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Topic: Ideas for after 1.0 (Read 11620 times)
That only lasts until they realize what the true nature of the game is, I think... Also, if they get good at melee they don't need as many resources.
Or good at using their resources efficiently. I know I've found that one can get through the game with often much less than you think (Sol, and Beta Chandrakeshar, for mining, usually). Then it's often more economical to buy fuel from the Melnorme instead of the station.
Like I say, usually the people that complain about mining are the ones that haven't learned the game.
Zebranky food

Posts: 16
First, I would like some improvements to the user-interface: * Show complete location with moon-number, as in "Planet VIII c" * More contrasting images for minerals (in the scanner and on planet): common & base-metals look very much the same, and also corrosive & radioactive * position Pause-sign higher on screen, to allow a better view when pausing in a planet-system (don't cover the planet-tracks) * Nameable savegames * More savegames (00-99) * Quicksave / load (say to savegame00) * When first opening load-game-dialog, position on highest used savegame * Dialog-option to request re-telling prior information (e.g. all the infos you already purchased from the trader) * Shortcut from Scan-Menu to Manifest/Cargo-Menu, to allow quicker checking / jettison of cargo * In-game Quest-Log / Mission-Diary, so you dont have to switch back and forth to an external editor for keeping notes * Markers for Starsystems, e.g. "visited / mining complete / Homeworld / Waypoint #1, #2 ..." * Combat: Checkbox for cyborg-setting right next to the ship-selection * Some in-game help-pages * Additional keybindings: Fire on LeftCtrl and Keypad-5, Secondary on Space * Search starmap/next: when cursor is on a star but no query was entered, use the name of that star, i.e. jump to the next star of that cluster.
All of this wouldn't change the plot or the gameplay, but improve the handling.
Second, for improved gameplay / better replayability: * Super-Melee: Include the flagship (with selectable configuration) * Better gas-giant images, so you can tell them apart from normal planets from outside of orbit * Fuel-Purchase on allied homeworlds * Starsystem-Scanner, to report minerals/bio/specials from the point where you enter a solar system. Should be expensive, say 1000 credits / 5000 RU ? * Option for randomized content of starsystems (starmap unaltered) This would need changes to the savegame-format, to store the random seed
« Last Edit: February 19, 2006, 03:00:25 pm by HaJo »
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
One big thing I will be working on is the resource system. Once we have a decent resource system, with resources stored in human-readable text files, we'd like to move as much in-game constants to those files. This will make modding the game a lot easier. Also, there's room for a lot of improvement to netplay, like some lobby, UDP instead of TCP (makes the game playable even with a bit of packet loss), concurrent selection of the first ship, pre-fleet-building game setup, voice chat, pre-recorded voice taunts, to name a few. Then there are some rewrites planned of other subsystems I know little about, like graphics (finally making other native resolutions than 320x640 possible). The possibility for video cutscenes (requested by PR3 himself) is another thing. And then we've still got a big list of various sizes of bugs in our bug database (many of which depend on other tasks, in particular the resource system).
So there's still a lot to do, and chances are that some parts will never be done.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I'd like a Family-circus-style trace of where I've been on the starmap. Not with footprints, obviously. That covers most of the really tedious log ideas, without having to come up with a cumbersome UI system. If there was some special world, note it yourself. The ship will just keep track of where it's been.
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