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Topic: remix packages for OSX help? (Read 9597 times)
Dan E Boy
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
OK I'ts been a while since I upgraded UQM. I was running 0.4 with the remix packs working perfectly without having to launch in terminal. So I've upgraded to 0.6.2 running a PPC on Tiger and noticed that you have to run it in terminal to get the addon remixes to work. I've put the zipped remixes in the proper location and tried running the command line that was posted on here and got this result.
:~ Dana_E$ /Applications/The\ Ur-Quan\\ Ur-Quan\ Masters -n Resources/content --addon uqmremix The Ur-Quan Masters v0.6.2 (compiled Jan 17 2007 20:06:29) This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see the included 'COPYING' file.
Netplay protocol version 0.3. Requiring remote UQM version 0.5.4. Initializing base SDL functionality. Using SDL version 1.2.11 (compiled with 1.2.11) Using config dir '/Users/Dana_E/.uqm/' Fatal error: Could not find content.
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance!!
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

That looks like it's not finding the content at all. I think you're going to need to run it from inside the .app directory, not from your home directory. The -n directory is thus looking for Resources/ from wherever you happen to be at the time. Try doing
/Applications/The\ Ur-Quan\\ Ur-Quan\ Masters -n /Applications/The\ Ur-Quan\ --addon uqmremix
And see if that does you any better.
Dan E Boy
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
It looks like that was the problem.. I just ran the command though the terminal and it worked great! Thank you!!
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