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Topic: Custom voice packs (Read 1963 times)
Hello everyone!
I've been tinkering a bit with the genes... - err, voices - lately, and I've come to a problem. After replacing some voice files with mine, the voices didn't play anymore in the game! I mean, I had did this before and it worked, but now... eh, I added an extra file by mistake, although I removed it lately, but the problem still remains. What's to do? Re-archive?
And another little thingy: All suggestions are welcome, as are informations about similar in-work projects and their status. Please post some custom voices or links to them here, to have a centralized place where folks can go and pick 'em up.
That's it - Goodbye. Yes, in case you're wondering, I'm not going with you. I'm staying on board. Why, you ask? BECAUSE I'M LOCKED IN HERE! HELP!!! GET ME OUT!!! HELP!!!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2007, 08:04:10 am by Valaggar »
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
The root of the zipped content needs to be the dir containing the content/ dir, not the content/ dir itself. Also, you do not need to modify the existing content packages. You can just make a new one, and use it as an add-on, or give it a name alphabetically after the original package, and your custom files will override the default ones. See here for the details.
Also, when you package files like .ogg files, you will want to tell your zip program not to compress them, as that will gain you nothing in size, while it will require more work for UQM, which may cause stuttering on slower computers.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
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