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Author Topic: Star Control - The RPG/Board Game  (Read 41204 times)
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Re: Star Control - The RPG/Board Game
« Reply #120 on: March 29, 2007, 10:07:48 pm »

So has anyone tried it yet?  Grin
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Re: Star Control - The RPG/Board Game
« Reply #121 on: March 30, 2007, 12:11:37 am »

Look cool! 

You should check out a classic board game that somewhat similar, Car Wars.  It has similar features: a grid board (or at least the old version used to), little chits everywhere, somewhat complex movement system.  I can't speak to the "5th edition" but we did play games like this in the 80s when men were men and damage was d-sided.  Smiley

I attended at lecture by Steve Jackson at the GDC this year, and randomly bumped into him later to speak with him.  Cool guy!  His work is almost exclusively pen-and-paper games, so he has hardly any exposure to video games per se.  Still a lot of the game design principles are the same, whether it's manipulating tokens and using scrap paper or nerfing palys in WoW.  That's my little rant.  Anyhow you should check out these other pen-and-paper games if you haven't already.

I've been tossing around ideas for my own Star Control-themed board game.  It started out as just using that Magic card editor to make some cards just for laughs, but I revised it a few times to make it into a semi-playable form.  It's very different from what you have here, the combat in mine is fairly simple and also really unbalanced. Smiley  The focus in mine is more on the interaction between players, suprising the other players, and a bit more strategy.  I still haven't decided if it'll be GPL / Creative Commons or commercial, which is why I haven't posted much about it yet.  It also kinda stinks, but that's never been a reason not to post things online! Smiley

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Re: Star Control - The RPG/Board Game
« Reply #122 on: March 30, 2007, 06:15:17 pm »

I have fond memories of playing Car Wars back in the 80s. Great stuff. However, I saw a newer edition of the game in a hobby shop recently, and I don't even recognize it anymore. Alas, another childhood memory dashed to pieces.

As for trying out THIS game... Well, I'd love to, but I would actually need someone to play against. Easier said than done. Of course, it doesn't help that the rules are still kind of incomplete; there are a lot of issues and ambiguities once you take a look at the individual ships, to say nothing of the glaring problems and missing pieces: inertia, planets, asteroids, etc.
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Re: Star Control - The RPG/Board Game
« Reply #123 on: April 02, 2007, 12:15:07 am »

I like the idea of a CCG for SC2. I've barely played it, but I'm really into making games. Personally, I'm no good at it, but that's beside the point! Perhaps you could approach the project from a 'for fun' stand point, and leave the printing to those who wish to play it. Maybe you can design pdfs that would print out on 8.5x11 business card stock. Or, you could make jpegs of the cards that would fit  severall onto a 4x6 picture, and players could just print them out at their local photo lab for 20 cents per 4x6. I'd be totally willing to print out 50 pictures for 10 dollars, then cut them up (with a paper cutter) and play! But that's me. You've got people all interested... There's no backing out now!
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Re: Star Control - The RPG/Board Game
« Reply #124 on: April 02, 2007, 08:35:04 am »

Hm, a star control card trading game would be awesome, but actually the one I'm designing doesn't have trading.  There are just stock decks that will come with the game.  The designs I have right now are just prototyped on the Magic cards because it was a nice tool for working with.  The requirements are pretty different.  Seeing the ships etc on magic cards is a nice laugh, but doesn't really match the rules. 

I'd love to have time to finish the design and do something with it, but there are only so many hours in the day. Sad  If I do get somewhere with it I'll at the very least start a new thread about it.  I don't want to take away from Clay's thunder here. Smiley

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Re: Star Control - The RPG/Board Game
« Reply #125 on: April 02, 2007, 09:29:40 am »

Not sure how you could go about contacting TFB, are they even active on the internet anymore?
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Re: Star Control - The RPG/Board Game
« Reply #126 on: April 02, 2007, 03:37:56 pm »

Supermelee sounds like a great idea for a turn-based fantasy board game.
And the page rulebook liiks kind of 'official'.
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Re: Star Control - The RPG/Board Game
« Reply #127 on: April 03, 2007, 08:00:27 pm »

Hey, I don't suppose anyone has the font used for headers in the SC2 manual?  I remember someone was making a remake of the manual targeted to UQM with it...but I never got the typeface from it.

I'm currently using Eurostile, which is nice, but it might be nice to have some SC-flavored fonts, too.

Clay, I was/am working on the manual project. PM me for the font information.

Nice looking teaser, btw!
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Re: Star Control - The RPG/Board Game
« Reply #128 on: April 14, 2010, 09:21:35 am »

I know this is pretty much a dead topic, and I know that I haven't introduced myself, but I feel that I can breathe new life into this with quite a bit of ease.

A few years back (2005, to be precise,) I was working on a tactical boardgame inspired by Twilight Imperium.  It was meant to be faster paced, with less focus on the tech and infrastructure, more on the tactical nature of space combat.  It went through many different forms, finally settling on the very simple form that it exists in today.  Hidden away in my backup files on one of my hard-drives.

It is a one dice game, using 6-sided dice (but that could be changed if a step system was demanded.)  It had (in its beta form) identical races with now bonuses or negatives, but there was a plan for a system where you could customise any of the player races with a series of cards that you picked at the beginning of the game.  These cards would allow you to use special ships, form special fleets, build special buildings, or use one-off special boons.  In the state that it exists in the manual, it is a tile-based board.  In the last notes I have for it, I have provisions for a tile-and-strip setup where the long strips are interstellar space, which is big, takes time to cross, and you are not likely to run into anyone else out there.  That could be changed if it fits better wher fleets automatically meet when they cross interstellar space in opposite directions.

Basically, I have a system that could be modded to be a SC game.  It is under a CC license, and I will post it if there is enough interest here to help mod the system.  I've already done the gruntwork, which has made a slim and easy to play system: what we need now is the color that will turn it into the game that you want.

Anyone interested?
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Re: Star Control - The RPG/Board Game
« Reply #129 on: April 14, 2010, 08:34:35 pm »

I'm certainly intrigued. If you kick this off I'll do my best to help out even though I have my spoon in quite a few SC projects already. I'd maybe suggest trying over at the SCDB Mod forum as well, especially if you just want people to give input and suggestions.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2010, 08:08:30 pm by Lukipela » Logged

What's up doc?
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Re: Star Control - The RPG/Board Game
« Reply #130 on: April 15, 2010, 01:32:17 am »

Quote from: Lukipeia
I'm certainly intrigued. If you kick this off I'll do my best to help out even though I have my spoon in quite a few SC projects already. I'd maybe suggest trying over at the = Mod forum as well, especially if you just want people to give input and suggestions.

That is really the approach that I have taken with game-making in the past.
I'll start going through my HDDs to find the pdfs of the game, and the notes that I have.  I'd like some assistance people who are interested in helping out with art (Screengrabbed or new pixelart would be cool,) making the race-mod cards, and people to help out with balance testing, but that should be it.

I am very new to the whole Ur-Quan Masters scene, so pardon me when I ask a lot of questions.  (Although I have been going through the wiki pretty much non-stop.  Between that and the whole getting ready for college thing, I've been able to stay not-bored.)

[EDIT: Asked, not told.]
« Last Edit: April 15, 2010, 01:36:12 am by NonesuchPlace » Logged
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Re: Star Control - The RPG/Board Game
« Reply #131 on: April 15, 2010, 02:06:07 am »

I am always happy to help with game ideas, especially creative and balance (not art, though). Just ask Luki.
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Re: Star Control - The RPG/Board Game
« Reply #132 on: April 15, 2010, 08:07:51 pm »

Just ask Luki.

Yeah you're a real champ. Now get back to writing units for my game!

* Lukipela cracks whip

Anyway, there are a few dedicated MTG fans over on the SCDB, I'm sure they could be convinced to help out with cards and stuff. I can help you out with screengrabs of ships easily enough by pointing you to this page on the PNF

Resources page

There are all the GFX of ships from Timewarp. For other original GFX the Ultronomicon is quite good. New art is trickier though.

What's up doc?
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Re: Star Control - The RPG/Board Game
« Reply #133 on: April 21, 2010, 04:07:32 pm »

That is really the approach that I have taken with game-making in the past.
I'll start going through my HDDs to find the pdfs of the game, and the notes that I have.  I'd like some assistance people who are interested in helping out with art (Screengrabbed or new pixelart would be cool,) making the race-mod cards, and people to help out with balance testing, but that should be it.

I'm definitely intrigued by this project, enough so to at least want to take a look at the rules, if you have them in some convenient text format.  I'd also be willing to lend a hand with art.  I'm no master of digital artwork, mind you, but I have a long history of fiddling with board game ideas and trying to make game tokens for them.

I've already taken the liberty of downloading the 2D art from the link Luki provided.  I don't really have a lot of skill at drawing my own art, but I can photoshop existing art pretty well, I think.  As long as this remains a non-profit venture I don't think TFB would have an issue with it, based on their past statements regarding fan work.  Once I have a feel for the kinds of game components needed, I'll draw up a few examples and you can decide if you want me to do more or not.
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Re: Star Control - The RPG/Board Game
« Reply #134 on: April 21, 2010, 09:34:22 pm »

I've already taken the liberty of downloading the 2D art from the link Luki provided.  I don't really have a lot of skill at drawing my own art, but I can photoshop existing art pretty well, I think.  As long as this remains a non-profit venture I don't think TFB would have an issue with it, based on their past statements regarding fan work.  Once I have a feel for the kinds of game components needed, I'll draw up a few examples and you can decide if you want me to do more or not.

I'm actually really happy that some of the resources page may come in handy. that was exactly the point for putting it there, to help out with gfx for projects like this.

What's up doc?
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