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Author Topic: Melee tournament with Fred and Paul??  (Read 1840 times)
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Melee tournament with Fred and Paul??
« on: June 04, 2007, 02:09:00 am »

Hi all

I'm considering holding a Melee tournament to coincide with the IRC chat with Fred and Paul on the 13th (or whenever it is). The aim is to take advantage of all the extra people that will be around and get a bit of profile for the tournaments

I would like some feedback on the most effective/appropriate way of doing this (constructive please). So, here are some options:

1)] Begin the tournament 1 hour before Fred and Paul arrive, and break for their presence, and then resume
Advantages: It just seems right
Disadvantages: might be a bit quiet one hour before they get here

2) Begin the tournament while they're here
Advantages: P&F might even take part
Disadvantages: might be too difficult to expect people to concentrate on the chat and the tournament. I imagine people would want to hang on to every word of the chat.

3) Begin the tournament after the chat winds up
Advantages: Not disruptive to the chat
Disadvantages: Might be too late to begin a tournament (for Europeans)

So what do people think? Are people intersted in this? Is it appropriate? How should we do do it?

Play online melee here!
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Re: Melee tournament with Fred and Paul??
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2007, 02:12:47 am »

I think its a good idea to start the tourny a bit before the chat itself starts. Once Paul and Fred come in, it'll be very chaotic, too chaotic to even get anyone playing. And starting after just seems weird.

I dunno, I figure everyone will be excited before hand, and wanting to get into that SC2 (heheh Star Control 2 and Starcraft 2, I can use the same acronym on 2 forums!) mood by playing and remembering, thus getting them suitably ampd for the interview.

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Re: Melee tournament with Fred and Paul??
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2007, 03:56:57 am »

F&P have been so gracious to have this IRC chat with the fans; don't you think that they should at least be given everyone's undivided attention? That's all I have to say about option 2.

With option 1, you'll have interrupted battles, and people who miss the start of the IRC session.

Option 3 sounds better; you'll have the people who came in for the chat already there (some of whom may not read the boards).
But don't announce a time in advance; the tournament should be no reason for P&F to cut short the chat. Just invite everyone to join when the chat is over.
But with the new people around, who may not have played Melee against a human before, and many of whom will have firewalls to set up, maybe you should just invite everyone for some friendly matches. You'll have a greater chance of them joining, a greater chance of them having a good time, and hence a greater chance that they'll be there at your next tournament.

Note that we want TFB to have a good time too during the event, and they might like to play a few games during the chat anyhow. (Chris at least has announced that he'll set up a machine at TFB for SuperMelee.)

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Re: Melee tournament with Fred and Paul??
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2007, 05:16:31 am »

3) Begin the tournament after the chat winds up
Advantages: Not disruptive to the chat
Disadvantages: Might be too late to begin a tournament (for Europeans)

This. Go with this. My 2 cents.

Re: Melee tournament with Fred and Paul??
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2007, 02:57:16 pm »

3) Begin the tournament after the chat winds up
Advantages: Not disruptive to the chat
Disadvantages: Might be too late to begin a tournament (for Europeans)
As an European, I disagree with this option - however, it's better than the other two. Plus, I don't participate in Melee tournaments anyway.
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Re: Melee tournament with Fred and Paul??
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2007, 10:06:31 pm »

Okay, im convinced - a formal tournament is too difficult. Consider the idea scrapped. Maybe an informal one if the wind is right.

Otherwise, I'm looking forward to the chat - what is it, 9 sleeps to go?

Play online melee here!
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