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Topic: Please help a dumb noob get started (Read 5053 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 4
i always found vux hunting to be a very fruitful way to accumulate rus (if you can't be bothered scouring the galaxy for treasure planets)
i don't know how to put in those nifty spoiler buttons so i'm not even going to attempt to give you hints on how to find them or where
suffice to say that they're VERY aggressive towards humans and, with the right ship, easy pickins so fighting them is both profitable and somewhat satisfying
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
Why does everybody insist that Ilwrath are so tough? Earthling Cruisers shoot them down if you angle them right. Okay, it's a tough battle but the easiest way to own them is with the Supox.
Supox! Really! Nobody seems to use them. It's really easy.
1. Dive toward the Avenger. 2. Use the Blade's backward drive and shift side-to-side. 3. Hit those stupid spiders with the glob gun while moving, so that you cover a wide area while facing the same direction, and those fool bugs keep chasing you.
The glob gun has a green splash, so it's actually easy to see where they are so that you can pick 'em off. It's easier with the Supox because you don't need to turn around and there's a much smaller chance of error with the nifty Blade Drive.
As for RUs... Get the self-destruct from the Sylandro, but DON'T GO BACK.
The Probes never decrease and you can FEED off their RU's!
I've been spending my time wishing for a forum like this and it turned out it was here all along.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 06:07:33 am by Mahar »
Posts: 522

I could have confirmed it from experience, too; I remember the probes decreasing after I got the destruct code.
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
As for RUs... Get the self-destruct from the Sylandro, but DON'T GO BACK.
Not going back doesn't stop the gradual deterioration of the presence of Slylandro Probes. It starts when you get the self-destruct code. JSYK, Avenger is well accepted to be a counter to Earthling Cruiser, and to be very weak against most other ships. Ahh curses. Why haven't they disappeared? I still can't go four AUs without one of 'em popping in front of me. Maybe because I took to long.
Who woulda guessed that the GAS GIANT was the one I was supposed to look in? I thought the Zoq-Fot-Pik had gone nuts.
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