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Topic: How Do I Net Play (Read 3715 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 18

I know you've probably answered this millions of times, but I finally feel somewhat capable of not making a fool of myself on netplay, but I don't know where to look for people looking for games.
Can you help?
| #uqm-arena
Then jump and scream about very loudly about wanting to net play melee until someone obliges you
Posts: 701

1. Get yourself an IRC client - I use Chatzilla - you need Mozilla firefox web browser first though. 2. connect to 3. search for uqm-arena
Zebranky food

Posts: 5
If you already have an IM account of some sort, you can do what I did and get Trillian.
It lets you use AIM, ICQ, Yahoo IM, and IRC all with one program. (For IRC, you need to select "Join a Channel" from the IRC menu and type #uqm-arena in the box that pops up, and you're there!)
Just one of many ways you can get there.
I never really liked trillian that much. Tried to use it a few times, but it always seems like I can't use the full features of the original program. And I could never log onto my MSN haha. Chatzilla works great though.
Never thought it to be much of a quality program. Besides, there's always Gaim and Miranda. Completely free, as opposed to the cut-rate demo that Trillian Free is.
I've been away from the Windows world for a while. Does anyone use mIRC anymore? That used to be a very popular client.
It's not exactly free anymore, that's kind of the thing with mIRC. Besides when you have free options that will get you on IRC (Gaim, Miranda, Chatzilla, no telling how many others), why bother with a more overly restrictive shareware option?
About the only thing I could think of that I would want to run my old copy of mIRC for is for scripting, and I'm not really that interested in running the scripts I have anymore (think RIAA).
Frungy champion
Posts: 99
We are all *happy campers*
Ok, I downloaded Trillian and I'm having some problems getting it to connect to the server. Can anyone here that's familiar with it give me a hand, please?
Zebranky food

Posts: 5
Hmm-- I'm surprised you did, after the negative opinions some expressed about it! (Honestly, Trillian just happened to be the program recommended to me by a friend, and I wasn't aware of the other options out there; it does everything I need it to.)
Anyway, I don't know what your specific problem is, but I'll try to take you through all the steps. Corrections to these are welcome; I got it to work without exactly understanding what everything means. (I guess I have a bit of Slylandro in me.)
1. Go to the "Trillian" menu and open "Trillian Preferences..."
2. Select "Plugins." Is the IRC Plugin installed? If not, install it. If it is...
3. Select "Identities and Connections." Click the "Add a new connection" button and select "IRC."
4. There are 5 fields to fill in:
-- Connection Name (I think that's what it's called): This can be anything you want. It can be your user name. I called it "Ur-Quan Masters." -- Connection and Port: Type in (I don't know why 6667, but that's the default and it works) -- Nickname: This is the user name other people will see when you post on IRC. You can change it at any time by typing "/nick newname" -- Username: This is your actual user name for IRC. No reason for this to be different from "Nickname," really. -- User Info: Optional
5. Use the check box to choose whether you want to "Automatically connect to this account at startup." If you don't, you can connect by following step 6:
6. Click the "Connect" button to connect to IRC, then close the Trillian Preferences window.
7. Now you should be connected to IRC (the white circle in the Trillian window ought to be lit up), but nothing will happen unless you join a channel. Click on the white circle to bring up a menu, then select "Join a Channel..."
8. Type #uqm-arena in the window that appears. That should work!
I hope that helps. If you have a problem, tell me which step it comes on.
Frungy champion
Posts: 99
We are all *happy campers*
Ok, I got it fingered out now. My problem was I had to open up that 6667 port on my router to get through. Trillian really dosen't seem too bad at first glace. Nice having IRC, YIM, and MSN all uder the same hood. Wet with this because ChatZilla required a different browser that I didn't feel like installing.
Zebranky food

Posts: 15
This thread has helped me too. Now im actually able to connect to irc with trillian. Umm one problem. When i put in #uqm-arena to join a room, nothing happens.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 304

A paranoid android.
Nathanael, I had the same probelm for a while too. I found it works better if I open the Status Window first, then right-click it and select Join Channel.
Also, if you look at the Status Window, you can see any connection error messages.
Zebranky food

Posts: 18

Nathanael, I'm sorry about the game a couple days ago. I still can't get my router to allow the website to transmit to me or whatever it is I have to do to get around my firewall. I guess I just won't be hosting games for a while.
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