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Author Topic: Bad starship combinations  (Read 8311 times)
Frungy champion
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Bad starship combinations
« on: February 16, 2007, 12:16:59 am »

This is to discuss "X *will* kill Y", or similar matchups.  Mainly try and think of combos that's basically throwing a ship away. 

VUX vs Earthling:  This is completely dependant on the start of the match.  IF the player with the VUX gets an Ambush on the Earthling while it's not moving, or moving very slowly, h has a very good chance of killing it then and there.  That's a luck-based strategy though, only works maybe 7 of 10 times.  Once the Earthling pulls away, it's all over but the dying.

Chenjesu vs Utwig: Bark-Bark, there goes your batteries.

Spathi vs Avatar:  Primary and secondary weapons cannot get pat the defense ring.  Arilou has the same problem, probably a small list of ships can be written in just for it.  Once it's ring is gone though, it's a whole different critter. An Arilou should be able to crack it pretty easy then.

Mycon vs Arilou:  Yeah, it's all about being able to kill the Mycon at will with it's own ammunition.  Arilou only has 6 crew though, so it only takes the wrong inattentive second to end this pretty fast the other way.  A Mycon gravity whip helps some, but eventually you're going to tattoo a planet with your ass.

Who else can think of lopsided matchups?

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Re: Bad starship combinations
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2007, 05:00:47 pm »

Actually, all the match ups you mention aren't really one sided. Given various positions and skill sets, those can be fair battles. The only one I wouldn't want to be in is the Spathi vs. Chmmr match-up, if they both start at full health.

I'd say most ships vs. the Scout are pretty one sided and not many ships will lose to a Drone in a fair fight.

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Re: Bad starship combinations
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2007, 06:49:01 pm »

There are a bunch. But I'll mention one of the biggest lopsided matches between two good ships that hasn't been mentioned yet:

Androsynth vs Orz: The Orz has no chance. Marines are useless and you will be blazed in short order. Those huge fins on the Nemesis are just too hard for a decent Androsynth player to miss. At best, the Orz can hope to get in a few hits with its cannon before being smashed to bits.
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Re: Bad starship combinations
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2007, 08:46:39 pm »

Chenjesu vs Utwig: Bark-Bark, there goes your batteries.
Its so incredibly easy to not get hit by a dogi.  This is not as one sided as you may think

Matches which are one sided, near free kills where the winner is usually unhit are:
Androsynth > Mycon
Androsynth > VUX
Arilou > Melnorme
Arilou > Mycon
Arilou > Orz
Chmrr > Arilou
Chmrr > Earthling
Chmrr > Slylandro
Chmrr > VUX
Chmrr > Spathi
Drudge > Ilwrath
Earthling > Spathi
Kohr-Ah > Ilwrath
Kohr-Ah > Mycon
Kohr-Ah > Umgah
Melnorme > Ilwrath
Melnorme > Umgah
Melnorme > Yehat
Mhrnmhrm > Mycon
Mhrnmhrm > VUX
Orz > Ilwrath
Pkunk > Mycon
Pkunk > Spathi
Slylandro > Mycon
Slylandro > Syreen
Slyandro > Umgah
Spathi > Mycon
Spathi > Umgah
Spathi > VUX
Supox > Ilrath
Supox > Mycon
Supox > Zoq-Fot-Pik
Syreen > Ilwrath
Thraddash > Ilwrath
Thraddash > VUX
Ur-Quan > Ilwrath
Ur-Quan > Umgah
Ur-Quan > Zoq-Fot-Pik
Utwig > Chmrr
Utwig > Earthling
Utwig > Mycon
VUX > Yehat
Zoq-Fot-Pik > Mycon

Thats my opinion of Dominating matchups. 
Mycon is dominated by 10 opponents.
Ilwrath is dominated by 8 opponents.
VUX is dominated by 5 opponents.
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Re: Bad starship combinations
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2007, 09:43:16 pm »

Wowsers, how long did that take you. What about VUX > Utwig and Earthling > Orz

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Re: Bad starship combinations
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2007, 10:07:26 pm »

Is that about player vs. player, or player vs. AI?
From my experience against AI, Thraddash > Chmmr, Thraddash > Androsynth (afterburner quickly kills the Blazer) and Thraddash > Yehat.
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Re: Bad starship combinations
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2007, 11:00:27 pm »

It's all about about PvP i'm afraid. is bad and strange.

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Re: Bad starship combinations
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2007, 01:50:43 am »

Druuge against Yehat or Utwig. You got no chance lol, every shot will just be shielded before they close in.

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Aya Reiko
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Re: Bad starship combinations
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2007, 10:50:38 am »


A good Androsynth player should be able to use blazer mode to keep out of the Avatar's range and bubble the ship to death.

The BUTT missile's range should allow the Spathi pilot to stay far enough away to easily dodge the Kohr-Ah's discs while chipping away at the crew.

Chenjesu can DOGI the Druuge ship, literally, to death.

The Illwrath ship is almost guaranteed a defeat due to their lack of speed and range.  The cloaking device is not very useful at all.

Same as Illwrath.  The backwards teleport ability is not useful outside of an expert's hands.


Re: Bad starship combinations
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2007, 11:09:02 am »

I should say there are very few absolutely impossible match-ups.  Of course with PVP you have to consider the skill of each of the players involved.

VUX vs. Earthling - if the VUX gets a gravwhip it becomes entirely probable.  The question is how many hits is the earthling going to get before that happens.  Those missiles aren't entirely accurate (abysmal in fact) and the Earthling can't PDL limpets all day.

Chenjesu vs. Utwig - The Utwig has a great turning speed and can just look off the DOGIs unless one is released very closely.  Presumably the Utwig would be chasing while the Chenjesu would try to fire, but it's quite easy to avoid DOGIs as an Utwig.

Spathi vs. Avatar - I take it you didn't see the demo video I did of taking out a fully crewed Avatar with a Spathi.  Granted it was the awesome AI, but it's still *possible*.  In PVP the Avatar pilot would die of boredom before it would happen though.

Agreed on the Mycon vs. Arilou.  If the Arilou pilot is even half good the Mycon's dead.

I won't comment too much on any of the other matchups since there's a boatload of comments that could be made and I could be typing here all day.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2007, 11:13:44 am by Captain Smith » Logged
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Re: Bad starship combinations
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2007, 12:49:38 pm »

Chenjesu vs Utwig: Bark-Bark, there goes your batteries.

Even without batteries/shields, the Utwig is still an adversary.

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Re: Bad starship combinations
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2007, 02:42:36 am »


A good Androsynth player should be able to use blazer mode to keep out of the Avatar's range and bubble the ship to death.

Unless you're talking about Player vs Computer, that is not true. An Androsynth bubble bath will only force a stalemate until the Androsynth pilot decides to grow up. Then again, you also said that Spathi trump Kohr-Ah, but that goes out the window against any halfway talented player.

Chenjesu vs Utwig: Bark-Bark, there goes your batteries.
Even without batteries/shields, the Utwig is still an adversary.

This is true. One of the biggest upsets I've pulled in PVP was beating someone's Chenjesu with an Utwig in the first round of combat. I'd still say the Chenjesu has the advantage in that fight but it isn't completely one-sided.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2007, 02:46:38 am by Shiver » Logged
Aya Reiko
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Re: Bad starship combinations
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2007, 05:14:50 am »


A good Androsynth player should be able to use blazer mode to keep out of the Avatar's range and bubble the ship to death.

Unless you're talking about Player vs Computer, that is not true. An Androsynth bubble bath will only force a stalemate until the Androsynth pilot decides to grow up. Then again, you also said that Spathi trump Kohr-Ah, but that goes out the window against any halfway talented player.

No, the Androsynth can easily best the Chmmr.  The Guardian pilot must exploit the Avatar's limited firing range and overwhelm it with bubbles while saving some energy to speed away.  The Guardian's pilot should start to speed away when it is just outside the Avatar's firing range.  If the Avatar opts to continue to pursue, the Guardian pilot should speed away just outside the Avatar's firing range again, except this time the Guardian will have a little more energy for the getaway.  If the Avatar drops the pursuit, the Guardian can simply maneuver around to fully restock its energy.

Or if you don't mind taking a bit of a loss and have good enough maneuvering skills, or if the Avatar foolishly remains idle: Get close, blazer form, get to the side and plow where the wing joins the ship.  The Guardian will take a few shots from the zapsats, but the Avatar will be dead in no time.

The best ships to deal with the Avatars are those who can outrun it even while the tractor beam is on and can fire on it either overwhelming or destroying the zapsats in the process.  The Supox, the Androsynth, and the Orz all can do this.

That said...


As for Spathi vs. Kohr-Ah.  The Eluder pilot must stay on the outer limits of the BUTT missile's range and chip away at the Marauder's crew.  The Marauder is too slow and not remotely maneuverable enough to avoid the Spathi's shots.  Plus the Eluder is more than fast enough and maneuverable enough to avoid the Marauder discs while keeping just inside the BUTT's range.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2007, 05:49:44 am by Aya Reiko » Logged

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Re: Bad starship combinations
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2007, 08:51:52 am »

Though if a Kohr-Ah pilot gets defensive, there's a stalemate - a BUTT can't get through FRIED.
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Re: Bad starship combinations
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2007, 09:05:52 am »

I'm sorry but a spathi cant elude a kohr-ah's shirakins forever, even good pilots will lose out over time. noone will ever beat my kohr-ah with a spathi - of course this would require me to camp and i tend to lose patince and attack to my own detriment anyway.

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