Topic: Needed! Staff for Project! (Read 12252 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 277

Nut Case for Star Control
Done bits and bobs graphics wise, will upload them soon! 
Here's a roll of the characters done/working on now.

LEFT : Commander Zen
Commander Zen is a Male Syreen (gasp!) who is in-charge of the Star Control Special Ops (that's your group). He fills the roll of stereo-typical angry commander, but mainly to remove the cliche that most Syreen Males are effeminate. He'll act as the Commander Hayes of the game, along with some others.
MIDDLE : Fwiffo
After Fwiffo returned triumphantly to his beloved Spathiwa, he was hailed a Hero, and Living Legend of his time. His adept flight skills, his uncanny luck and suprising courage against the odds (for a Spathi anyway) has spawned him a life-time of creating movies, documentaries, everything. The Spathi can't get enough of him. He is drafted back into the Military, more confident in his own abilities (so much now that he'll actually fly of his own accord, that's if he knows he has a high chance of not getting killed that is) and tactical knowladge means that he is a valued unit in the Allied Forces.
RIGHT : Not to be Disclosed at this moment
Survivor of a ferocious attack, joins the Alliance as it is his last option. The Ur-Quan don't care for him, the majority of his race disgusted by him, the only ones willing to even listen to his plea are the races of the Alliance. He may prove to be a valuable resource...
« Last Edit: January 31, 2007, 09:18:40 pm by Neonlare »
"would newton's law theory actually work if a Chmmr Avatar did a backwards pelvic thrust towards a planet and would this constitute an X=Y-0 in the part it ran straight into a Supox Blade and lasted long enough to survive?" - Elerium (as Valaggar)
Zebranky food

Posts: 18

No loss of interest. I'm still immensly interested. In fact, I like the three characters you have there.
As I have no programming knowledge, I'll just say "cool", and go back to my corner now.
*goes to corner*
Frungy champion
Posts: 84
have you considered python's GUI toolkits for use in this? I ask tentatively because i'm not entirely certain what the primary game mechanic is.
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
I am interested in creating our own full blown sequel to the SC2 project using the UQM engine. You story looks like it could work in this respect. What do you think? PS. I am a coder
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Also I want to gameplay to be the same as the UQM series maybe some slight improvements. I just want to avoid that whole tactics thing because I really hated Fallout Tactics.
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
No, I just decided that I want to use this as my final project for Software Engineering. It's good we want the same thing I actually dont want much to do with the story / graphics (other than maybe upgrading it to a SVGA standard). Also I want to make sure we follow the canon as to not alienate the possible fan base. I am mainly interested in the coding. I spent yesterday setting up my own subversion repository and linux server box. Anyways my email is and I have msn messenger so if you want you can contact me that way. The online web tools i'm going to use for this project are phpBB, tikiwki, Bugzilla, and SVN.
Thanks, Steve
Zebranky food

Posts: 18

So, how are these projects coming?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 104
I'd also recommend using Torque Game Builder. I've had it almost a year making an SC-style game and it's been excellent.
I also once wrote a melee-clone in Flash 4. Took me about a week. I'm sure Flash MX doesn't have as many limitations, but I've found Torque is a little better for games development.
Frungy champion
Posts: 84
Regardless of what sort of codebase you choose, I would suggest that you post your plan; It's going to be similar to UQM, but how? How different?
For instance, I have NO idea what all these... err, 'people' sprites are supposed to do; There was no 'person walking around' part in SC2/UQM. Is there going to be a party based RPG element added?
Until the most basic of game mechanic designs are done and posted, it's very hard to say what would be required to make it, or if it could be made with current skills at all.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 277

Nut Case for Star Control
In a certain sense, it's elaborating more on the RPG aspects of UQM.
The plan is that when you first arive at Star Control, you have to dock with it, on doing so you enter an RPG stylized system where you can wander around and talk to NPCs. By learning Key Phrases, you can ask minor NPCs about details on what you should do, and if they might have a side quest related to that piece of information...
Now, making your way to the Confrence Room, (there may be a cinematic when you first walk in) you get to talk to the Commander there. He'll inform you of what your objective is, and that you won't be going alone, this is where 5 other members tag along with you, and equipment is handed out acordingly.
Now, to stay against the Patience vs. Skill thing that goes on in a lot of RPGs, the Characters wouldn't level. Instead, they get certain specialties when compared to others. The RPG battle system, like said before, is a turn based Tactical RPG system. Weapons have a Low and a Maximum value, damage being a random number between thoose two (For instance, Blaster may have 5-10 damage) if obtaining a 10, the player has scored a "Critical" and attacks again for extra damage. This doesn't stack again, unless stated otherwise.
Another thing against the normal flow of RPGs is that there are 2 types of HP for each unit. Physical and Mental Health. These are different to each other, and equaly important.
Say if Phyiscal HP goes down to 0, the unit collapses under the stress of it all. With the right item, you can bring that unit back into play, and as such continue the battle.
Now with Mental HP, this is affected by special skills, or certain circumstances. If Mental HP is low enough, you can succumb to Madness, or Mind Slavery, which can seriously hamper your battle. If it reaches 0, the unit undergoes a Nervous Breakdown, and will need an item to replenish his state.
There are Armours that can be equiped too, these act as extra HP for your other HP bars. So if an enemy attacks you with a Physical attack, it will damage this armour instead of your Health, but fair warning, once the armour hits 0, it can't be used at all until it is repaired or replaced.
For instance, Utwigs will gain an extra tile in ranged weapons with some defensive ESP, whereas Yehat will improve in melee combat overall, and can fly on certain planets.
Flight is a unique ability, which is based off of a luck roll. If succesful, the unit is able to fly for 3 turns, making it immune to some attacks the enemy has to throw at it. The first turn ends the unit's go, and the other two are free for the unit to move around and attack on. Once over, the unit returns to the ground, and can not fly until 2 turns later. The Yehat and Pkunk need to be on a planet with less than 0.8 of Earth's Gravity, otherwise they can not fly unless they have an item which improves their flight. In reality, a human sized creatrue couldn't fly on our planet, so something that's 3 metres (although a little gangly) would struggle to walk on Earth, let alone fly.
Pkunk are really the only race to get offensive ESP and can fly on certain planets, Syreen obtain some curative ESP and healing items are improved, and Humans obtain defensive variants,like say resistance to negative effects, and a high amount of M HP.
Humans are unique in the fact that their race is specially suited in the protection against ESP attacks and the likes, this may be down to Arilou tampering, but this grants the Humans an overall boost in importance to the party.
In contrast, other races such as the Fjorn, do not get any ESP skills. Instead, the Fjorn gain a P HP bonus, and are able to inflict more low damage overall (so the weapons have a lower chance of hitting a low amount).
The various other races have different abilites, such as the Supox, who can replenish P HP during battle, and have an ability that pins an enemy to a certain spot for that turn, useful if the Supox can't deal enough damage to kill it.
Of course, enough of the Character Stats, now we need to go over other things...
On the Star Control base, and various other locations in the universe, are Melnorme Trade Bots.

These things are like Vending Machines on legs, they'll offer you Credits or Resource Units (can't decide which) in exchange for Biological Data (gathered like gold when defeating enemies) or certain "Items" found in locations. Melnorme most likely "marketed" them as being cute friends on the battle field. Top row is opening itself for use, bottom left is if you buy something expensive, sell for a lot of Credits, or something happens along thoose lines. The bottom right is just it jigging when it has no interaction with the player for a while.
Back to the battle system, on each turn, the player gets to move his units (each has a certain amount of Move points) and then does an action at the end. These actions include Dfend (deducts a certain amount of damage from an enemy attack, can be increased by some items), Atack (speaks for itself), ESP (only in some cases, acts as "magic"), Flight (if able to), Item and Scan. Scan provides information on the enemy, but only a certain amount of it. some items will scan into further detail, but have an "expiration time" that the Melnorme installed into many of it's items (self destruct system, damn Capitalists! >: D).
On completing a turn, the enemy force proceeds to attack, and at the end of their attack, it's your turn, etc. Once you win, you gain items and such. The battle field size does vary, but will never span the whole map you were previously on (this is what makes a fair amount of Tactics RPGs slightly dull, navigating to your enemy).
"would newton's law theory actually work if a Chmmr Avatar did a backwards pelvic thrust towards a planet and would this constitute an X=Y-0 in the part it ran straight into a Supox Blade and lasted long enough to survive?" - Elerium (as Valaggar)