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Topic: Injection 7: the ZoqFotPik (Read 3918 times)
Posts: 1044
Draxas: I said that the GREEN one, the one from the LEFT, eats RFC (rocky fungal clingers). And he really doesn't seem like having orifices. He's the one with spraying, not tonguing. First of all, I continue to suggest that they ALL eat fungal clingers. Besides, what the heck else in their diet would the blue guys need their tongue for (besides tasting enemy ships, of course)? As for the green one's orifices, just because they're not obvious, doesn't mean they're not there. I don't recall what the main gun does for their pilot animation offhand, but I'm sure you could extrapolate something from it... If you were so inclined. Personally, I think this silly topic has probably reached its limit; anything else we can say (not to mention practically everything we've said so far) is the purest speculation possible.
And Death: So you're suggesting that the Fot is simply too busy to talk? Then why are they referred to by the others as not talking at all: "YOU: Doesn't that guy in the back ever say anything? ZOQ: Nope. PIK: Not a thing". You're missing the point by overanalyzing. It's a JOKE (much like 90% of the ZFP dialog), it's supposed to be FUNNY. LAUGH! LAUGH, I SAY!
Besides, for all we know he's just shy. Personally, I think he's the glue that holds ZFP society together; the personalities of green and blue clash so starkly and frequently that I find it highly doubtful that they would be able to create a civilization on their own without killing each other (or at least drawing a line down the middle of their planet, and each demanding that the other stay on "their side"). Then again, there's no telling if the particular ZFP you speak with each time you visit are representative members of their species as a whole; perhaps most other blue guys despise Frungy and are quiet and reserved, perhaps most other greens are Frungy fanatics and complete goofballs, and perhaps other browns talk a mile a minute. Like I said before, purest speculation at this point.
Michael Jordan at a computer would at first glance to an alien appear sessile. This implied it.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3874
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
No it doesn't. The computer in the Fot side of the analogy is the communications screen to your ship.
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