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Topic: New crazy mod (Read 59543 times)
I just had the ZFP crash my game as well when I selected it. The ship worked when the computer controlled it, so I don't know what the problem was. Also, I've noticed the ZFP front ship break away from its following segments by flying too fast (I think it collided with an asteroid in a weird way, but that could have just been a gravity whip) which probably isn't intended.
Valaggar Redux
In my game, the ZFP crashes even when the AI controls it, though seemingly less often.
Could this be due to having compiled the game with MinGW, similar to the voiceover bug/problem?
Valaggar Redux
Do any of these crashes happen in the middle of a round, or only when the ZFP warps in? Only immediately after the warp-in sequence is complete (at the point where you are supposed to gain control of the ship). Every now and then, though (rarely though. Unless it is the AI which pilots the ship, in which case the crashes are rare), for no apparent reason, the crash doesn't occur.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2008, 08:48:37 am by Valaggah Redux »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 291
That's exactly what I meant, yes. They eventually catch up.
Valaggar Redux
Well, I fixed the Arilou-hits-Mycon semi-bug and the ZFP bug1, and also made a few edits to make the source friendlier to more compilers (namely, I moved some function prototypes outside any function, and I moved variable declarations to the top of their scope) because MSVC refused to compile it otherwise. Here's the new source. Here's the Win32 build.
1It was also caused by division by zero -- namely, when mag and cur_dx, or mag and cur_dy, were equal -- that is, when a segment and the next one in line would be in the exact same place in the next frame. I also applied the same thing to the "divisor" variable to avoid further crashes due to division by zero.
By the way, as the Arilou vs Mycon fight is a sure (but boring) win for the Mycon, shouldn't the Arilou be programmed to self-destruct when a Mycon is in the arena? Unless it's too difficult -- I tried to identify the Arilou based on the Arilou's StarShipPtr->RaceDescPtr->ship_data.ship[0] (as you can see in a comment in mycon_postprocess), but the condition, for some reason, failed to be true when I fired up Melee and set up an Arilou vs Mycon fight.
Valaggar Redux
Are you still unable to download the source?
Valaggar Redux
You used a goto?! Blasphemer!  Goto can be useful at times. It was the most elegant solution here, and it makes the code slightly more readable and slightly faster than the alternative (for the divisor == 0 check).
Also, you got your order of operations wrong.
Sorry, about that, fixed. (source, Win32 build)
the ZFP [...] crashed Yeah, it's probably because of the oversight pointed out by EP above you. Now fixed (see above).
Oh and the computer plays Ur-Quan like a bitch he just sends like 500 fighters after you Yeah, I even experience slowdowns at times when there are so many fighters.
Fighting an AI-controlled Ur-Quan: - Guys who can win without taking damage: Pkunk (screw the primary -- just use the backwards tongue), Orz (stay away and let the marine get its way), Slylandro - The Ur-Quan is defeated, but not without incurring grievous damage on, or killing, the other ship: Chmmr, Earthling (PD always on, stay far from the enemy and nuke him), Shofixti (just launch Scouts at the UQ, and at concentrations of fighters that are firing on you), Syreen, Umgah. - Guys who usually lose, but damage the Ur-Quan a great deal (section probably incomplete): Arilou (due to the UQ hitting the planets more badly due to the speedlaser), Utwig (use shield against fighters, not energy spears!), Spathi.
Two minor suggestions for the mod: - The Earthling's PD should be on if the special is NOT pressed instead of if it is pressed -- most of the time, you want to keep it on. - The Arilou's speedlaser should change the enemy ship's icon just like VUX limpets do.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 02:28:12 pm by Jubal-lun-Sul »
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