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Topic: Ethics in the Game (Read 2638 times)
I thought I'd put something else into the forum maybe to get people discussing things. I think of Hayes chewing you out for selling slaves. But there's some other situations that you'd wonder if he really would say something, logically. Like:
1) You can trade for a Druuge ship without trading crew. What's the difference really of selling crew to the Druuge for them to feed the furnaces, or your own Druuge captain feeding your own crew into the furnace? You have to wonder.
2) I know it doesn't happen in the full game, but what if you went against a Syreen in an Earthling ship? You have to wonder what Hayes would say if the Syreen drew your crew out and as the Earthling captain you simply zapped them so the Syreen couldn't pick them up?
What do you all think about these things? And specifically what do you do in the 2nd situation? Try to win and leave the crew out or zap them straight away?
Frungy champion
Posts: 77

The first situation (with the Druuge) may be resolved with having the Druuge captain flying solo so that he hasn't any crew to burn
Posts: 1044

Not to mention that it's your ship, and he's basically powerless to stop you. Short of raising crew prices, what's Hayes going to do? Withhold his support from your cause? The best he could muster on his own is a small fleet of Cruisers, and that doesn't quite have the same impact in diplomacy as a Precursor "warship." Besides, I'm sure he wants to see the slave shields come down as much as anyone else, even to the point of working with someone whose practices he finds distasteful.
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