weren't sinister enough.

And some of the new ships were well designed, but there was no sense of balance.  A Doog could annihilate nearly anything, and come out of it at full crew to boot.

But, it was still somewhat enjoyable.  Not a bad game, but the bad joystick support killed it for me, and even with better support it was no StarCon2.

Re: Starcon2/Starcon3 plot point (spoils Starcon3)
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2003, 12:37:28 pm »

I suppose you could justify the unattractive Syreen leader's presence by saying that the Syreen intentionally put her in charge so that their interactions with the human commander remained strictly professional. This would keep the Kessari quadrant operation as efficient as possible. Although my explanation here sounds more like a suitable excuse than anything else, it does make a lot of sense.
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Re: Starcon2/Starcon3 plot point (spoils Starcon3)
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2003, 09:53:06 pm »

I ratehr liked it. Exceot for the event thingy, that really frustrated me. But while not as good as SC2, it was on okay game in it's own. conversations were good too... I seem to recall a classic VUX line :

"We're harvesting resources"
"But there are no resources here!"
"Wow! Fancy that! No resources! Well, we'll just be moving along then!"

Well, I'm quoting from memory, so I may be a bit off, but that had me rollin on da floor!

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Re: Starcon2/Starcon3 plot point (spoils Starcon3)
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2003, 11:11:44 pm »

The problem in SC3 was waiting around for things to happen.  You weren't as active in the events of the game as in SC2, for example.  I ahted waiting for research points, trigger events, etc.  I would've liked to see a more refined colony system and a better damn enemy AI for HyperMelee.  The game had potential, but it was squandered by unprofessionals.

Too bad, because some of those races were pretty cool...  (ie. Xchaggers and Doog)

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Re: Starcon2/Starcon3 plot point (spoils Starcon3)
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2003, 12:16:04 am »

Too bad the Doog ship was totally unbalanceable...
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Re: Starcon2/Starcon3 plot point (spoils Starcon3)
« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2003, 11:52:31 am »

Too bad the Doog ship was totally unbalanceable...

I remember reading Warlock's SC3 concept sheets, the first ideas proposed for the sequel to SC2.  He proposed a way for the Doog Constructor to be a fairer ship.  It involved reducing the tracking area of the ship's main fire to about 180 degrees out of the front of the ship, so that at least it would have to maneouver somewhat to hit the enemy with its bullets.  I never liked the idea that the ship was being repaired, because somehow the crew of the ship was growing.  You know, using the secondary weapon kept bringing back one crew, but this was described as 'repairing the hull'.  Yeah, this ship could've been good, but was made way too powerful.

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Re: Starcon2/Starcon3 plot point (spoils Starcon3)
« Reply #25 on: April 05, 2003, 03:57:42 pm »

Yeah, anytime you used a ship that did strafing rounds against it, by the time it came in for the next round, the Doogies would be up to their full numbers. Bloody frustrating. Still, it was fun to talk to them.

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Re: Starcon2/Starcon3 plot point (spoils Starcon3)
« Reply #26 on: April 07, 2003, 02:16:52 am »

My way of balancing the ship would be that it has crew as usual, but it also has two armor plates (that act like crew). These armor plates can be rebuilt rapidly, but you can never have more than two of them.

How is that?

Re: Starcon2/Starcon3 plot point (spoils Starcon3)
« Reply #27 on: April 10, 2003, 01:15:12 pm »

Star Control 3 had potential. I mean I found the hyper melee to be solid, and I liked a lot of the new races, specfically the XChaggers, Doogs, K'tang, Claircontclar and the Russian Ploxis. I did find the Doog ship to be to powerful single player, but in melee, send anything that does a lot of damage fast, like the Kzer-Za, Xchagger, Chmmr, Owa etc and the constructor is quickly pacified, but yeah it needs less crew. The Ploxis ship was horrible and the fact they didn't bring in a lot of the old SC2 ships into the game sucked. The storyline was also a bit weak, the Precursors turning out to be space cows...come on. The voiceing was good, espcially the Ur-Quan and the Orz. However waiting for events and the fact the Claircontclar Pinnacle is the only ship that is a challenge to fight made the game disappointing. The fact the league has the Kzer-Za, Utwig, Chmmr and later the Doogs, four "powerhouses" so to say vs crappy crux ships. As well, making colonies is boring and a waste of time, if it wasn't for clicking on the day bar to speed up time, this game would be unsalvagable.  :-/  6.5/10 is my rating.
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